*** All pieces can be ordered here ***

Jan. 2025: prices below are out of date


Blockflote Boogie - Andy Meyers

Come and Play - Colin Hand

Ross Winters Recorder Anthology Series

Andrew Robinson Editions

John Turner Contemporary Recorder

Peacock Press books




P 06 Playtime Tunes bk 1. G - D, arr. Ruth Mead £3.00
This book of mainly original material is a useful extra to the learner's Tutor book. It gives more tunes for the beginner at each new note with simple rhythms so that the player should be able to tackle the pieces without the aid of the teacher and thus reinforces the early lessons.

P 10 Playtime Carols, arr. Ruth Mead: 24 traditional carols, melody line only, £3.00

P 55 My Recorder Workbook by Christine Welham £3.00
A note book which reinforces the practical work for very young players. A very first Theory Book.

P 58 It's My Tune by Linda Morse £5.75
Subtitled "A non-specialist's way in to creative music-making, composition and improvisation through basic recorder playing."A most attractive book with children's drawings throughout. Linda Morse, a very experienced teacher shares her knowledge and experience to give confidence to willing to "have a go"!

P 23 Progressive Tunes by Betsy Barker & Vanessa Hawthorn £3.50
A well structured tune book for beginners containing 60 tunes which youngsters love to play. Two experienced teachers wrote this for their own use in primary schools so it has been well tried over generations of eager recorder players.

Michael H Landa - MAKE MUSIC NOW: a versatile course for teaching music and melodic instruments, for schools, individual tuition and the home

P 260 TB Teacher's Book, £7.50
P 260 PB Pupil's Book Part 1, £4.50
P 260 PACK Photocopiable Pack Part 1, £13.00
P 286 PACK - Make Music Now: Pack (photocopiable) 2 - £13.00
P 286 PB - Make Music Now: Pupil's Book Part 2 - £4.50
P 287 PACK - Make Music Now: Pack (photocopiable) 3 £13.00
P 287 PB Make Music Now: Pupil's Book Part 3 - £4.50

P 358 Bag of Tunes by Jackey Birch for descant recorder, £4.00
Melodies and duets for descant recorder using only 3 notes.

P 608 Easy Christmas Tunes for descant recorder and piano (+guitar chords), £4.00
6 easy carols with simple accompaniments. The recorder part is in large print to help children and beginners.

More Advanced


P 106 Piper on the Mountain by Ian Beasley, £7.50
How to Improvise on a solo melody instrument

P 142 An Introduction to Fontegara and the Art of Divisions by Emma Murphy, £9.00

P 513 The Grammar of Ornament by Eric Haas, £13.00
An invaluable source of information on ornamentation and embellishment in the late Baroque.  Includes guidelines for modern performances and musical rhetoric, tables of ornaments, trill exercises, guidelines for free ornamentation and plenty of musical examples by Handel, Corelli, Finger and Telemann.


P 56 Two Sonatas for Recorder, One Hand, Op. 1, by John Roberts-James (1 T, S, A, So) £5.00

P 40 Concerto in F by Alessandro Marcello, ed. Jeanne Dolmetsch (solo descant) £3.25

P 199 Medieval Songs and Dances for descant or tenor recorder, £5.00

P 297 Descant's Delight - a dozen delighful melodies for descant recorder solo by Dave Marsh, £4.00

P 413 Jay Mackie - Jungle Life for descant recorder, £4.50
Jungle Life is a tone poem hopefully giving the player the experience of a jungle expedition encountering oppressive heat, squawking parrots, sultry nights, urgency of survival and some cooler calmer reflections. Moderate to difficult.

P 471 The Castle on the Hill - New Music from the English Countryside by Robin Andrews for S/T, £6.30
For descant or tenor although some fit happily on the treble. There are chord suggestions for those wishing to involve an accompanist. This is a collection of new music fitting into the Folk/Traditional category, inspired by the composer being immersed for several years in the traditional and early music from various countries including England, Ireland, France and Spain.

P 542 Capital Studies for descant recorder by Guus Haverkate. With piano ad lib. Study book £6.00 Piano part £8.50 Both together £13.00
12 capital cities are the inspiration for these studies, each one of which is targeted to a particular technique and there are tips and explanations to each piece. There is a piano accompaniment, if required, which is ad lib but looks rather interesting and therefore enhancing these advanced studies!

P 607  Season Songs by Alison West for solo descant or treble, £6.00
Both versions are printed here. All four pieces were written in the Season each portrays and each piece is evocative of those times and the titles chosen appropriately.
Imagine if we could fly like swallows; It’s too hot to play tennis; Fancy a game of conkers?!; In the hoar frost everything sparkles. Four very expressive pieces of an advanced standard.

P 707 Soprano Recorder Solo Book- Misc. ed. Eric Haas, 1 S (or 1 T), £20.00
130 pages of music from from 13th to 21st Centuries. Plenty to keep people entertained in the lockdown. Spiral-bound to lie flat on the music stand, strong plastic cover for durability and very clear well-set-out print. Tenor recorder could also be appropriate for many of the pieces.

P 710 Sue at the Zoo: five jazzy solos by Marg Hall for solo descant or tenor, £5.50


P 09 Soliloquy and Four Contrasts by Peter Heron £3.75

P 59 Recorder Routines: 96 exercises for treble recorder by Malcolm Davies £6.50

P 45 Animal Antics by Elizabeth Cooper complete £5.25, part £1.75
A collection of recorder studies with animal names such as "Sly Fox", "Playful Kitten", Chattering Monkeys" which describe the pieces. The piano accompaniment is an optional extra..

P 311 Elizabeth Cooper - Ten Advanced Studies for treble recorder, £5.00

P 552 One on the Cool Side by Marg Hall: Four jazzy solos for treble recorder, £3.00
Four substantial, character pieces in Marg's inimitable style. Plenty to work at but not too difficult. They are dedicated to Jackey Birch who features in "Waltz for Jackey"

P 607  Season Songs by Alison West for solo descant or treble, £5.50
Both versions are printed here. All four pieces were written in the Season each portrays and each piece is evocative of those times and the titles chosen appropriately.
Imagine if we could fly like swallows; It’s too hot to play tennis; Fancy a game of conkers?!; In the hoar frost everything sparkles.
Four very expressive pieces of an advanced standard.

P 714 Alto Recorder Solo Book - Misc. arr. Eric Haas for solo treble, £20.00
Music from from 13th to 21st Centuries. Spiral-bound to lie flat on the music stand, strong plastic cover for durability and very clear well-set-out print.

P 789 Airs for the Seasons: Spring by James Oswald, for 1 A & pno £6.50
The Pheasant Eye ;The Crocus; The Tulip


P 415 Jay Mackie - too much information for a solo tenor recorder, £4.50
This piece is not for the faint hearted - a good technique is required. Ideas come tumbling one after another - the product of an overloaded brain as the title suggests.

P 455  Philomela by Andy Meyers for solo tenor recorder, £5.00
Philomela was a Princess of Athens, but after a series of tragic events she was transformed into a nightingale. In this piece she is singing proudly - just a bird to her listeners, but she remembers her royal past.

P 749 Tenor Recorder Solo Book - selected, edited and arranged by Eric Haas, £20.00
Music from from 13th to 21st Centuries. Spiral-bound to lie flat on the music stand, strong plastic cover for durability and very clear well-set-out print. Click here and here for contents. This completes this very comprehensive series for the solo recorder.


P 506 Solos for Bass Recorder selected and arranged by Eric Haas,  £7.50
‘A valuable album of pieces for those who delight in playing the bass recorder.  There are twenty-eight solos, cleverly organised, not only in chronological order, but also in order of difficulty’ - Janice Ormerod in The Recorder Magazine.  Music ranges from Bach, Pearson, Woodcock, Boismortier, Hume, Ortiz, Braun and Van Eyck to name but a few.

P 722 Solo Book for the Bass Recorder - ed. Eric Haas, £20.00
130 pages of music from from 13th to 21st Centuries. Spiral-bound to lie flat on the music stand, strong plastic cover for durability and very clear well-set-out print.


P 216 Geoffrey Winters: Reflections, 1 S/A/T one player, £4.50

P 239 Alan Davis - Cantus Avium et Volatus (Song and Flight of Birds) for descant or treble recorder, £8.50
Originally written in 1998 as a set of progressive technical studies for the Trinity College London grade examination. Each study depicts the character of the bird named in the title.

P 300 Who Gave Thee Thy Jolly Red Nose? - Misc arr. Lucy and Roddy Skeaping for 1, 2, 3 & 4 recorders SATB various, £7.50
Tunes from the Taverns, Streets and Theatres of 16th- & 17th-century England

P 717 8 Fantasias for Solo Recorders. For 8 different recorders: Gk.Sno.S.A.T.B.Gb.C. - by Steve Griffiths, £6.85
These pieces were composed to challenge and entertain advanced players.

P 824 Sketches by Nicholas Wynne for guitar and recorder, £12.50
Twelve pieces using various recorders S A T and B. Score with music notation plus a part for recorder and a guitar part in tablature.

Solo with Keyboard

ANDY MEYERS - Blockflote Boogie

Blockflote Boogie Beginners by Andy Meyers, £6.50 each
P 800 Blockflote Boogie Beginners for S & Keyboard
P 800P Recorder part only, £4.00
The Blockflote Boogie series was originally conceived for use with youngsters but why should they have all the fun? The whole series has great piano parts and if you do not have a pianist, backing tracks with full band arrangements are available at www.andymeyers.org Some pieces have sections for players to perform improvisations and cue notes are given as a suggestion.

P 801 Blockflote Boogie Book 1 - “jazzy” tunes for beginners using just G.A.B.C.D.
P 802 Blockflote Boogie Book 2 - More “jazzy” tunes using DE GABCD
P 803 Blockflote Boogie Book 3 - This book uses notes C to high A
P 804 Blockflote Boogie Book 4 - C to High A and more challenging music
P 805 Blockflote Boogie Encore - Uses notes D to high G again some improvisation

P 806 Blockflote Boogie Treble’s no Trouble, £6.50
7 pieces from the series arranged for treble recorder. The tunes are about Grade 2-3 lovely little concert pieces.


P 36 Reflections for Bass Recorder and Piano by Andy Meyers £4.00

P 37 Simple Sonatina for Descant Recorder and Piano by Andy Meyers £4.25, rec pt £1.50

P 05 Sonatina for Treble Recorder & Harpsichord by Alan Davis £5.75

P 19 Suite Sounds by Christopher Gordon for Descant or Tenor Recorder & Piano, £4.25
This volume certainly lives up to its name. The Suite of pieces comprises Lullaby, Air with Variation, Waltz and Trio, March (Rondo)

P 34 Concerto in F by G. B. Pergolesi for Descant Recorder and keyboard, keyboard reduction by Jeanne Dolmetsch, £5.25

P 63 Sonata for Treble Recorder and Piano by Roy Welch £5.25
A charming piece of moderate difficulty (approx. Grade 4).


P 84 Come and Play 1 by Colin Hand S/T + pno £6.00

P 85 Come and Play 2 by Colin Hand S/T + pno £6.00

P 126 Come and Play 4 by Colin Hand S/T + pno £6.00

P 145 Come and Play 3 by Colin Hand A + pno £6.00

A series of progressive pieces with easy piano accompaniments. Originally published by Oxford University Press and now republished in a new format.

P 92 Ground for Tenor Rec & harpsichord, piano or harp by Nicholas Ansdell-Evans £6.25

P 117 Sonatina in F for treble & piano by Robin Milford £8.50

P 119 Tempest (Toccata VI) by Pete Peters for treble recorder & pno £6.00

P 124 Solo in G major by Andrew Parcham, arr. Thurston Dart for treble/flute/oboe & cont. £4.75

P 125 Four Rounds by Colin Hand, words by Donald Mottram up to 4 S/T, opt voice, keyboard £4.00 comp.

P 127 Ralph Vaughan Williams: Fantasia on Greensleeves [adapted from the opera Sir John in Love] for treble recorder & piano, £6.00. Under licence from OUP

P 136 Mancini - Sonata XI in G minor, ed. Hooker, treble recorder/violin & bc, £8.25

P 137 Mancini - Sonata IV in A minor, ed. Hooker, treble recorder/violin & bc, £8.25

P 144 Angelus by Colin Hand, tenor recorder/oboe & piano, £4.75

P 148 Sonata Piccola Op. 63 by Colin Hand, for treble recorder/flute and harpsichord/pno. This piece was previously published by Lindis. £8.50

 P 149 Sonatina by Elizabeth Winters for treble recorder and piano, £8.50

P 171 Sonatina by Simon Hester, S/A & pno, £9.50

P 178 Hand, Colin: Sonatina for treble recorder & piano, £8.50

P 185 Paul Brown: Via Breeze, 8 jazzy pieces for 1 S/T & pno, £7.75

P 187 Colin Hand: Three Lieder for sop voc or tenor recorder & piano, £6.00

P 200 Easy Baroque Repertoire, ed. Helen Hooker for treble recorder & keyboard, £6.00

P 201 Colin Hand: Quartet for treble recorder or flute, violin, cello and piano, Op. 52, £11.50

P 219 Ian Pillow: Sonata for 1 A & pno, £8.75
From a founding artistic director of the Isle of Wight Symphony Orchestra, formerly its conductor, and now conductor of the Dorset County Orchestra (and writer of entertaining articles for The Independent), a substantial piece for treble recorder and piano with three movements: Pastorale, Scherzo and Nocturne. Edited by Mary Steele.

P 225 Simon Hester - Spaced Out for descant recorder and piano. £6.25
Full of excitement and interest for young players - 1. Hidden Dimension ("searchingly"), 2. Anyone Out There ("quick and mysterious"), 3. Moon Buggie Boogie ("cheeky"), 4. Space Jam ("bright"), Heading for Home ("very thoughtful")

P 262 Pandora's Box by Colin Hand for treble recorder and piano, £8.50
13 well-loved classical pieces arranged by the well-known composer. Moderate difficulty.

P 288 Popular Carols for alto and tenor, £6.50
P 289 Popular Carols for soprano and alto, £6.50
P 290 Popular Carols for tenor and bass, £6.50
simply arranged by Nicholas Wynne, with the melody in the top part but the second part is just as good as the top.

P 309 Alan Davis - Time Out of Mind: Canzona for tenor recorder & piano, £6.00
A work written in a single movement made up of short contrasting sections, somewhat in the manner of a 17th-century Italian canzona, albeit in a different musical language. May also be played in the spirit of the early 17th-century performance conventions using any other instrument within the required range.

P 326 G P Telemann - Concerto I in F major from Six Concerts et Six Suites, arr. Ann Garling for treble recorder & obbligato keyboard & string bass, £9.50

P 327 G P Telemann - Concerto II in G minor from Six Concerts et Six Suites, arr. Ann Garling for treble recorder & obbligato keyboard & string bass, £8.50

P 328 G P Telemann - Concerto III in C major from Six Concerts et Six Suites, arr. Ann Garling for treble recorder & obbligato keyboard & string bass, £9.50

P 329 G P Telemann - Concerto IV in G minor from Six Concerts et Six Suites, arr. Ann Garling for treble recorder & obbligato keyboard & string bass, £9.50

P 330 G P Telemann - Concerto V in D minor from Six Concerts et Six Suites, arr. Ann Garling for treble recorder & obbligato keyboard & string bass, £9.50

P 331 G P Telemann - Concerto VI in C minor from Six Concerts et Six Suites, arr. Ann Garling for treble recorder & obbligato keyboard & string bass, £9.50

P 332 G P Telemann - Suite I in Bb major from Six Concerts et Six Suites, arr. Ann Garling for treble recorder & obbligato keyboard, £10.50

P 333 G P Telemann - Suite II in C major from Six Concerts et Six Suites, arr. Ann Garling for treble recorder & obbligato keyboard, £9.50

P 334 G P Telemann - Suite III in D minor from Six Concerts et Six Suites, arr. Ann Garling for treble recorder & obbligato keyboard, £9.50

P 335 G P Telemann - Suite IV in F major from Six Concerts and Six Suites, arr. Ann Garling for treble recorder & obbligato keyboard & string bass, £9.50

P 336 G P Telemann - Suite V in C minor from Six Concerts et Six Suites, arr. Ann Garling for treble recorder & obbligato keyboard, £9.50

P 337 G P Telemann - Suite VI in F minor from Six Concerts et Six Suites, arr. Ann Garling for treble recorder & obbligato keyboard, £8.50

P 355 Colin Hand - A Dancing Dozen for descant or tenor recorder & piano, £6.00
Twelve easy duets celebrate a range of traditional dances

P 362 Recorder Tunes for Henry Nginza School by Sue Temperley for descant recorder, £4.00

P 384 Colin Hand - Concerto Cantico for 1 A & strings, £5.00 ea. parts, £15.00 score


Gus Haverkate - The Jazzin' Recorder

P 403 Jazzin' 0: studies and exercises for treble recorder, £10.50

P 401 Jazzin' 1: 15 solos for treble recorder, piano ad lib, £10.50

P 402 Jazzin' 2: 11 duets for treble recorders (accomp. of bass, or tenor+bass ad lib), £10.50

P 428: Jazzin' 3: 11 Trios for Recorders, for 3 SAT (B ad lib), £15.00

P 441 Jazzin' 4, Vol. 1 for SATB, £15.00

P 461 Jazzin' 4, Vol. 2 for SATB, £15.00

P 416 Baroque and Classical Slow Movements selected and arranged for descant or tenor recorder and piano by Joanna Brown, £7.50
Includes slow movements by Crusell, Fiocco, Molter and Krommer.

 P 417 Jay Mackie - Around the World with my Recorder for descant recorder and piano, £7.50
Jay visits Australia, The Caribbean, Japan, Romania and Cuba before returning to England. Six delightful character sketches of moderate difficulty

P 446 Aphrodite by Andy Meyers for treble recorder and piano, £8.00

P 452  Tantris by Alan Davis for solo tenor recorder & guitar, £7.00
"Tantris" is the name adopted by the wounded hero of Wagner's Tristan und Isolde .The musical material for Tantris is derived from the opening bars of the opera's Prelude and a fragment of melody sung by a sailor at the beginning of Act One.

P 494 Sonata for Recorder and Piano by Andy Meyers, £10.00
The sonata uses both descant and sopranino recorders.The piece has three movements Molto Ritmico, Lento and Vivo. It is full of interesting and exciting rhythms with both recorder and piano taking an equally important role. It has been written for fairly advanced recorder players and pianists but will, I am sure, be worth the practice involved in performance.

P 524 Air from Orchestral Suite 3 by J S Bach, J S arr. Helen Hooker for 1 A & keyboard, £4.25
A well arranged version of this popular piece known as "Air on a G String"

P 560 Retro Sonata by James Kurtz for alto recorder & piano, £7.00
Second movement is entitled "Broadway Ballad" and the third, "Rondino". Challenging but not too difficult. Full of melody and rhythm.

P 574 Higgs Boson Revisited by Ian Farquhar for 1 S & 11 percussion, £13.25

P 578 Three Lyric Sketches by James Kurtz for treble recorder & pno, £6.00

P 593 Canticle and Jig by Antony Baldwin for descant or tenor recorder and keyboard,  £6.00
These two pieces complement each other beautifully. The Cantilena would particularly suite the tenor with its haunting melody under pinned by the pulsing chordal accompaniment. The Jig is named after Antony's favourite cat who features on the cover. A rumbustious jig characterising Master Rowley, a lively and much loved creature.

P 644 Gary Higginson - Ildathach for 1 A & pno £6.50
This is the Island of Paradise found in early Irish legends. The piece is an impression of the poem's idealisms and inspirations.

P 665 Two Sonatinas by Kevin Holland for treble recorder and piano, £6.50
In both pieces the piano part is an equal companion to the recorder.

P 689 Malcolm Abbs - Ten for a Tenor for 1 T & pno £7.80
Although playable on the descant, these pieces were conceived with the mellow tones of the tenor in mind. The 10 pieces are very varied with several dance movements included, Tango, Waltz, Bossa Nova and Jig. The whole collection is quite light-hearted and not too difficult for recorder player or pianist.

P 725 Railroad to Sobibor by Guus Haverkate, for 1 T & pno £5.50
Based on the story as told by a survivor of camp Sobibor in Poland.

P 786 Airs for the Seasons: Spring by James Oswald, arr. Sue Handscombe for 1 S/T & pno, £6.50
The Pheasant Eye ;The Crocus; The Tulip. Three delightful little pieces from this Scottish Baroque composer.

P 789 Midnight Garden by Andy Meyers for treble recorder & pno, £6.50
A lovely piece with undulating broken chord bass line and speed indication "Andante amabile"!

Blockflote Boogie Beginners by Andy Meyers, £6.50 each
P 800 Blockflote Boogie Beginners for S & Keyboard
P 800P Recorder part only, £4.00
The Blockflote Boogie series was originally conceived for use with youngsters but why should they have all the fun? The whole series has great piano parts and if you do not have a pianist, backing tracks with full band arrangements are available at www.andymeyers.org Some pieces have sections for players to perform improvisations and cue notes are given as a suggestion.
P 801 Blockflote Boogie Book 1 - “jazzy” tunes for beginners using just G.A.B.C.D.
P 802 Blockflote Boogie Book 2 - More “jazzy” tunes using DE GABCD
P 803 Blockflote Boogie Book 3 - This book uses notes C to high A
P 804 Blockflote Boogie Book 4 - C to High A and more challenging music
P 805 Blockflote Boogie Encore - Uses notes D to high G again some improvisation

P 806 Blockflote Boogie Treble’s no Trouble, £6.50
7 pieces from the series arranged for treble recorder. The tunes are about Grade 2-3 lovely little concert pieces.


P 811 Fantasia on a Joyous Strain by James Risden for solo bass recorder, £5.00
Based on a traditional French Noel from the 18th century. The titles of the sections are taken from the verses of "Angels we have heard on high": Shepherd Pipe, Jubilee, Joyous Strains. The music looks quite tricky but most interesting.

P 822 Airs for the Seasons - Summer by James Oswald, arr Sue Handscombe for 1 S/T & pno, £6.50
Three delightful pieces from Oswald’s epic work “Airs for the Seasons”, published 1755-1761 with 24 pieces for each season and each named after a flower.

P 825 Sketches by Nicholas Wynne for treble recorder & piano, £12.50
P 826 Sketches by Nicholas Wynne for bass recorder & piano, £12.50
P 827 Sketches by Nicholas Wynne for descant or tenor recorder & piano, £12.50

P 833 Christmas Rhapsodies - Anon arr. Andy Meyers for for treble recorder and piano, £8.50
Three atmospheric and innovative arrangements. Away in a Manger, Silent Night & See amid the Winter Snow

Bagatelles for Paul by Nicholas Wynne, £7.50 each
P 834 Ten Little Pieces for Guitar and Alto Recorder. This comes with score, recorder part and Guitar Tab.
P 835 For treble recorder and piano. Comes with score and recorder part.
P 836 For piano and bass recorder. Comes with score and recorder part.
P 837 for descant or tenor and piano. Comes with score and recorder part.

P 843 Airs for the Seasons - Autumn  by James Oswald (1710 - 1769) arr. by Sue Handscombe for descant or tenor recorder & piano, £6.50 
The Jasmine, The Ambrosia, The Scabious. 

P 844 Exotic Birds: Suite version by Sue Handscombe for solo descant and piano, £6.50
Four delightful character pieces: Peacocks, Bird of Paradise, Owls and Puffins.

P 845 Airs for the Seasons by James Oswald arr. Sue Handscombe for treble recorder & piano, £6.50 
One from each season: Narcissus, Foxglove, Amaranthus, Snowdrop. 

P 846 Airs for the Seasons - Winter by James Oswald,  arr. Sue Handscombe for descant or tenor with piano, £6.50 
Persian Iris, Golden Rod, Bears Foot

P869  Two to Tango, Por una Cabeza Volver by Carlos Gardel arr. Sue Handscombe for Alto Recorder & Piano, £5.50



P 07 BAG of Carols, arr. Jackey Birch, SS, £3.00

P 13 TradBAG, arr. Jackey Birch, SS, £3.00
These books of traditional carols and traditional tunes are especially designed so that elementary players (knowing only the notes B A and G) can join in with their more advanced companions.The rhythm of their part has been deliberately kept the same as that of the melody, to make it easier for the new player to feel the phrasing. The second part of all the pieces in these books only use the notes B, A and G.


P 02 Jazzy Duets for Recorder by Paul Brown: 1. Play it Cool £3.25

P 03 2. Getting Cooler £3.25

P 04 3. Super Cool £3.25

These books are for two descant recorders and take the player progressively from really easy rhythms and notes to some tricky counting and very interesting musical ideas by Book 3.

P 20 Daring Duets by Paul Brown £3.25

This set of duets is in a similar style to the three volumes above but using only the notes G,A,B,C,D. It makes a very good introduction to duet playing.

P 50 Spuds by Paul Brown £3.25

These easy duets are of equal difficulty for descant and treble recorders. Standard is approximately that of book 2 "Getting Cooler"

P 18 12 Recorder Duets by Christopher Gordon for Descant & Tenor Recorders £3.75
These attractive and interesting pieces make good duet repertoire at about Grade 3 standard.

P 15 The Daffodils by Wiep Smits for Treble and Contra Bass £3.50

P 12 Progressive Duets by Alan Davis for descant & treble recorders £6.50
24 duets of progressive difficulty. Some of the earlier pieces may be particularly useful for introducing the treble recorder within an established group of descant players.

P 71 Carols Galore by Alison Cameron 2-4 SATB £4.00

P 304 More Carols Galore - Trad. arr. Alison Cameron for 4 S/A/T/B various (and two trios), £5.00
An addition to Carols Galore, with more popular and well-known carols for playing in concerts, school assemblies and busking, arranged in as many combinations for four parts as possible.

P 156 Two's Company by Colin Hand SS or TT £5.00

P 162 Two's Company by Colin Hand AA, £5.00

P 194 Marg Hall: Razzjazz for Two - three jazzy duets for SA recorders, £4.00

P 198 Marg Hall: Razzjazz for Two Descants - five jazzy duets for descant recorders, £4.00

P 236 Marg Hall - Razzjazz for Two Trebles: five jazzy duets for treble recorders, £4.00

P 315 Marg Hall - More Razzjazz for Two: five jazzy duets for SA recorders, £4.25
1. Bright Blues; 2. Staying Cool; 3. Westward Bound; 4. Tango Charango; 5. Taking the Air

P 352 Suite for Recorder Duet Op. 145 by Gary Higginson, for AT, ST, TB, SB & AA, £4.50
Prelude; The Trolls Meet Rudolph; Estampie; Chetwynde Rag with Stutter; Scherzino Canonica

 P 371 Ann Garling - Conversations for Two Bass Recorders, £4.50
1. Breaking the Ice; 2. Gossip; 3. Sweet Nothings.

P 382 Colin Hand - Let's Play Together for 2 SA & pno, £6.00
Starting with ABC for descant and CDE for treble, these delightful duets with simple accompaniment are a very welcome sight for all teachers who wish for simple parts on both instruments. The number of notes build up as the book progresses.

P 386 Twin Suction Vortex - Roy Sansom, for 2 AT, £4.25

P 400 Marg Hall - Even More Razzjazz for Two: five jazzy duets for SA, £4.00
1. Slightly blue; 2. Whoops-a-daisy; 3. Wednesday Waltz; 4. In the Shadows; 5. Snap into it!

P 402 Gus Haverkate - Jazzin' 2: 11 duets for treble recorders (accomp. of bass, or tenor+bass ad lib), £9.50

P 414 Jay Mackie - Little Suite for treble and tenor recorders, £4.50
3 short duets for a hard-to-find combination of instruments. 1. Resolute 2. Molto moderato 3. Andante mesto. Moderate to difficult.

P 423 Shadow Play by Roy Sansom for AA, £7.00

P 424 Xylophobia by Roy Sansom for AA, £6.00
"Xylophonia was composed in 1996 when my level of anxiety was always very high. It should be played throughout with a marked articulation and a relentless drive. The piece is a short sonata and the harmonic movement is fairly classical. The repetitive figuration is the point."

P 443 Two on the Cool Side by Marg Hall for SA, P 443, £4.50
Four Jazzy Duets for Treble and Tenor Recorders. These four pieces are a companion to the Jazzy Trios, "On the Cool Side" for Treble, Tenor and Bass Recorders (see P339) and are similarly a bit more challenging than the "RazzJazz" series. 1. Mississippi Hop 2. Rush Hour 3. Blues for Moira 4. Take Five and Six

P 445 Twelve Duos by Mozart arranged by Michael Landa for Treble and Tenor recorders, £6.00

P 462 A Piece of Cake by Marg Hall for S +A, £5.00
Not quite what the title suggests. 5 Duets of moderate difficulty. Tuneful, quirky and great fun.

P 504 Three Episodes for Two by James Kurtz for treble and tenor recorders, £4.50
Playful, Song and Invention are the titles and are aptly named. The first piece plays around with rhythms and time signatures, the second is quite smooth and lyrical and the last starts off like a fugue and gives us all sorts of surprises as it continues

P 543 Two-Part Inventions by J. S. Bach arranged for descant and bass recorders by Eric Haas, £10.00
All 15 pieces are included and the original keys have been retained. For a few, a transposed version into a more friendly key has been included. Also included is a facsimile and modern transcription of Bach's explanation of how to interpret the ornaments he has used.

P 558 Trio for 2 flutes & harp from "L'enfance du Christ" by Berlioz arr. by James Kurtz for 2 AA & piano, £6.00
This is supposed to be an entertainment for the Holy Family after they have been given refuge in Egypt by an Ishmaelite family. A beautiful piece and a welcome addition to the chamber repertoire.

P 562 Six Fantazias for two treble recorders by Orlando Gibbons, transposed/edited by Eric Haas, £7.00
These are presented unbarred and in score form. Two copies are included, each with a different line in larger type so you can keep track of your fellow player.

P 590 Duets for Basses for recorders, viols etc. Selected and edited by Eric Haas, £9.00
Volume 1: Music of the Renaissance
28 duets selected for their suitability for bass instruments from a wide range of composers. Bar lines are represented by very short lines at the top of the staves.

P 654 Duets for Bass, Volume 2, ed. Eric Haas, £9.00
Fifteen English and German Baroque pieces selected and edited by Eric Haas for two bass recorders.

P 658 Swing Low by Marg Hall - Five Jazzy Duets for descant and treble, £4.50

P 659 One Thing After Another by Marg Hall - Three Jazzy Duets for descant and treble, £4.00

P 666  Humoresque, Arabesque and Burlesque. Two Duos for Treble and Tenor recorders by Michael Landa,  £4.50
A welcome addition to the duet repertoire. Moderate but with some tricky rhythm co-ordination especially in the Humoresque.

P 688 Alto Recorder Duet Book 1 - Selected. arranged and edited by Eric Haas, £20.00
P 784 Alto Recorder Duet Book 2 - Selected. arranged and edited by Eric Haas, £20.00
Music from the 13th to 21st centuries. 100 pieces in each volume including contemporary works written especially for these books.

P 691 Sammartini arr Eric Haas - Six Sonatas or Duets for 2 AA £14.75
Two playing scores. Single copies £8.00

P 715A Carols Around the World: 7 duets for alto and tenor recorders arranged by Marg Hall, £4.50
Carol of the Bagpipers (Neapolitan); Rise up Shepherds and foller (American Spiritual); The Cradle (Austrian); La Guignolee (French Canadian); The Cuckoo Carol (Czech); Jezus Malusienki (Polish); Voisin, d'ou venait? (French)

P 715B Carols Around the World: As above for descant and treble, £4.50

P 716A Sea Bass for Two - Five jazzy duets for two great bass recorders by Marg Hall, £4.50
Dogfish Duo, All at Sea, Beachcombing, Plain Sailing, Sailor's Swing

P 716B Sea Bass for Two: As above but for 2 descants or 2 tenors or 2 great basses using treble clef, £4.50

Guus Haverkate: P 736 Contrails: 13 Concert Duets for 2 AA, £7.50
This collection of duets owes its name to a composition technique that is rarely used in Western class music, namely heterophony: two instruments used a melodic line which is more or less the same, but each with its own rhythm. This results in a very interesting aural experience. There is more explanation in the preface to the music.
P 735 6 Sound Images for AA or AAT or AATB, £11.50
Six of the pieces from Contrails have been developed, so that a treble, tenor or bass can be added.
P 737 7 Sound Images for AA or AAT or AATB £12.75
The remaining seven pieces from Contrails with the same option of making the music into a trio or quartet.

P 774 Of Times Past by Nicholas Wynne, £5.00 each
Suite of seven gently graded recorder duets available as:
2 SS or 2 TT - P774S/T
2 AA - P774A
2 BB - P 774B
2 GbGb - P 774GB

P 776AB Sidmouth Sonatas by Nicholas Wynne for 2 AB, £5.75
P 776ST Sidmouth Sonatas by Nicholas Wynne for 2 ST, £5.75
P 776TGb Sidmouth Sonatas by Nicholas Wynne for 2 TGb, £5.75
Seven contrasting duets of medium level in three instrumentations.

P 784 Alto Recorder Duet Book 2 - Misc. arranged by Eric Haas, AA, £20.00

P 792 Alto Recorder Duets Book 3 - Misc. selected & edited by Eric Haas, £20.00
Even more duets to keep you happy. Same framework as the other volumes but no overlap of content.

Duets for Recorders Studies for Csakan, arr. Nicholas Wynne, £10.00 each.
P 797A for 2 AA; P 797B for 2 BB; P 797GB for 2 GbGb; P 797ST for 2 SS or TT
These 40 duets are arranged from Klingenbrunner's Studies for Csakan.

P 798 Annie’s Duets by Nicholas Wynne for 2 AT, £6.00
P 798B Annie’s Duets by Nicholas Wynne for 2 BGb, £6.00
Fourteen contrasting duets of medium difficulty. It's good to find some new duet repertoire.

P 809 Conversations - playing score by Alison West and Phil Taylor, for 2 AT, £6.00
Three pieces by each composer. A very welcome addition to the duet repertoire which is rather short on modern duets and those for alto and tenor. Also available for Alto and Bass Viol, P 809A.

P 830 The Chromatic Recorder by Nicholas Wynne, for Soprano and Tenor, £6.00
27 Melodious scale exercises in all keys! They are written as duets but also designed for solo practice. A link to online audio files is included. The pieces are quite short and vary in difficulty.
P 831 The Chromatic Recorder by Nicholas Wynne, for Alto and Bass, £6.00
26 melodious scale exercises with links to audio files. Melodies are different from P 830 and vary in difficulty.

P 840 Eight Tuneful Duets by Richard Kershaw for descant or tenor recorders, £5.50 
Eight delightful collection of pieces especially for players of modest ability.

P 849 Guus Haverkate - Riff Away. Improvisations on popular Bass riffs. Duets for 2 Tr recorders or flutes, £7.50

Nicholas Wynne: 24 Duets series, £6.50 each 
P 851  24 Duets for Alto Recorders - AA
P 852  24 Duets for Bass Recorders - BB
P 853 24 Duets for Great Bass Recorders - GbGb

P 857 Nine Tuneful Duets for Treble Recorder  by Richard Kershaw, AA, £7.50

P 858 Tenor Duet Book by Eric Haas for TT, £20.00


P 28 Trios Galore by Alison Cameron for SAT, £4.00
Some original and traditional melodies arranged for recorder trio. Some have two versions to avoid using the treble recorder. The settings are simple but interesting.

P 454  More Trios Galore by Alison Cameron for SAT, £6.00
Several of the pieces in this new trio book are presented both as DDT and DTrT There is lots of interest in all parts and the pieces are contrasting and are original compositions by Alison Cameron

P 170 Jazz Galore by Alison Cameron, S/A/T/B in various combinations 3-5, £4.00

P 35 Twenty Five Traditional Melodies by Alan Davis, SAT £4.75
25 melodies beautifully set by Alan for recorder trio.Suitable for players of Grade 1 upwards & of any age.

P 68 20 Christmas Carols for Recorder Trio by Alan Davis, SAT £4.75

P 49 Pieces for Three Recorders by Benjamin Burrows, AAT £8.50
Ten charming short pieces of only moderate difficulty.

P 67 Partita by Haydn, arr. Helen Hooker, SAT £7.50

P 29 Storybook for Recorder Trio by Alan Davis, SAT, £4.75
Six Movements: Ghost Story, Old Wives' Tale, Love Story, Traveller's Tale, Sad Story & Fairy Tale.It can be played with either several or one to a part.It can be played whole or singly. The piece requires a degree of competency and will appeal to all age groups.

P 30 Tripple Fipple by Alan Bullard, ATB £4.75

P 31 Tripple Fipple version for SAT, £4.75

P 61 Westwood Suite by Rosemary Robinson, ATB, £5.75
Exciting and challenging piece.

P 81 Courante by Handel, arr. Moira Usher, SAT/ATB, £4.00

P 95 Entomology by Alan Davis, SAT, £5.00

P 182 Eileen Silcocks: Bretton Suite, AAT, £4.00

P 186 Daniel Speer: Sonata for Three Bass Recorders & Keyboard, £6.00

P 195 Marg Hall: Razzjazz for Three - three jazzy trios for SAT recorders, £4.00

P 212 Elway Bevin arr. Bloodworth - Browning - 3 ATB £5.25

P 213 Handel & Corelli arr. Hand: Two Christmas Pieces for SSA, £3.00 - set of 3 £8.00 (P 213/3)

P 221 Marg Hall: Three Scottish Songs, SAT, £5.00

P 222 Marg Hall: Winter Weather SAT, £6.00

P 224 Marg Hall - Five Fine Scottish Songs for SAT, £6.00
"O my love is like a red red rose", "Duncan Gray", "A rosebud by my early walk", "Jock o'Hazeldean", "Charlie is my darling"

P 240 Marg Hall - 3 Irish Carols for SAT, £6.00

P 241 Marg Hall - 3 Czech Carols for SAT, £6.00

P 264 Colin Hand - Fantasy on Pachelbel’s Canon for Tr1, Tr2, Tenor and Piano £6.00

P 273 John Hawkes - Recorder Trio No. 1 for AAT, £7.25

P 276 Thomas Morgan - A Sonata for two Flutes with a Through Bass, edited by Grant Colburn, AAB, £5.50
This piece is dated 1697, and the composer was an organist who also wrote for harpsichord. This version is edited by the American harpsichordist, organist and composer, Grant Colburn.

P 277 Marg Hall - Five Scottish Songs and Dances for SAT, £6.00
1.The wee cooper of Fife; 2. O whistle and I'll come to you, my lad; 3. Jenny's Bawbee; 4. Ca' the yowes; 5. Mairi's Wedding

P 278 Marg Hall - Three Christmas Spirituals for SAT, £6.00
1.The Virgin Mary had a baby boy; 2. Children go where I send thee; 3. Mary had a Baby

P 317 Johann Mattheson - Sonata in F Major Op 1 No 8 for AAA, £4.00

P 318 James Hook - Second Terzetto from flute trio Op 83 No 1 for SSA or TTB, £5.00

P 339 Marg Hall - On the Cool Side: five jazzy trios for ATB recorder, £8.75

P 343 Colin Hand - Ten French Songs arr. for 3 SAT, £4.25
1. Le mois de mai 2. Aupres de ma blonde 3. J'ai du bon tabac 4. Sur le pont d'Avignon 5. Au clair de la lune 6. En passant par la Lorraine 7. Il etait un bergere 8. Savez vous planter les choux 9. Il est né10. Arlequin tient sa boutique

P 349 Colin Hand - Ten European Folk Songs for SAT, £5.25
Ten traditional tunes from Spain to Russia.

P 351 Misc. arr. Marg Hall - Let My Little Light Shine: 5 Spirituals for SAT, £8.50
1. Nobody knows the trouble I've seen; 2. This train is bound for glory; 3. Let me fly; 4. Let my little light shine; 5. Little David, play on your harp.

P 406 Anne Martin - Images of Japan for recorder trio, based on three traditional Japanese songs: ATB & STB, £7.50
1. Sakura! Sakura! 2. Gonbe ga Tanemaku; 3. Koito-Utatote. This trio was composed to be played one-to-a-part. It can be successfully played by a larger group provided the solo and tutti are observed in Sakura! Sakura! and only one or a small group of descant(s) plays in Gonbe ga Tanemaku with the remainder of the tenors tacet.

P420 Roy Sansom - Ricercar I for quartet of recorders (SATB) £6.00

P 447  Still on the Cool Side by Marg Hall: 4 jazzy trios for ATB, £7.50

P467 Pipers Fancy, A Collection of English Country Dance Tunes, arranged by Gerald Burakoff & Willy Strickland for SAT £4.50

P 476 Wolsey’s Wild by William Byrd arr. Sue Handscombe for AAB, £4.25
An agreeable short piece taken from the Fitzwilliam Virginal Book CLVII.

P 478 Cockney Favourites by Fran Jones for recorder trio SAT with optional piano, £7.50
More easy arrangements for modest players and with high enjoyment value.

P 499 Argyle Suite by John Hawkes for recorder trio, ATB,  £9.50
Argyle Suite is in four movements: March. Lullaby,Waltz and Moderato-Allegro. These characterful pieces look most enjoyable. They are on the harder side of moderate. I for one am looking forward to trying them out.

P 509 Michael Finnegan Meets This Old Man by Deborah Porro,  for SAT various, £8.50
A collection of witty recorder trios in various groupings of SAT based on traditional British tunes. Also included are beautiful arrangements of Scarborough Fair, MacPherson’s Farewell and Alawon Fy Ngwlad, and jolly good romps with The Sailors Hornpipe, and Buttered Peas.

P 516 Polish Folk Song Suite arr. Helen Hooker for 3 ATB, £6.00
This suite is based on a number of traditional Polish folk tunes. It was written to celebrate the 90th birthday of Stasia Moss and was played for her in Warsaw in June 2008. A lovely variety of pieces and arranged with Helen’s instinct for good part writing.

P 538 Christmas with a Swing - 4 Jazzy Carols arr. by Marg Hall for SAT, £6.25
Deck the Halls, God rest you merry, Gentlemen. I Saw 3 Ships, Ding Dong merrily. These pieces are the next in the "Cool Side" series. Challenging but fun.

P 540 Six English Christmas Carols arr. by Marg Hall for SAT, £7.50
Some less familiar but beautiful tunes. Tomorrow shall be my Dancing Day, Sans Day Carol, Down in yon Forest, Somerset Carol, How far is it to Bethlehem, Joy to the World.

P 541 Easy Celtic Arrangements by Jackey Birch for SAT, £5.00
5 Celtic favourites. The treble part may fit the tenor recorder in some cases. Some ideas of how to adapt the pieces to suite your groups.

P 566 Seaside Favourites arr. by Fran Jones for SAT, S&P £8.80
Seven well-known shanty melodies arranged for recorder trio including "The Keel Row", "The Leaving of Liverpool" and the Sailor's Hornpipe.

P 570 Sonata in G minor by William Babell arr. Joanna Brown for AAB, £6.00
This lovely sonata has been arranged for two trebles and bass.

P 581 Six Irish Airs by Marg Hall for SAT, £6.25

P 598 Celestial by Alan Davis for recorder trio A.T.B  £9.50
This piece is designed to offer a variety of performance options. It was written for SAB to be played by a group or one to a part. The parts may doubled up or down the octave and has parts in appropriate clefts for this purpose. The piece is through composed but with changing moods and tempi.

P 211 Buckstone Byways Revisited by Margery Gibb for 3 SAT £7.50

P 690 Misc. arr Eric Haas - Alto Recorder Trio Book for 3 AAA £24.00
Music from the 13th to 21st centuries arranged for alto recorders.

P 709 Five Irish Trios for SAT, £6.50
Did you wash your father's shirt, Se Fath Mo Buartha, Drops of Brandy, My Lagan Love, The Hunt

P 727 Garage Gatherings by John Hawkes for 3 ATB, £6.50
John wrote this piece last summer to play with his friends in the garage according to Covid rules. It has four movements: Allegro, Flowing, Intermezzo & Allegro. A very enjoyable piece.

P 732 The Dashing White Sergeant and other Scottish dance tunes, arr. Marg Hall for 3 SAT, £6.00
Orange and Blue, The Cock o' the North, Scotland the Brave.

P 744 Four Klezmer Trios by Marg Hall for 3 SAT,£6.50
1. Goldene Khasene (Golden Wedding) 2. Beim Rebens Sideh (At the Rabbi's Feast) 3. Odessa Bulgar (Line dance from Odessa) 4. Freylekhs Tants (Happy Dance)

P 748 J S Bach, arr Susan M Francis: Capriccio from keyboard Partita No. 2 for 3 ATB £6.00

P 755 Organ Trio BWV 585 by J S Bach, arr. Susan Frances for 3 ATB £7.50
A substantial piece in two fugal sections. Organ music transcribes very well onto 3 instruments and this piece is no exception. At first sight it looks rather difficult but the suggested speed is quite slow!

P 757 Through the Olive Trees - a new selection of carols, arr. Liz Maxwell for 3 SAT £8.50
Tomorrow shall be my dancing day, Coventry Carol, Masters in this Hall, Winds through the Olive Trees, Sans Day Carol, In the bleak midwinter.Well arranged with interest in all parts

P 769 Toy Soldier Serenade - A Play in 2 Acts & an Interlude for 3 Recorders by Nicholas Wynne, SAT, £10.75
Toy Soldier Serenade, Quiet Falls the Snow, Dancing Doll: three little character pieces. Very welcome new music for this time of small-group playing.

P 775 Echoes of Times Past by Nicholas Wynne for 3 SAT, £8.95
A suite of six pieces with a flavour of Baroque: Praeludium, Pastorale, Courante, Ground, Gavotte, Tanz. Plenty of interest in every part. Moderate difficulty.

P 779 Sacred Music by Bach arr. Susan Francis for ATB, £6.75
Three contrasting and beautiful pieces.

P 788 Virga Jesse Floruit by J S Bach, arr Susan Francis for 3 ATB, £6.50
From Interpolation No 4 from Magnificat in D. Another welcome addition to the ATB repertoire.

P 862 J S Bach - Trio in D minor BWV 583, original for organ arr. Susan M Francis for 3 TTB, £6.50

P 867 Six Catalan Songs by Marg Hall for SAT, £6.50



P 01 Early Dance Music bk 1. arranged by Andrew Mayes SSAT playing score £3.50

P 27 Early Dance Music bk 2. arranged by Andrew Mayes SSAT playing score £3.00

Andrew has arranged Renaissance dances for two descants, treble and tenor as many schools and groups do not have access to a bass recorder. There is an introduction to the type of dances and suggestions for performance. These sets of pieces are a good introduction to the wealth of good music from this early period. Children love the lively and very rhythmical nature of the music and there are suggestions for enhancing the performance with some appropriate percussion.

P 48 Quartets Galore by Alison Cameron, SATB, £4.00

P 134 More Quartets Galore by Alison Cameron, SATB, £4.00

P 26 Suite no. 2 by Raymond Harvey for SATB, £6.25

P 25 Arrival of the Queen of Sheba by Handel arr. Helen Hooker for AATB, £5.00

P 16 Pachelbel's Canon arr. by Kevin Kelly for SATB, sc & pts, £3.50

P 17 The Music of Pachelbel, Vol 1. Three Short Pieces, arr. K. Kelly, SATB, £3.00

P 32 Allegro from Handel's Concerto Grosso arr. K. Kelly, Score and 2 parts SA/TB, £4.00

P 33 La Paix, Rejouissance from Handel's Fireworks Music arr. K. Kelly, 2 playing scores, SATB, £4.00

P 44 Minuet and Trio fr. Mozart's String Quartet K.465, arr. Helen Hooker, SATB, £4.90

P 47 Five Icelandic Folk Songs, arr. Eileen Silcocks, SAAT, £4.75
Charming pieces which have fairly easy rhythms and thus make a very good introduction to playing in 4 parts for modest players. A significant help for all primary teachers wishing to teach music.

P 54 Savoy Suite of Dances by Sullivan, arr. Goldstein SATB £6.75, parts/set £3.20
A selection of pieces from the Operettas forming a nicely balanced Suite.

P 51 Quetzal by Wiep Smits for SATB & gong £3.50

P 73 Christmas Offerings by Ian Farquhar, SATB, £7.25

P 79 Toy Symphony by Leopold Mozart arr. Hand for 5 SSATB & toy instruments, £7.50

P 82 Hallam Suite by Colin Hand, SATB, £6.25

P 83 Fenland Suite by Colin Hand, SATB, £6.25

P 89 Instrumental Music from Dido & Aeneas by Purcell, arr. Hooker, SATB, £7.75

P 112 Ignaz Pleyel: Andante & Allegro, arr. Colin Hand, SSAT, £3.00

P 113 Christmas Medley by Anoushka Morse SSST £4.00, pts 40p ea.
This is a fun Christmas arrangement for groups of mixed ability or for three groups to play together, including simple arrangements of "Deck the Halls", "Ding Dong! Merrily on High", "Jingle Bells" and others. It requires only descant fingering, with ranges suitable for beginners of various degrees; descant 1 uses G-D, descant 2 includes D-D' and descant 3 uses D-E', accompanied by an easy bass line for those with bigger hands to play on the tenor.

P 115 Swing It Bach! by Diane Barton, SATB, £6.50

P 118 Dr Syntax by John Joubert, SATB, £5.50

P 120 Sonatina 6 by Pete Peters, SoSAT, £10.75

P 104 Suite for Pipes by R. Vaughan Williams, SATB , £10.00 complete, set pts £6.00

P 123 Debussy's "Little Shepherd" arr. Jane Minns, SATB, solo pt & 3 scores £5.50
A delicate arrangement for SATB taken from the "Children's Corner" Suite for piano, capturing the essence of childhood with moods in the Impressionistic style. Medium difficulty.

P 128 Quartet for Recorders by Jorge Teixeira, SATB £8.75

P 139 Strolling Along by Diane Barton, SATB, £5.00

P 161 Three Chinese Pictures by Michael Short, SATB, £6.00

P 166 Manx Meander 1 by Ian Farquhar, SATB, £8.00

P 167 Manx Meander 2 by Ian Farquhar, SATB, £8.00

P 172 Four Pieces by Paul Zilcher, arr. Usher, SATB, £6.00

P 180 Eileen Silcocks: Playford Suite (in memory of Enid Hunt), SATB, Opt Gb, £5.75

P 181 Eileen Silcocks: German Suite, SATB (with optional doubling for TBGbCb), £5.75

P 196 Marg Hall: Razzjazz for Four - three jazzy quartets for SATB recorders, £6.00

P 202 Jane Minns: Hippopotamus Song, 4 SA/TTB & hippo, £6.00
Meeting at school in Westminster, 1936, Flanders and Swann eventually formed a partnership with their own brand of inoffensive, gentle humour. This is one of the first songs they wrote together, and one of arange of different animals. Easy.

P 203 Song of the Crib - Trad, arr. Silk, ed. Silcocks, SATB & gtr, £5.75

P 204 Infant King - Trad, arr. Silk, ed. Silcocks, SATB, ££5.75

P 205 Past Three O'Clock - Trad, arr. Silk, ed. Silcocks, SATB(Gb) & chime, £5.75

P 209 Music for a Play by Judith Bush for SATB, £6.00
1. March Rondo; 2. The Crossroads at Midnight; 3. On the Road

P 218 Elgar arr. Bloodworth: Sonatina (1899 rev 1932) 4 SATB, £6.00
Composed for piano for his niece May Grafton in 1889, and published after revision in 1932. This version is arranged for recorder quartet by Denis Bloodworth. It has two movements, Andantino and Allegro.

 P 220 Ian Farquhar: Icknield Suite, SATB, £6.25
From the conductor of the Peregrine Recorder Orchestra, three pieces depicting the Oxfordshire countryside -The Ridgeway Path, Shirburn Castle and Cowleaze Wood

P 228 Ian Farquhar - In the Mountains for SATB, £9.75
From the conductor of the Peregrine Recorder Orchestra a varied trip through the mountains of the world: Himalayan Haze, Alpine Echoes, Flavour of the Andes and Rocky Mountain Revel.

P 223 Marg Hall - Five for Four, £7.50
Five light-hearted quartets for SATB: "Cheeky Charlie", "Slinky Sallie", "Jumpy Jim", "Jazzy Jane" and "Skip-along Sid"

P 230 Michael Short - Intrada, Song and Dance for SATB, £6.00

P 233 Arr. Jane Minns - The Virgin Mary had a baby boy (West Indian carol) for SATB, £6.00
Originally sung by the George Mitchell Singers on their LP "Around the World in Song", here is an arrangement of this popular spiritual for recorder quartet. Easy/Medium.

P 235 J S Bach - Saraband and Two Gavottes from Suite No. 6 for solo cello, trans. Colin Hand for 4 A/TTBGb, £7.50

P 263 Marg Hall - Wild Flower Suite for SATB, £8.50
1. Ox-Eye Daisy; 2. Sweet Alison; 3. Field Poppy; 4. Jack-by-the-Hedge; 5. Billy's Button

P 268 Guus Haverkate - Smokin' Guns: a Western in Sound for SATB, £7.50
Including prairie, snakes, hounds, birds, the wind, the cows - and some more cows - the train, the sheriff, the saloon (including pianist), the action - until law and order arrives!

P 269 Mozart: March of the Priests, arr. Alan Davis for SATB(Cb), £5.00
This march, rich in Masonic symbolism, begins Act II of "The Magic Flute". The gravity of the music will be more easily expressed with a large group, especially if contrabasses are included.

P 274 John Hawkes - Recorder Quartet No. 2 for SATB, £10.50

P 275 Scottish Songs of Love and Loss arranged for SATB recorders by Marg Hall, £8.50
1. Jock o' Hazeldean 2. Ae fond kiss 3. The Floweres of the Forest 4. The Lass of Patie's Mill 5. Will ye no' come back again

P 282 Mendelssohn arr. Shirley Watson - Six Christmas Pieces for SATB, £11.50
Written for members of a family with whom he and his wife stayed when visiting London in 1842, originally published as "Six Pieces for the Pianoforte composed as a Christmas Present for his Young Friends"

P 284 Mendelssohn arr. Mary Steele - Three Christmas Pieces for SATB, £5.50
The first three of the Christmas Pieces Op. 72 in a slightly different but equally good arrangement for recorders.

P 298 John Hawkes - Recorder Quartet No 5, for SATB, £11.75

P 312 Mozart's Quartet K.V. No. 156 arranged by Adam Dopadlik for SATB, £8.50

P 314 Marg Hall - Swing Easy for SATB, £9.00
1. Jogging Along; 2. Fairground Ride; 3. Autumn Song; 4. Seeing Double; 5. Come in - don't wait at the door. Not beginner pieces, they offer a little more challenge than afforded by truly "easy" quartets.

P319 Trad. - Nobody Knows The Trouble I See arr. Rodney Allen for SATB £6.00

P320 Trad. - Swing Low Sweet Chariot arr. Rodney Allen for SATB £6.00

P 341 Marg Hall - Blue Spectrum: four jazzy quartets for SATB recorder, £8.50
Cobalt Blue, Ultramarine, Prussian Blue, and Greeny-blue.

P 345 Colin Hand - Dancing Day for SATB, £6.25
Commissioned by Alan Davis for the Birmingham Schools' Prom.

P 354 Judith Bush - Yorkshire Dales Suite for SATB, £7.75
1. The Old Green Lane; 2. The Ghyll; 3. The Tarn; 4. The Beck

P 356 Johann Pachelbel - Gigue from String Trio Suite, arr. Kevin Kelly for SATB, £5.25

P 357 Marg Hall - Three Spanish Carols for SATB, £6.00

P 364 Marg Hall - Chief O'Neill's Favourite and Other Great Irish Tunes for SATB, £9.75
1. Chief O'Neill's Favourite; 2. Old Maids of Galway; 3. The Silkedy Scissory Happy Little Song; 4. The Big Fairy Hill and the Little Fairy Hill; 5. Gareth's Wedding. Written for the Scottish Recorder Festival 2010 - "I learned all of these tunes in my tin-whistle-playing days from different sources" says the composer.

P 368 Marg Hall - Sweet Swing for S/AA/TTB, £8.50
Five jazzy quartets for flexible recorder quartet - 1. Pear Drops; 2. Nut Brittle; 3. Treacle Toffee; 4. Jelly Beans; 5. Sherbert Lemons

P 372 Eileen Silcocks - Spring and Summer Dances, SSAA, £6.00
Written for the children of Erkine Stewart's Melville Schools in Edinburgh, and catering for different levels of ability, from near beginner to intermediate. Treble 2 can also be played on a tenor, and treble players can practise reading up an octave on the Descant 2 part.

P 373 Marg Hall - Elsie Marley and other great tunes from Northumberland arr for SATB, £9.50
1. Felton Lonnin; 2. Broom Buzzems; 3. Derwentwater's Farewell; 4. The New Tyne Bridge; 5. Hexhamshire Lass; 6. Elsie Marley

P 396 Claude Debussy - Cakewalk, arr. Adam Dopadlik for SATB, £7.50

P 397 Peter Warlock - Beethoven's Binge arr. Adam Dopadlik for SATB, £7.50

P 408 Ian Farquhar - Napier's Blues for SATB, optional Great Bass and Contra, £7.00
John Napier, a scottish nobleman, refined the logarithms and produced tables such as we are familiar with. Tempo is "Andante miseria" and is in C minor. You may learn some maths along the way.

P 409 Ian Farquhar - Archimedes Principle for SATB with optional Great Bass and Contra. Also water jars are required. £6.00
This is Ian in a light mood - short, fun and not difficult. I suspect alternative ideas could replace the water jars.

P 410 Ian Farquhar - Pythagoras Square Dance for SATB, opt. Great Bass and Contra, £7.00
Reminiscent of a well know American square dance. Short, sharp and full of fun

P 412 Marg Hall - Hava Nagila: 4 Jewish Songs and Dances arranged for SATB recorders, £7.50
1. Nigun Atik "Ancient Melody" It has become known as a wedding dance.
2. Oriental Hora - A traditional middle European Klezmer tune
3. Mayim Mayim - "Water, water" is an Israeli folk song
4 Hava Nagil "Let's rejoice" The melody is taken from a Ukrainian folk song

P 422 Everybody's Talking by Roy Sansom for SATB, £7.00
A minimal piece that pieces together phrases of varying lengths which eventually coincide. The effect should be that of a conversation amongst four people where everybody has her own point and is not interested in anybody else's as much as making theirs heard. Enjoy the racket.

P 429 Marg Hall - Three Welsh Carols for SATB,  £6.25

P 434 Marg Hall - Four Playford Dances for SATB, £7.50

P 451 Marg Hall - Three Polish Carols for  SATB, £6.00
"Today in Bethlehem", "Little Baby Jesus", "In the Quiet Night". Lovely melodies coming from a rich tradition of carols from Poland. 

P 457  John Hawkes - September Music  for SATB 11.50
In four movements: 1. Moderato/Allegro 2. Giocoso. 3. Andante Sostenuto 4. Allegro. All four parts are interesting and the whole piece has plenty to keep all players on their toes and captivate moderate to advanced players.

P 461 Guus Haverkate - Jazzin' 4, Vol. 2 for SATB, £14.00
Five more quartets in Guus Haverkate's inimitable jazz style.

P 473 Justorum Animae  by Charles Villiers Stanford arr. Joanna Brown for SATB,  £5.50

P 474 "Pop Goes the Weasel" - nursery rhyme suite by Sue Handscombe for recorder quartet, SATB, £4.50
Girls & Boys Come Out to Play, Polly Put the Kettle On, Here we Go Round the Mulberry Bush & Pop goes the Weasel.

P 477 Over the Sea - 3 traditional songs from Northumberland arr. Sue Handscombe for SATB, £6.25
Ma Bonny Lad, Dance to your Daddy, Blow the Wind Southerly.

P 481 Four Scottish Sea Songs arranged by Marg Hall for SATB, £7.50

P 484 The Entertainer by Scott Joplin arranged by Sue Handscombe for SATB, £4.50

P 485 Largo from the New World Symphony by Dvorak arranged by Sue Handscombe for SATB, £4.50

P 488 Five Easy Quartets by Marg Hall for SATB, £6.25
1. Out in the Open; 2. Waltz; 3. Duck Day; 4. Song; 5. Jig. In the spring 2013 issue of The Recorder Magazine, Steve Marshall wrote an article entitled "Writing Music for 'Forgotten' Groups". In it, he said that there was a great shortage of music for players of modest ability who want music "they can enjoy playing with friends now or very soon, rather than after some lengthy process of improvement that they are unlikely to ever undertake". These pieces are an attempt to meet that need.
         "Easy" is of course a relative term, and against Steve's instructions, I have written one piece with TWO sharps in the key signature, and a scattering of (the easier) accidentals throughout. But I hope that if you feel "forgotten" you will enjoy the music!

P 490 Five More Easy Quartets by Marg Hall for SATB £6.25
A very welcome addition to the growing need for good music for players of modest ability. Pastorale, Marionette, Sloe Gin Jig, Contemplation, Max's Tune.

P 491 The Circle of The Year (at 52º N) by Guus Haverkate for S/AATB, £8.00
This looks challenging but very exciting. A through composed piece starting appropriately in September.

P 500 Little Suite No 1 for Recorder Quartet,  SATB, £8.50
Andy has been very busy and I think you will enjoy this little suite of three movements. Prelude, Intermezzo and Bouncy Branle.The suite is on the easy side of moderate.

P 503 Four Moods for Four by James Kurtz for recorder quartet AATB, £7.50
Another new composer for us from America. There are 4 movements: Fanfare, Courtly, Saraband Sentimentale, Finale-Rhythmic. Moderate/Advanced players needed with a keen sense of precision and rhythm. Some interesting harmonies and musical ideas. A most enjoyable set of short pieces.

P 510 Three European Carols arranged by Marg Hall for recorder quartet - SATB,  £7.00
Includes the Moravian carol Angel Tidings and the Neapolitan Quando Nascent Ninno alongside the more familiar Basque carol Gabriel’s Message.

P 512 Klezmer Collection arranged by Marg Hall for recorder quartet - SATB,  £8.50
Klezmer is a musical tradition of the Ashkenazi Jews of Eastern Europe.  Typically, the sound, from clarinet, fiddle, guitar and accordion is wild, raw and energetic when fast and plaintive and melancholy when slow.  Included here are Valodya’s Farewell to Odessa, Dobranotsh, Odessa Bulgar, Hopke and Papirosn.

P 514 Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes - Trad. arr. Sue Handscombe for SATB, £4.50
A lovely arrangement of this old English melody. The melody is passed between the parts all of which are interesting. The whole effect is rather like a Sicilienne.

P 515 Veritable Victoriana - Barnsby & Sullivan arr. Sue Handscombe for 4 S/A/T/B various, £6.00
Sweet and Low by Sir Joseph Barnby, AATB, Brightly Dawns our Wedding Day (from The Mikado) SATB and The Long Day Closes, AATB, both by Sir Arthur Sullivan

P 517 Eight Chorales - playing score by J S Bach, arr Helen Hooker for 4 SATB, £4.00

P 522 Wartime Favourites arr. Fran Jones for 4 SATB, £6.00
Songs include Bless ‘em All, I’m Forever Blowing Bubbles, Pack up Your Troubles and We’ll Meet Again.

P 523 Popular Carols Galore arr. Alison Cameron, for 4 SATB, £4.50
This book complements Carols Galore and More Carols Galore and contains 13 carols not included in the other two books.

P 532 Wartime Favourites Volume 2 arranged by Fran Jones for recorder quartet, SATB, £9.75
Includes: Good-bye-ee! Goodbye Dolly Gray, Keep the home fires burning, My Old Man, Now is the Hour, Take me back to dear old Blighty.

P 537 Sellingers Round by William Byrd arr. by Sue Handscombe for SATB, £4.50
This is a transcription of Byrd's arrangement of the well known melody from the Fitzwilliam Virginal Book.

P 539 Marg Hall - Four on the Cool Side:Three jazzy quartets for SATB Recorders, £5.00

P 544 The Leaves be Turning, the Nuts be Brown. A jazzy fantasy on the traditional tune "The Leaves be Green" by Sue Handscombe for SATB, £4.50.
The original melody is tossed between all the parts while the remaining parts have some fun.

P 545 Tourdion - Variations on a traditional tune by Sue Handscombe for SATB + optional Tabor, £5.00
Tourdion - a lively French dance. This one which became popular when included in a set of dances by Attaignant and later was set as a drinking song. "Quand je bois du vin clairet"

P 548 Three Pieces by Walter Leigh (1929) arranged by Malcolm Abbs for SATB recorders, £6.25
The Three Pieces are modern, miniature gems providing the player with a perfect entry into the sound world of the the early 20th century.

P 549 Three Dances from "Jolly Roger" by Walter Leigh arranged by Malcolm Abbs for SATB, £6.25
These charming pieces of "mock baroque" were written for Jolly Roger, the second of Leigh's comic operas

P 550 Wassail! Three Christmas carols arranged by Marg Hall for SATB £6.00
Here we come a-wassailing, The Gower Wassail and the Gloucester Wassail. Three gusty arrangements which, though not difficult, have interest in all parts.

P 553 A French Christmas. Seven carols arranged by Sue Handscombe for SATB, £6.00
Seven of the best known French carols. They run together to form one complete piece.

P 555 Five Fine Welsh Tunes arranged for recorders by Marg Hall, SATB, £6.00
Five favourite melodies from Wales. 1. The Rising of the Lark 2. David of the White Rock 3. Men of Harlech 4. The Ash Grove 5. Over the Stone

P 563 Alphorn Pieces adapted for recorder by Josef Manser for BBGbCb, £6.00
These pieces have been given the names of mountains in Switzerland. All of them are around or above 3000m high. "Horn" means peak. The pieces need a calm tempo and there is a pause on most of the breath-taking. The Alphorn players often do a rubato at the end of a phrase. Playing score.

P 564 Six Easy Spirituals arranged by Marg Hall for SATB, £7.00
These pieces have been arranged for young people and adults who are ready to try quartets but can't yet manage truly independent parts. She has given rhythms to more than one part at once and has avoided less well-known accidentals.

P 565 Three Springtime Pieces by Richard Lindsay for SATB, £7.00
Persephone, Melancholia, Wandering. Three gentle and melodious pieces. Moderate ability.

P 568 Springtime Ramble by John Hawkes, for 4 SATB, £11.50
Setting Off, Meandering, Waltzing By and Ambling Along. Plenty of light and shade and lots of melodic interest.

P 573 Mutatis Mutandis by Ian Farquhar for 4 SATB, £5.75

P 585 Quartet No 7 K160 by Mozart, arr. for SATB recorders by Joanna Brown, £10.50
This quartet is arranged from Mozart's seventh string quartet in Eb major - here in C major.

P 592 More for Four by Marg Hall  for SATB, £7.50
Four Jazzy quartets for SATB. The four prices are titled: Monkey Business, Almost Horizontal, Four into Three, Baroque Swing
Challenging pieces but good fun.

P 602 Three Tudor Cats by Antony Baldwin for recorder quartet SATB  and piano ad lib. Score & 4 playing scores, £6.50
Three character pieces of the composer's favourite cats.

P 604 Suite Francaise by Francis Poulenc, arr. James Kurtz for SATB, £15.00

P 605  Ave Verum Corpus by William Byrd, transcribed by Joanna Brown for recorder quartet, AATB,  £4.50
The words are underlined on every part to facilitate the phrasing of this beautiful piece. Vocal music is particularly suited to performance on recorders and this piece is no exception.

P 612 Four Dutch Carols by Marg Hall for SATB, £6.00

P 613 Cambridge Prelude, Interluds and Fugue by Marg Hall for SATB, £7.50
This was written for the the Cambridge SRP Festival 2017 and as the title suggests, it has a very Baroque influence.  

P 615 Second Klezmer Collection by Marg Hall for SATB, £7.50
Four more wonderfully arranged Jewish melodies.

P 616 March and Allegro for Mechanical Clock by F Haydn arr. Ann Garling for AATB, £6.00

P 617 Adagio for a Glass Harmonica by W A Mozart arr. Ann Garling for AATB, £5.00

P 622  Mary Anning at Lyme Regis by Graham Stansfield arr. Jane Minns for voice/S,ATB, £6.00
This piece tells the story of Mary Anning who was a fossil collector on the Jurassic cliffs in Dorset.

P 624  Four Koans by Stephen Watkins for SATB, £7.90
Stephen made a study of Japanese music theory and as a result felt motivated to write a few pieces for recorders.

P 625  Quartet No. 2 by Stephen Watkins for SATB, £9.50
A most interesting quartet. There are some quite difficult parts but the hard work will be worth while.

P 627 Music with her Silver Sound: Songs from the Plays of William Shakespeare, edited by Eric Haas, £25.00
84 pages of stunning music for voices and instruments and also suitable for recorder consorts (combinations of SATB). There are short notes on each piece with some extracts from the plays showing context. 

P 632 The Art of Fugue - the four-part Contrapuncti - J S Bach, ed. Eric Haas: score £16.00, part (P 632P), £4.50

P 634 Stephen Watkins - Blow the Wind Southerly - 4 SATB £10.50
A set of variations on a well-known folk song in varying mood and style. There are plenty of flowing semi-quavers along the way.

P 635 J S Bach - Fugue in G minor for organ, BWV 578, “Little” - 4 SATB £5.00
P 636 J S Bach - Fugue in C majpr BWV 564 - 4 SATB £5.00

P 637 D Scarlatti - Sonata in G minor K 87 - 4 SATB, £5.00
An arrangement of the keyboard sonata in b minor, K.87

P 639 Scott Joplin - Pineapple Rag - 4 SATB £5.00

P 640 Maurice Hodges - The Little Black Rose - 4 SATB £5.00
This is a fantasia on the Irish folk tune. It is above moderate difficulty.

P 643 arr. Marg Hall - Three English Carols - 4 SATB £4.50
I Saw Three Ships, For this is Christmas Eve, Sans Day Carol. Three beautifully arranged carols which make up a lovely contrasting set.

P 645 Guus Harverkate - Stan and Olly “A Slapstick in a Ghost House” - 4 SATB £8.00
This crazy quartet may be considered as the soundtrack of a non-existent Laurel & Hardy movie. The music consists of a series of sound imitations, action support, melody fragments from national anthems, British and German war songs and James Bond's Goldfinger theme.

P 647 E Humperdinck arr. Sue Handscombe - Hansel & Gretel Medley - 4 SATB £5.50
Evening Prayer, the Witch is Dead, Brother Come and Dance with Me. The three pieces are linked so they make one longer piece. Very nice arrangement.

P 648 Handel & Purcell arr. Sue Handscombe - Love and Tragedy - 4 SATB £5.50
Non Io diro (Silent Worship) by Handel and Rondo from Abdelazer by Purcell.

P 649 Henry VIII arr. Sue Handscombe - Two Fantasies on Songs by Henry VIII for 4 SATB and 3 ATB £5.50
"Helas Madame" SATB and "Pastime with Good Company" ATB. These two pieces begin with Henry VIII's original work and then wander off into pure fantasy.

P 650 Misc arr. Sue Handscombe - Veritable Victoriana Two - 4 S/A/T/B £5.50
"Ah! Leave Me Not to Pine Alone" by Sullivan, "Hail Smiling Morn" by Spofforth and "Goodnight Goodnight Beloved" by Pinsuti. Two rather beautiful love songs are placed either side of a very jolly "glee".

P 656 The Tower of Babell by Ian Farquhar, SATB £5.50
A short one-movement piece whose subject can be found in Genesis chapter eleven.

P 660 Recorder Quartet no. 9 "Changing Times" by John Hawkes SATB, £10.00
There are 4 movements: Allegro, Andante, Allegro ritmico, Finale. As the title suggests there are lots of time changes, particularly in the third movement. This piece is on the harder side of moderate - unless your counting is not so good! John Hawkes comments "There is [also] another reason for the title. I actually wrote a version of the first movement some 30  years or so ago and then laid it to one side. ... Last November I took it up again, revised it and added 3 more movements. Reflecting on the changes that have happened to us all over the last 30 years, I came up with the above title. (As Bob Dylan said: The times they are a-changing)."

P 661 Passacaille by Couperin arranged by Shirley Watson, for SATB, £6.50
This is an arrangement of a very grand piece from the Huitieme Ordre of Couperin’s keyboard works.

P 663 Four Pieces by Edward Macdowell, arranged by Shirley Watson, SATB, £6.50
An Old Garden, Song, Sung Outside the Prince’s Door, A Tin Soldier’s Love. These pieces are derived from piano compositions somewhat richer in harmony and texture than the popular “To a Wild Rose” which has been arranged for many instruments including recorder.

P 667 Three French Christmas Carols: Bethlehem, Let us Rejoice, Patapan arr. Marg Hall for SATB, £5.50

P 669 A German Christmas, arranged by Sue Handscombe for SATB, £5.50
A set of six German carols - Still, still, still; Kling Glöckchen kling; Leise rieselt der schnee; Stille Nacht; O Tannenbaum; Joseph lieber, Joseph mein. A translation is provided. The carols flow one after the other to form a medley.

P 672 Klezmer Swing by Marg Hall, SATB, £6.50
This piece was written for the SRP National Festival which was held in Durham this year, It was aimed at Upper Intermediate players and works well for a large group with suggestions for solo and tutti sections but equally good for one to a part. Every part has plenty of melodic content.

P 673 Gute Nacht - A German Goodnight arranged by Sue Handscombe, £5.50
Four German folk songs (including The Sandman and Lullaby (Brahms) to send you to sleep. The melodies flow one after another to make one piece. A lovely, gentle encore piece.

P 676 Symphony No. 2 by William Boyce, transcribed and arranged for recorders by Alison Cameron, A.A.T.B (or Gb), £5.00
The Symphony comprises three short movements.Allegro assai, Vivace and Presto. This short gem requires an elegant and precise technique. It is not too difficult. The repeated semiquavers will give players the opportunity to practise double tonguing and most semiquaver passages are stepwise.

P 678 Old Songs, New Tunes by Alison West for 4 SATB, £9.50
Hares on the Mountains, If I were a Blackbird, The Outlandish Knight. Three very contrasting and imaginative settings. Words are underlaid which give insight to interpretation.

P 679 William Boyce arranged by Alison Cameron - Symphony No 3 for 4 AATB/Gb £6.95
There are three movements: 1. Allegro 2. Vivace 3. Menuetto. The first movement is quite athletic. In the following two movements the two treble parts are mainly in unison.

P 682 arr. Sue Handscombe - Happy Birthday for 4 SATB £5.50
Five settings arranged in contrasting styles.

P 685 Tchaikovsky & Delibes, arr Sue Handscombe - Two Spiky Pieces: Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy & Pizzicati from Sylvia for 4 SATB £5.00
Two very well-known pieces particularly suitable for encore pieces and extremely good for a bit of precision practice for the orchestra!

P 695 John Hawkes - Miniature Suite for 4 ATTB £7.75
Six contrasting movements make up this Suite. John Hawkes gives everyone something meaty to play. Suitable for moderate to advanced players.

P 696 Recorder Quartet No 4 by John Hawkes, SATB, £7.50
Rhythmic, harmonically adventurous, but no more than moderately difficult. John conducted this quartet at the 2006 Cheltenham Recorder Festival, and a good performance was secured once all of the Gbs were mastered! For details of other compositions by John Hawkes, visit his website at http://www.johnhawkes.co.uk

P 697 John Hawkes - Suite Pastorale for 4 SATB £8.50
Five movements make up this Suite and reflect its title. Suitable for moderate players.

P 704A Canal Suite for recorder quartet by Susan M Francis, SATB, £7.50
There are 4 movements in this charming Suite of pieces. Not too difficult but every part has interest: Sunset on the Water; A Little Rondo from a Goldfinch Stretch; Waltzing in the Water at Welford; The Broken Chair.

P 705  Klezmer Fantasia by Marg Hall for recorder orchestra, TTBBGbGbCbCb and optional Sub-Great bass, £10.50
A very welcome to the repertoire for the lower instruments.

P 706 Three Klezmer-Style Quartets by Marg Hall for SATB, £7.50
Circle Dance, Melancholy Song, Grapevine Dance. Written for an intermediate class in the 2020 SRP Festival.

P 708 Hedgehog Stomp and other Quartets by Marg Hall for SATB, £8.50
Hedgehog Stomp, Lockdown Blues, More Monkey Business, Hunky-Dory

P 711 Spring Song by John Hawkes for SATB £8.50

P 718 Melodies from the Mikado by Arthur Sullivan, arr. Sue Handscombe for 4 SATB, £6.75
Six of the most popular melodies arranged to form a one-movement piece.

P 719 Organ Trio BWV 527 by J S Bach, arr. Susan Francis for 4 ATBB, £10.50

P 724 four little somethings; 4 quartets for SATB by Marg Hall, £6.75

P 726 Love and Lamentation: six folksongs from around the UK - Trad. arr. Liz Maxwell for 4 SATB, £9.50
Six lovely little melodies, nicely arranged and living up to the title.

P 729 Six Bagatelles by John Hawkes for 4 SATB, £7.50
Six contrasting pieces for moderate to advanced players.

P 730 Six Scottish Island Tunes, arr. Marg Hall for 4 SATB, £8.50
The Skye Boat Song, The Dark Island, The Arran Boat Song, Mingulay Boat Song, The Isle of May, Isle of Harris Polka

P 731 Six More Scottish Island Tunes, arr. Marg Hall for 4 SATB, £8.50
Westering Home, The Isla Reel, The Iona Boat Song, The Island of Mull, The Eriskay Love Lilt, The Bonny Isle o'Whalsey

P 738 Midwinter Miniatures by Judith Bush for 4 SATB, £6.00
North Wind, Solstice Song, Yuletide Jig. These three atmospheric miniatures won 1st Prize in the SRP's Composers Competition. Very suitable and enjoyable for any SRP meeting or friends joining together at long last!

P 742 Contemplative by Elizabeth Alexander for 4 SATB £4.50
A short lyrical piece in character with its name.

P 743 Cambridge in Summer by Elizabeth Alexander, for SATB  £7.50

P 746 Movements from Judas Maccabaeus by Handel, arr. Susan Francis for 4 SATB £6.50
Come Ever Smiling Liberty, O Lovely Peace, March/See the Conquering Hero

P 747 Bicycle Made for Two by Harry Dacre, arr. Susan Francis for 4 SATB £6.00

P 751 Sonata 1 by Arcangelo Corelli, arr. Susan Francis for 4 SATB £6.50
The original sonata was for two violins & bc. It is in four short movements, enjoyable but eminently playable.

P 752 Garden Snippets by Liz Maxwell, for 4 SATB £12.50
Six simple pieces: Branches in the Wind, April Shower, Roses in the Rain, August Reverie, Sparrow Hop, Autumn of Gold. These pieces are not all as easy as the title would suggest. A lovely stroll around Liz's garden.

P 753 Maggie’s Rag by Marg Hall for 4 SATB £5.00
The music is dedicated to one of Marg's cats. The rhythmic interplay between parts is tricky in places. Altogether a lively and fun piece.

P 756 Fugue in G BWV 576 by J S Bach, arr. Susan Frances for 4 SATB £6.50
This piece is from the Organ Book No. 12. There is plenty to work on here, in particular the interplay between the parts which must be seamless.

P 756B J S Bach - Fugue in G BWV576 arranged by Susan M Francis for ATBGb, £7.50
A wonderful piece which transfers very well to recorders.

By Nicholas Wynne
P 758 A Garden of Flowers - 7 Little Pieces for Recorder Quartet - SATB - £ 12.50
A set of little gems. All parts are equally active. Harder side of "moderate".
P 759 Hot and Humid - 7 pieces in a Syncopated Style - SATB - £12.00
Tango-style pieces with tricky bits. All parts are of interest and enjoyable.
P 761 All Souls’ Eve - 3 Little Pieces in a Spooky Style - SATB - £ 7.50
Weirdling Waltz, Gavotte Grotesque, Phantastic Carousel. Short pieces of moderate level.
P762 Walkin’ the Dog - 6 little Pieces in a Swinging Style - SATB - £12.50
Six character pieces from Dachshund to Hang Dog to Mr Jack Russell.

P 760 A Trip Around the British Isles - arranged by Susan M Francis for SATB - £ 11.00
Favourite songs of the British Isles, very nicely arranged. Ash Grove, Phil the Fluter's Ball, Skye Boat Song, My Bonnie, On Ilkley Moor, Oh No John, John Peel.

P 764 John Hawkes - Northolme - Recorder Quartet No. 11 for SATB, £9.50
A four-movement piece full of melody and rhythm with the parts often working in twos.

P 765 Paul Clark - Happy Birthday Variations for SATB, playing score, £4.50
These variations originally published by Sweet Pipes are now back in print.

P 767 The Sound of the World by Guus Haverkate, for 4 ATTB, £14.00
This piece is a revised version of Continental Journey for quartet (original is 6-part): North America, Europa, Asia, Arabia, Australia, Antarctica, South America, Africa. Rather a tricky set of pieces but the end result is spectacular. I think the four-part version will work well.

P 768 Rondeo Quartet for SATB by Nicholas Wynne, £12.00
Recorder quartet in four movements: a piece in Nick's quirky style. Some of the pieces look quite straightforward but precise timing is important and not always easy to achieve. The Finale has some very interesting and hair-raising moments, such as the change from B major to G minor in the middle!

P 771 Eight Czech Folk Tunes - various, arr. Marg Hall for 4 SATB, £10.50
Eight contrasting pieces you may not know. As always, Marg gives every part something interesting to play.

P 777 Three Dances for Recorder Quartet by Nicholas Wynne for 4 SATB, £8.00
Frog Dance, English Waltz, Spinning Top Waltz. These quirky litte pieces are mostly moderate with some little tricky bits.

P 778 Masterpieces from the Early 17th Century - Misc. arr. Susan Francis for SATB or AATB, £6.75
Intrada by Schein, The Shepherds in the Field by Schutz, Ballet des Matelots by Praetorius. A lovely balanced programme, all in one book.

P 780 Summer Ramblings for SATB by John Hawkes, £7.75
The five movements of this piece ar not too challenging, full of interest in every part.

P 813 Toast pour le nouvel an by Rossini, arr Sue Handscombe for 4 SATB, £7.00

P 815 A Winter's Day in Spring by Nicholas Wynne for 4 SATB, £7.00
A through-composed piece with time changes and key changes to keep you on your toes.

P 816 Five Ukrainian Carols arranged by Marg Hall for SATB, £7.50

P 828 Exotic Birds by Sue Handscombe for 4 SATB 6.60
Four character pieces dedicated to Ruth and Jerry Burbidge and their peacocks who feature in the first piece: A Pride of Peacocks; The Bird of Paradise Waltz; Owls on the Prowl; Puffin Parade. These pieces are of moderate difficulty but with some tricky bits! The parts are all of interest and the set of pieces will be very enjoyable. 

P 829 Suite No 5: In Sherwood Forest by Raymond Harvey for SATB, £5.75

P 847 Chips off the Block by John Hawkes for SATB, £8.50
P 848 Elise in Elysium by Glen Shannon for SATB, £6.50 

P 854 Yellow Bird: 5 Caribbean Songs arr. Marg Hall for SATB, £6.75 

P 855 Three Edwardian Songs arr. Nicholas Wynne for SATB, £8.50

P 863 Liz Maxwell - Let Us Play: six popular hymns for SATB, £8.00

P 864 Liz Maxwell - Sarah's Song for SATB, £6.50

P 866 Josef's Musical Journey by Marg Hall, for SATB, £10.50

P868  The Story of Danny Boy by Guus Haverkate for AATB, £9.50
P870 The Bee-loud Glade, A suite for four recorders by Marg Hall for SATB, £8.00


P 53 Suite of Dances from Handel's Water Music, arr. Helen Hooker, SA(div)T(div)B £8.50, pts £1.25

P 65 The Bells by Byrd, arr. Mary Steele SATTB £6.25

P 57 Moderato from Trio Sonata No. 1 by Pergolesi, arr. Kevin Kelly SATTB £5.00

P 72 Four Carols from Around the World, arr. Andy Meyers, SSATB £6.00

P 75 Spanish Dance by Moskowski arr. Helen Hooker SAATB £6.25

P 93 Suite No. 6: a suite of English melodies arr. Raymond Harvey SATBGb £7.50

P 107 Festival Overture by Colin Hand AATTB £8.25

P 103 The Leaves be Green by Tim Coker S/SoSSS/TS/Cb £9.50

P 114 Cheesy Ragtime by Anoushka Morse SATBGb £6.50, pts 80p ea.
This recorder quintet is fun to play, using a wide range of notes and syncopated rhythms. The happily plodding middle Blues section is contrasted by the catchy Ragtime opening and ending. With a little work, this piece is very satisfying to play and enjoyable to hear.

P 130 Raymond Harvey - Suite No. 1 for SATTB £8.50

P 131 Handel - Music for the Royal Fireworks, arr by Anthony Baines for SSATB, £7.80

P 138 Conversations by Geoffrey Winters SAATB £6.25

P 147 Sub tuum praesidium by Taverner, arr. Colin Hand for SATTB, £4.50

P 153 The Ludes Quintet by Colin Hand, SAATB £13.50

P 174 In Nomine 8: improvisations on a plainsong by Colin Hand, SAATB, £11.50

P 179 Patapan -Trad. ed. Silk & Silcocks, SoSATB + chimes & drum, £5.75

P 197 Marg Hall - Razzjazz for Five for SAATB, £7.50

P 207 Ding Dong Merrily - Trad, arr. Silk, ed. Silcocks, SATTB & glockenspiel, £5.

P 208 The Cradle - Trad, arr. Silk, ed. Silcocks, SATTB, £5.75

P 229 Michael Short - Invocation and Fugue for SAATB. P 229, £8.50

P 231 J S Bach - Orchestral Suite No 1, BWV 1066 arr. Eileen Silcocks for ATBGbCb, £7.50

P 237 Marg Hall - Bobby Goes to Town for SATBGb, £6.25
A jazzy arrangement of the folk tune "Bobby Shaftoe"

P 256 Elgar, arr. Bloodworth - Minuet Op. 21 for 5 SAATB, £5.25

P 266 Radetsky March by Johann Strauss, arr. Shirley Watson for SoSATB, £6.25

P 294 Delibes: Coppelia Suite, arr. Jane Minns: "Ballade de l'epi" arr. for A + TTBGb, £5.50

P 302 Marg Hall - Razzle Dazzle Gypsies for SATBGb, £7.50
Jazzy arrangement of the folk tune "Raggle Taggle Gypsies"

P 305 Eileen Silcocks - Fantasia for ATBBGb, £6.00
Inspired by Susanne Schnabel's use of white in her art.

P 344 Simon Winters - Christmas Medley for SAATB, £6.25

P 365 Alan Bullard - North Sea Sketches for recorder ensemble (SAATB, opt. So,GB,Cb), £7.75
These nautical pieces were commissioned for the 2010 SRP Festival, held at the Suffolk town of Felixstowe, one of the largest North Sea ports, where they received their World Premiere performance. North Sea Sketches is an arrangement of a selection of traditional songs and dances related to the sea: 1. In Harbour (three country dances: "The Boatman", "Chelsea Reach" and "Steamboat Quickstep"; 2. Lament, based on the folksong"All things are quite silent" in which a young woman remembers her husband press-ganged into the Navy; 3. Ocean Waves - "Bold Nelson's Praise", "Bay of Biscay"; "Farewell and adieu to you fine Spanish ladies".

P 369 John Hawkes - Silver Suite for SSATB, £9.00

P 378 Debbie Porro - Three Reel Lassies for Sop/A S1/A S2/A AT & pno, £8.50
The Treble 2/tenor part is easier and can be played by less experienced players. This applies to both versions. (See P 379)

P 385 Judith Bush - Feathered Folk for SAATB, £7.50
Three traditional songs about birds: The Cutty Wren; On the Moor I Saw a Plover; The Cuckoo She's a Pretty Bird

P 387 Jimmy McHugh arr. Barlow - On the Sunny Side of the Street for SSATB, £6.25

P 425 Roy Sansom - Government Cut for SATBB, £6.00

P 431 John Hawkes - Triptych for 5 SATTB, £9.50

P 432 Overture Light Cavalry by Franz von Suppe arr. by Joanna Brown for recorder ensemble, A/S.T.T.B.Gb, £10.50

P 450 3 Latin American Dances by Marg Hall for  SAATB, £7.00 
Tango, Samba, Rumba. Three medium-difficult quintets exploring the distinctive rhythms of Latin American dances.

P 470 David of the White Rock, Old Welsh Lament arr. by Daryl Runswick for 5 ATBGbCb, £4.50

P 483 Oi Dortn - Variation on a beautiful traditional Jewish melody by Matthias Maute for ATBGbCb £6.00

P 487 Lustspiel-Ouverture by Bela Keler arr. Joanna Brown, Quintet Version SATTB, £8.50

P 498 Seville: a recorder quintet by Ronald Wilson, for SATTB, £5.25
This is the first composition from Ronald in our Peacock publications, though there will be more. A gentle piece inspired by Seville: "I know not Seville, Yet I feel the nights grow heavy-scented, Starred with roses white ....."

P 508 Mairi’s Wedding by Ronald Wilson for Quintet  - Sno. SATB,  £6.50
Mairi would consider this a very fitting romp for her celebration.

P 511 Quintet in G minor Op. 56 no.2 by Franz Danzi, arranged by Joanna Brown for recorder quintet, SATTB,  £15.50
Originally published in 1821 for flute, oboe, clarinet, horn and bassoon this quintet provides a substantial work for advanced ensembles, consisting of a dainty Allegretto, a gently swaying Andante, an elegant Menuetto allegretto and a spirited Allegretto, there is great interest for all players throughout.

P 551 Autumn Tapestry by John Hawkes for recorder quintet SAATB, £12.50
Five movements packed with interesting harmonies and rhythms in every part.

P 557 David and Rachel: two dedications by Richard Lindsay for SATB, £6.00
"David" is scored for solo descant & SATB, and "Rachel" for SATTB. Two very accessible pieces of moderate difficulty. All of Richard's pieces are accessible to SRP and other moderate ability groups.

P 561 In the Dark by Richard Lindsay for SATB (+ bass doubled 8ve lower), £5.50
Calm and gentle melody with a flowing, undulating accompaniment.

P 584 Fantasy The Leaves Be Green by James Kurtz, for SAATB, £7.50
A new look at the ever popular Elizabethan melody. The melody is shared between the voices and mutates along the way.

P 591 My Love's an Arbutus and Blue Bird by Stanford for SATTB/SSATB, £5.00

P 597  Gloria Patri by G. F. Handel arr. Moira Usher for recorder quintet, SSATB  £9.00
This comes from “Dixit Domine”  The piece is in 2 sections, the second of which is fugal. In Handel’s inimitable melodious and uplifting style

P 614  Recorder Quintet No. 1 by John Hawkes for SAATB, £11.50
A four movement work Allegro. Flowing, Allegro, Finale. quite tricky but eminently playable and full of interest for everyone.

P 620 Recorder Quintet No. 2 by John Hawkes for SATTB, £11.50
Another interesting piece in 4 movements.Moderato-Allegro, Andante, Allegro, Fantasia. Another very enjoyable piece.

P 621 Menuetto and Valse Lente by Oskar Merikanto arr. Joanna Brown for SSATGb, £5.50
Merikanto (1868 - 1924) was a Finnish contemporary of Sibelius.These are arrangements of two delicate little piano pieces written close to 1900.

P 653 Hopping Down in Kent by Marg Hall - SAATB £6.50
The piece is based on a song of the same name and celebrates the joys and hardships of the hop-pickers who went down to Kent each September, mostly from the East End of London.

P 662 Pink Noise: A Caribbean Rhapsody for 5 recorders by Guus Haverkate, AAATB, £7.75
A Caribbean seascape. Suitable for good amateur players and above. 

P 677 Suite No 1 from the Fairy Queen by Henry Purcell, arranged by Alison Cameron for 5 SATBGb £6.50
A lovely set of varied pieces. The great bass plays almost the same as the bass adding some lower notes from time to time. There are five movements: Prelude, Rondo, Giga, Hornpipe and Dance with the Fairies.

P 680 Chanson du Matin by Edward Elgar, arranged by Alison Cameron for 5 SATBB(Gb), £5.50

P 681 Chanson du Nuit by Edward Elgar, arranged by Alison Cameron for 5 SATBB(Gb), £5.00

P 683 Recorder Quintet no. 4 - Summer Songs by John Hawkes for SATTB, £12.50.
Four movements. Moderato, Andante, Allegro, Maestoso/Allegro. Harder moderate level competence needed but a most enjoyable set of pieces.

P 703 William Boyce - Symphony (Suite) No. 4 arranged by Alison Cameron for Descant, Treble, Tenor, Bass & Great Bass £9.50

P 713 Quintet No 5 by John Hawkes for SATTB, £12.50

P 721 A Medley of French Nursery Songs - Trad arr. Susan Francis for 5 SAATB, £5.50

P 740 Two Handel Arias arranged by Sue Handscombe for Solo S, SATB, £6.75
'O Had I Jubal’s Lyre' and 'Waft her, angels, through the skies' (both from Joshua). Two very contrasting pieces, one of rejoicing and the other of torment and grief. Both feature a solo descant.

P 741 Fantasia on English Folk Tunes by Susan Francis for 5 SAATB, £6.50
The melodies used in this pleasing through-composed piece are Lavender’s Blue, To the Maypole, Bobby Shaftoe, By the Banks of Allan Water and The British Grenadiers.

P 754 Suite animato by Marg Hall for SATTB, £7.75

P 763 Jean Baptiste Loeillet - Recorder Quintet, arranged by Susan M Francis for 4 Trebles & a Bass, £12.00
A wonderful opportunity to play this beautiful chamber music on recorders.

P 772 Shards of Hope by John Hawkes, for 5 SATTB, £11.75
This is a 5-movement piece. Although it is in the "difficult" category, most moderate players could tackle it, especially with some guidance, and it would be worth the hard work.

P 773 Sacred Music by Bach Vol. 2, arr. Susan Francis for 5 SAATB, £7.50
"Freut euch und Jubiliert" from Magnificat in D and two pieces from "Jesu meine Freude". this music is certainly athletic but very beautiful and well worth looking at.

P 782 La Famiglia by Nicholas Wynne for 5 SATBGb, £7.75
Four family portraits: Grandpa, Grandma, Little Saskia and Tomas. The harder side of moderate, fun to play.

P 790 Various arr Susan M Francis: Songs from World War I for 5 SA(A)T(T)B £7.50
Anchors away (AATTB), I'm for ever blowing bubbles (SAATB), If you were only girl in the world (AATTB), Its a long way to Tipperary (SATTB)

P 791 Summer Sweet by Nicholas Wynne for 5 SATBCb, £10.50
Recorder Quintet in three movements: Summer Breeze, Summer Showers, Summer Serenade. An interesting but seldom seen instrumentation. Some interesting time changes. Moderate - hard.

P 814 A Song of Caldey by Lyndon Hilling for TTBBGb, £7.00
The original setting was for male voice choir and the piece retains that rich mellow tone. A beautful piece suitable for all abilities.

P 819 Tamoio by Chiquinha Gonzaga arr. Joanna Brown for AATTB £7.50
A very melodious piece with mellow tone.

P 832 Two Characteristic Pieces by Nicholas Wynne for 5 SATBGb, £7.00
Professor Godbole's Flying Machine Takes to the Air and Nandy the Sleepy Cat. Very contrasting pieces full of interest and some tricky passages.

P 842 Monmouth Gathering by John Hawkes for 5 SATTB Opt Gb, Cb, Welsh Harp, £12.00
Written specially for the 2024 SRP Festival. This two-movement piece will please everyone as it is not too difficult for more modest players but satisfying and full of interest for more advanced players. 

P 865  Winter Wandering by John Hawkes, for SATTB, £9.50


P 08 Dance Suite by John Hawkes SAATTB £7.50 (www.johnhawkes.co.uk)

P 11 Debussy's "Le Petit Negre" arr Alan Davis SoSATBGb £3.50

P 14 Spiralling by Alison Cameron SSATTB £5.25

P 42 Mozart's "Ave Verum Corpus" arr. Helen Hooker SATBGbCb (SATB all div) £4.25

P 43 Adagio: 3rd Movement from Mozart's Serenade for Winds, arr. Helen Hooker SAATTB £5.25

P 60 Sound Crime by Gus Haverkate SSAATB £6.00

P 62 Two Six-Part German Motets, arr. C. Burgess SAATTB/SSATTB £6.00

P 64 Cascades by Scott Joplin, arr. Mary Steele SAATTB £5.25

P 74 Norwegian Dance by Grieg arr. Helen Hooker SAATTB £4.75

P 80 Laudamus Te from Vivaldi's Gloria, arr. Moira Usher SSSSATB or 2 sop voc & SATB £5.50

P 86 Toccata by Charles Marie Widor, arr. Peter Bowman for 6 SAATTB £8.00

P 96 The Twelve Days of Christmas, arr. Alan Davis SoSATTB £6.00

P 108 Bass is Beautiful by Ian Farquhar for bass consort BBBBGbCb £9.50
1. Down Beat 2. Deep Blue 3. Rock Bottom. Fairly short fun pieces featuring all the Bass recorders purchased by Peregrine Recorder Orchestra with a lottery grant.

P 97 Sonatina for Recorder Ensemble by Andy Meyers SoSSATB £9.25

P 146 Boccherini arr. Jane Minns: La Musica Notturna di Madrid, So/A A/B T T/S BGB, £7.00
"Procession of the Military Night Watch in Madrid." Composed in 1780, these four pieces conjure up Madrid at night as a military "retreat" passes through the town. The third piece features a glorious bass tune. Easy/Medium.

P 173 Quemadmodum by Taverner, arr. Colin Hand for SAATTB

P 227 Contrasts - The Gavotte by Edward Elgar, arr. by Denis Bloodworth for SATTBGb(Cb), £13.50

P 283 Satie - Three Gymnopedies, transcribed by Raymond Harvey for SATB,Gb - C, Gb - F, £9.00

P 301 Gus Haverkate - Once Upon a Time (A Western in Sound) for SAATTB, £7.75
Another exciting western, including mosquitoes, a train, a honky tonk piano and a gunfight - all done with recorders!

P 306 Guus Haverkate - Continental Journey for SAATTB, £12.00
Ranges through North America ("rockin' susanna"), Europe ("cathedrals"), Asia ("tibetanian flutes"), Arabia ("caravans"), Australia ("desert train"), Antarctica ("silent blue"), South America ("samba sodolare") and Africa ("djembé ostinato")

P 313 W A Mozart - Divertimento No. 8. in F major, K.213 arr. Adam Dopadlik for SAATTB, £9.50

P 375 Anon arr. Debbie Porro - Trotto for SSAATB, £7.50
A 14th-century Italian dance melody arranged for mixed ability recorder ensemble.

P 376 Diego Ortiz, 1553, arr. Debbie Porro - Recercada - SopSSATB, £8.50
Arranged for mixed ability recorder ensemble.

P 377 Debbie Porro - Lazy Daisy for SSAAAT & pno, £7.50

P 394 Edward Elgar, arr. Bloodworth - Polka - Helcia for SAATTB, £5.50

P 395 Marg Hall - Four Irish Airs for SATBGbCb, £8.75

P 427A J S Bach - Ricercar a 6 in G minor from A Musical Offering arr. Alan Davis, SATBGbCb, £7.75

P 427B J S Bach - Ricercar a 6 in D minor from A Musical Offering arr. Alan Davis, SoSATBGb, £7.75

P 440  Scottish Border Suite by Marg Hall for recorder sextet or orchestra, S,A/sop, TBGbCb, £7.50

P 456 Beati Quorum Via by Joanna Brown for SSAA/TTB, £6.25

P 464 Norfolk Dances by Daryl Runswick for 6 SATBGbCb, £7.50
‘The way to Norwich’ and ‘As I went to Walsingham’, for an intermediate ensemble with access to a great bass and a contra bass.

P 465 Bagatelle No. 2 by Daryl Runswick for SATBGbCb, £5.00

P 466 Southwell: Variations on the Psalm Tune by Daryl Runswick for 6 SATBGbCb £8.50

P 469 Good King Wenceslas, Variations by Daryl Runswick for 6 SATABGb, £6.10

P 493 Recorderumba by Andy Meyers for recorder sextet, SSATTB, £9.50
A jolly piece in the style of its title for players of moderate ability.

P 496 A Scottish Linsey-Woolsey by Daryl Runswick for SATBGbCb, £8.00
There are 9 Scottish songs woven into this one movement medley. It will be very a welcome addition to the repertoire of smaller groups with greats and contras.

P 527 Silver Strands by John Hawkes for 6 SSAATB, £13.50

P 529 A Policeman’s Lot by Sullivan arranged by Jane Minns for 6 recorders SATTBB, and a Bobby ( a solo bass instrument)  £5.00
A good fun piece to use as encore, perhaps, after a concert.

P 530 Spassetterln by Maasz arranged for 6 recorders by Jane Minns for SnoSAATB, £7.50
Originally written for 3 recorders and 3 flutes. These pieces have been taken from the suite which consists of music loosely based on pieces by the 8-year-old Mozart. Translation of the title is difficult but could be “A Playful Pastiche on pieces by Mozart aged 8”.

P 583 Plait by Ian Farquhar for SATBGbCb, £6.00

P 594 Double Reed Concerto in A minor. Anon c. 1730 arranged by Jane Minns for 6 parts with solos/tuttis for large ensemble. TTTTBGb  £13.50
The composition is a little gem, an example of concerto grosso da chiesa with music passing between 1-4 soloists and ripieno ensemble. It is ideally suited to a larger group but can be performed successfully by a small group.

Trad., arr. Jane Minns:
P 628 Dance to your Daddy for SATTBB/baritone voice, £6.25
P 629 Strawberry Fair for SA/STTBGb, opt vocals 2-3 baritone, sop, alto, £6.25
P 630 John Peel/Lincolnshire Poacher for 6 SATTBB/baritone voice, £6.25

P 631 Tambourin by F-J Gossec, arr. Jane Minns for 6 SoSATBB, £5.50

P 694 Edvard Grieg, arr Helen-Jean Talbott - At the Cradle from Lyric Pieces Book IX, op. 68 no 5 for 6 SATBGbCb £8.50
This lovely well-known tune has been arranged from Grieg's Lyric Pieces for piano.

P 700 Henry Purcell, arr Helen-Jean Talbott - Lilliburlero for 6 SATBGbCb £8.50
The melody first appeared in “The Delightful Companion” 1686 and Purcell used it for a harpsichord piece.

P 701 John Hawkes - Wallingford Suite for 6 SATTBGb, £15.90
The suite was written for the Wallingford recorder group from which came the title. There are five movements: 1. Queen’s Arbour 2. Bullcroft 3. Castle Meadows 4. Market Place 5. Night River. Each evocative movement is full of interest in every part and is suitable for good intermediate players and above.

P 739 Five Senses by Marg Hall for 6 SAATTB, £11.50
A Sense of Occasion, A Sense of Calm, A Sense of Rhythm, A Sense of Ease, A Sense of Fun. The names say it all! Three of these pieces (1, 2 and 5) as a group were 3rd Prize winners in the SRP's Composers Competition set up by Steve Marshall.

P 745 Agnus Dei from Missa sexti toni "L'homme armé" by Josquin des Prez, arr. Joanna Brown for 6 SSAATB, £6.50

P 750 Sinfonia from Il San Alessio by Stefano Landi, arr. Susan Francis for 6 SSATTB £6.50
A substantial and very interesting piece in several sections flowing on from each other without breaks.

P 766 Celebration Suite by Marg Hall for SATBGbCb, £7.75
Commissioned for by Sheila and Stephen Marlowe for their Golden Wedding Anniversary. Prelude and Waltz, Reflections and Celebration. Moderate difficulty level although there are some interesting time changes in the second movement.

P 787 La Vie Parisienne entr’act  fr Act IV by Jacques Offenbach arr by Sue Handscombe for recorder orchestra SATBGbCb £7.50
Another good contribution to the "encore repertoire". Bright, light and entertaining.

P 817 Flights of Fancy by John Hawkes for SATTBGb, £14.50
A five-movement piece with lots of time changes and everyone is kept busy.

P 818 Viva o Carnaval! by Chiquinha Gonzaga arr. Joanna Brown for SAATTB, £7.50
The piece is a polka and should be played with carnival exuberance.

P 839 Three Characteristic Pieces by Nicholas Wynne for 6 SoSATBGb, £9.00
Beep Beep, Professor Godbole's Flying Machine, Whirley-Jig. A quirky and tricky set of pieces, very enjoyable.

P 841 Quand la Mer Rouge Apparut - through the ages, arr. Helen-Jean Talbott for SATBGbCb, £8.50 
16th century French melody. The arrangement has distinct sections representing how this beautiful tune was used in three different time periods. 

P 859 Jerusalem by Blake/Parry, arr. Jane Minns  for SATTB,GB, with some divisi, £5.50
The full orchestrated version from The Last Night of The Proms and the London Olympics 2012.
 “Would to God that all the Lord’s people were Prophets. Numbers, XI.ch 29.v"

P871  Fanfare for an Ancient City, a celebration in four movements for Recorder Ensemble, by Nicholas Wynne, for SAATTB, £12


P 38 Crucifixus a 6 by Antonio Lotti, arr. Helen Hooker £4.75

P 52 Sängerlust Polka by Johann Strauss the Younger, arr. Alan Davis SoSATTBGb £6.25

P 69 Away in a Manger, arr. David Silk, ed. Eileen Silcocks £5.75

P 70 I Saw Three Ships, arr. David Silk, ed. Eileen Silcocks £5.75

P 105 Six Dances from "The Danserye" by Tylman Susato arr. Roger Bush (SS[S]AATT & percuss) £5.30

P 109 Four Guernsey Landscapes by Ian Farquhar SoSATBGbCb £9.75
The result of a family holiday in 1986 which resulted in six poems and musical sketches with impressions of different places: four are included here.

P 90 Rossini's William Tell Overture, arr. Alison Cameron SSATTBB + opt timp (orch) £9.50

P 91 Luigini's Ballet Egyptien, arr. Moira Usher SoSATTBGb (orch) £13.50

P 206 A Merry Christmas - Trad, arr. Silk, ed. Silcocks, SSAATTB, £5.75

P 285 7 x 7 by Dietrich Schnabel for SSAATTB, CB ad lib, £18.00
Seven parts, seven movements, seven time signatures and seven moods; giocoso, andante, alla marcia, Valzer burlesco and pesante energio.

P 303 Ian Farquhar - Ye Olde Alarme Clocke for SoSATBGbCb & woodblock, £9.00
According to a recent survey most people don't use alarm clocks any more - they've become an obsolete relic. Just think, we're not kept awake all night by a loud ticking noise, only to be woken when we've just got off to sleep!

P 316 John Hawkes - Septet for SAATTBGb, £15.00

 P 367 J S Bach arr. Alan Davis - Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring for SATTBGbCb, £5.00

P 407 Ian Farquhar: The Pendulum Clock for SoSATBGbCb, £6.00
An addition to Ian Farquhar's Clocks and Time series.

P 442 Ukrainian Steppes by Ian Farquhar for SoSATBGbCb.,  £13.50

P 486 Blaze Away by Abe Holzmann, arranged by Sue Handscombe for 7 SoSATBGbCb, £9.50

P 533 Wassail Song Arranged by Jane Minns for 7 recorders SAATTBGb, £6.00
This quite substantial piece, a bright new arrangement in A major, will liven your Christmas concerts.

P 575 Dendrocopos by Ian Farquhar for SoSATBGbCb & 3 percussion instr., £13.00

P 576 The Voyage by Ian Farquhar for SoSATBGbCb, £16.50
P 582 Ventosus by Ian Farquhar for SnoSATBGbCb, £6.00

Peer Gynt Suite no. 1, op. 46 by Edward Grieg arranged by Helen-Jean Talbott
The four movements have been published separately as they are different instrumentation but there is a discount for sales of the complete set. Helpful performance notes are found at intervals throughout the music.
1. P 586 Morning Mood for Si.S.SATBGbCb  £9.50
2. P 587 The Death of Ase for S.A.T.B.B.Gb.Cb  £5.50
3. P 588 Anitra's Dance for S.A.T.B.Gb.Cb with triangle  £9.50
4. P 589 In the Hall of the Mountain King for Si.S.A.T.B.Gb.Cb  £9.50

P 600 March, Boccaccio by Sue Handscombe, for SoSATBGbCb £8.75

P 609 Fantasia on St Anthony Chorale by Ian Farquhar for 7 So/A SATBCbCb £6.00

P 610 Tai Chi Encounter by Ian Farquhar, for 7 SoSATBGbCb £7.50

P 623  Le Train des Pignes by Graham Stansfield arr. Jane Minns for SAATTBGb, £6.00
The original piece comes from Graham's latest CD "A Choir for All Seasons" and depicts the engine of the "Chemin de Fer" miniature railway which puffs its way between Nice and Digne-les-Bains four times a day.

P 626   Two Scottish Marches by Marg Hall for SnoSATBGbCb, £8.50
Teribus and Dumbarton Drums worked into one piece.

P 641   Tango from Espana Op. 165 by Albeniz arr. Helen-Jean Talbott for ATTBBGbCb, £6.50
This would make a good encore piece as it is not too difficult, is a well known and liked melody and is not too long. The melody flits from one instrument to another.

P 692 The Frog Galliard by John Dowland, arr Helen-Jean Talbott for SATBBGbCb £8.50

P 693 There was a Pig went out to dig by Percy Grainger, arr Helen-Jean Talbott for SiSATBGbCb £8.50
The original tune is a traditional English song collected in Lancashire by Marianne Mason (1845-1932). Grainger published it as a 4-part women’s chorus in 1915.

P 728 Country Gardens by Percy Grainger, arr Helen-Jean Talbott for SiSATBGbCb £8.50
An orchestral version of the well-known Morris Dance tune collected by Cecil Sharp and used for a piano piece by Percy Grainger. (This title was previously P 698.)

P 783 Fairclough’s Fandango by Nicolas Wynne, for SAATBGbCb, £6.75

P 793 All in a Garden Green - a rondeau arr. by Helen-Jean Talbott for SATTBGbCb/SSATBGbCb, £12.50
The arrangement has been made from musical material from Sweelink, Chappell and Playford.
P 794 The Willow Song (Anon) arr. by Helen-Jean Talbott for SAATBGbCb, £12.50
For this beautiful piece, material from the British Museum and Pelham Humfrey has been used.
P 795 Homeward by Edvard Grieg arr. by Helen-Jean Talbott for So.SATBGbCb, £12.50
Three contrasting and beautiful pieces.
P 796 Mad Tom of Bedlam arr. by Helen-Jean Talbott for AATBBGbCb, 12.50
The musical material has been taken from Playford's Dancing Master.

P 810 Septet by Stephen Watkins, for S A1 A2 T1 T2 B1 B2 (opt, D2 GbCb), £14.00
Commissioned for the SRP Festival 2022 and very well received. The seven players can expand to ten if your group is large, giving a richer quality. Stephen says of the movements: "They are small reflections on my everyday life." Time to Go, Just Before Dawn, Chasing Butterflies.

P 861 “Jack’s the Lad”, traditional hornpipe arr. Jane Minns for 7 Parts: SoSA/TTBBGB, with some divisi in Bass instrument parts only, £5.50
Annually performed at The Last Night of The Proms, finishing as fast as possible. :-)


Parts available separately Price quoted includes score and one set of parts

P 22 Libera Me by Fauré arr Helen Hooker SSAATTBBGBCB £8.50

P 39 Panis Angelicus by César Franck, arr. Helen Hooker SAT(div)B(div)GBC £5.25

P 46 Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No 2 arr. Eddie , two "Choirs" SnoSAA & SATTB £15.00

P 41 Crucifixus à 8 by Antonio Lotti, arr. Helen Hooker SAATTBBCb £4.75

P 66 Crucifixus à 10 by Antonio Lotti, arr. Helen Hooker SSSAATTTBB (ConB ad lib) £5.00

P 76 Symphony No. 1 by Ian Farquhar SnoSSAATTBGrBConB £15.75
15 mins. Allegretto, Larghetto, Allegro con brio. Written for the Oakridge Consort, High Wycombe in 1977 and since played by Manchester Recorder Orchestra.

P 77 Not the 1812 - Tchaikovsky's Overture in 7 minutes. arr. Jane Minns, Sno/Gar.D.A/S/D.A.TTT.BB.GB, £13.75
The must-have audience participation piece to add to your repertoire. Cannons and armies are obligatory. Medium difficulty overall but top parts have some tricky passages.

P 78 Tchaikovsky's Symphony no. 6. Second Movt. arr. Moira Usher, SoSAATTBGbCb, £13.75

P 99 Bohemian Crystals by Ian Farquhar, SoSSAATTBBGbCb £13.50
1. Konoposte - the music represents the dramatic height of the castle's main tower; 2. Staro Mlyn - "Old Mill" - the slower flow of the backwater; 3. Sveteho Vita - "St Vita's Cathedral"; 4. Vaclav - Wenceslas. Variations on the carol from male voice Bohemian folksongs to a gipsy dance.

P 101 Intermezzo fr. Mascagni's "Cavaliera Rusticana", arr. Mary Steele for SAATTTBBGbCb, £7.50

P 121 Strauss's Radetsky March, arr. Mary Steele, SoSAATTBBGbCb, £11.50

P 122 Bach's Brandenburg Concerto No 3, arr. Jane Minns, SoSAATTBGb + opt kb £15.75
Bach's well-known concerto Grosso in G major for large ensembles with optional keyboard continuo and soloist inner movement. Fairly difficult.

P 129 Steadfast Oak by Ian Farquhar SSAATTBBGbCb £11.75

P 132 Mussorgsky - Excerpts from Pictures at an Exhibition, arr. by Moira Usher for SoSAATTBBGbCb, £15.95

P 133 Sinfonietta by Alan Davis, SoSSAATTBBGbGbCb, £15.75

P 141 Concerto in d min.TWV 52:e1 by Telemann, arr. Joanna Brown for AAATTBGbCb, £15.00

P 150 Ian Farquhar: Carillon, Variations on Old Tunes, 2 recorder choirs SATB x 2, £15.75

P 158 Ian Farquhar: In Fallow Fields, Rec. Orch. SoSSAATTBBGbCb, £12.50

P 160 Sussex Carol - trad. arr. Silk, SSAATTBB, £5.75

P 164 Sami SuoniP Suite by Ian Farquhar for SoSSAATTBBGbCb & drum, £22.50

P 175 Improvisations on a Souling Song by Colin Hand, SoSSATBGbCb, £17.50

P 176 Parade of the Tin Soldiers by Jessel, arr. Steele, SoSAATTBB, £7.50

P 177"Cornelius" March by Mendelssohn, arr. Steele, SAATBGbCb, £7.50

P 181 German Suite by Eileen Silcocks, SATB doubled with TBGbCb), £6.25

P 191 Concerto Grosso by Ralph Vaughan Williams, arr. Anne Martin for SoSSAATTBBGb, £13.50

P 192 Parodies and Paraphrases on l'Homme Arme by Ian Schofield for SoSSAATTBBGbCb, £15.50

P 193 Nimrod by Elgar, arr. Bloodworth for AATTTBBBGbCb, £8.50

P 210 Moths & Butterflies fr. "Wand of Youth" Suite 2 by Elgar, arr. Bloodworth for SAATTBBGbCb, £9.50

P 226 Mottette 11, BWV 226, "Der Geist hilft unsrer Schwachheit auf" by J S Bach: arr. Moira Usher for SATB/SATB, £13.50

P 234 Dvorak's Slavonic Dance No 8 arr. Andrew Collis, SoSSAATTBGbCb, £11.50
Those familiar with this well-known piece as a piano duet will be delighted with this lively version for recorder orchestra.

P 238 Chanson de Matin by Edward Elgar, arr. by Denis Bloodworth for recorder orchestra, SoSSAATTBBGbCb, £8.50

P 242 Capriol Suite by Peter Warlock, arr. Alan Davis for So/SSSAATTBBGb(optCb) £18.50, pts 1.25

P 340 Symphony No 2 by John Hawkes, SoSSAATTBBGbCb, £20.00

P 243 Elf by Alan Davis for recorder orchestra, So/SSSAATTBBGbCb, £13.50
Received its premiere at the recent Northern Recorder Course, to great acclaim.

P 244 Edward Elgar - Chanson de Nuit arranged by Dennis Bloodworth for Sno.SSAATTBBGbCb £8.50

P 246 Overture, "The Late Arrivals" by Ian Farquhar, SoSSAATTBGbCb, £11.50
An antidote to Haydn's Farewell Symphony, designed as a light-hearted concert opening for the SRP's High Wycombe branch, as the players arrive one by one. Needs organisation!

P 247 Beethoven's Symphony No 7, Movement 2, arr. Moira Usher for recorder orchestra, SoSSATTBGbCb, £12.50

P 248 Rhenish Fantasy by Ian Farquhar, SoSSAATTBBGbCb, £13.50
Inspired by the fast-flowing waters of the Rhine and its sights, legends and events.

P 255 Schubert - "Rosamunde" Ballet Music, arr. Ian Farquhar for SoSSAATTBBGbCb, £8.50

P 245 Elgar, arr. Bloodworth - Enigma Variations: Enigma and Variation 1 for SoSoSSAATTBBGbCb, £8.75
P 257 Elgar, arr. Bloodworth - Enigma Variations 3: (R.B.T.) for SoSSAATTBBGbCb, £7.50
P 258 Elgar, arr. Bloodworth - Enigma Variations 8: (W.N.) for SoSSAATTBBGbCb, £7.75
P 259 Elgar, arr. Bloodworth - Enigma Variations: Intermezzo (Dorabella) for SoSSAATTBBGbCb, £12.50

P 261 A Shushwap Celebration by Ian Farquhar for GarkSoSATBGbCb, £9.50
Inspired by an Aboriginal Day at Kamloops, British Columbia in 2005

P 265 Sumer is icumen in - Anon. c. 1250. arr. Alan Davis for 12 recorders, SSSSAATTTTBB, £8.50
One of the earliest and most famous surviving pieces of medieval polyphony, arranged to be played by twelve soloists or with several players to a part

P 267 Woodland Interlude (from Caractacus) by Sir Edward Elgar, arr. Denis Bloodworth for recorder orchestra, SSAATTBBGbCb, £8.50
Reflecting the woods and trees of the Malvern area in which Elgar found his inspiration

P 270 IA Taste of Africa by Ian Farquhar, SoSSAATTBBGbCb, £12.50
1. Dumazulu; 2. By the flickering Boma; 3. Zimbali Walk; 4. The Rocky Road to Lesotho

P 271 Vivaldi's La Primavera ("Spring') arr. by Thomas Axworthy for solo sopranino/descant + orch: SATTBBGbCb, £15.50

P 272 Edward Elgar - Two Interludes from "Falstaff" - Dream Interlude & Shallow's Orchard, arr. Denis Bloodworth for SAATTBGbCb, £10.50
From the director of the London Recorder Orchestra, another of his arrangements of pieces by Elgar; these interludes are from Elgar's last purely orchestral work.

 P 280 Fantasias on Burns Songs by Marg Hall for SAATTTBBGbCb, £12.25
Written for the Scottish Recorder Orchestra to celebrate the 250th anniversary in 2009 of Burns's birth

P 281 Paul Desmond - Take Five arr Dietrich Schnabel for 14 recorder players with 1 So, 4S, 4A, 6T, 10B, 6 Gb, 5 Cb, £15.50
A brilliant 14-part arrangement of the well-known rhythmic 1961 jazz hit made famous by Dave Brubeck. All players are expected to play at least two instruments, one of which will be a bass.

Delibes: Coppelia Suite, arr. Jane Minns (see also P 294)

P 291 Introduction and Mazurka, arr. for 8-9 SoSAATTBGb opt Cb, opt percuss - drum and triangle, £6.00

P 292 "Valse lente" arr. for 8-9 SoSAATTBGb opt Cb, £7.00

P 293 "La priere" arr. for 8-9 SoSAATTBGb opt Cb, opt percuss: glockenspiels (1-3) £6.25

P 295 "Valse de la poupee" (Swanhilda's Valse) arr. for 8-9 SoSAATTBGb opt Cb, opt percuss - triangle, £6.00

P 296 "Czardas" (Danse Hongroise) arr. for 8-9 SoSAATTBGb opt Cb, opt percuss - drum, £7.50

P 458 Coppelia Suite: “Musique des Automates” for 8-9 SoSoSSATTBGb, opt Cb, £6.00

P 307 Bristol Celebration by Eileen Silcocks for SoSSAATTBGbCb, £7.50
Bristol SRP is one of the oldest in the UK and was founded by Edgar and Enid Hunt. This piece celebrates the branch's 60th anniversary and remembers its founders with the initials providing the beginning of the theme and the motto-like accompaniment (H being the German musical equivalent of B).

P 310 Sinfonietta for Chamber Recorder Orchestra by John Hawkes, SoSSAATTBBGbCb, £24.50, parts £1.50 each

P 325 Eileen Silcocks - Serenade for soloist (So, S & A) and recorder orchestra, AATTBBGbCb, £13.75

P 350 Hereford Suite by Ian Farquhar for SoSATBGbCb, £9.50

P 359 Edward Grieg - Triumphal Homage March from the Sigurd Jorsalfa Suite, arr. Ian Farquhar for recorder orchestra, SSAATTBBGbCb, £11.75

P 363 Ian Farquhar - William's Forest for small Recorder Orchestra, Sop.SATBGbCb & Wood Block £8.50

P 365 Alan Bullard - North Sea Sketches for recorder ensemble (SAATB, opt. So,GB,Cb), £8.75
These nautical pieces were commissioned for the 2010 SRP Festival, held at the Suffolk town of Felixstowe, one of the largest North Sea ports, where they received their World Premiere performance. North Sea Sketches is an arrangement of a selection of traditional songs and dances related to the sea: 1. In Harbour (three country dances: "The Boatman", "Chelsea Reach" and "Steamboat Quickstep"; 2. Lament, based on the folksong"All things are quite silent" in which a young woman remembers her husband press-ganged into the Navy; 3. Ocean Waves - "Bold Nelson's Praise", "Bay of Biscay"; "Farewell and adieu to you fine Spanish ladies".

P 366 Alan Davis - Heavenly Fire for 8 SoSSAATTB, £13.00
Continuously changing time signatures at an energetic tempo make this an exciting and challenging piece

 P 374 Ian Farquhar - Symphony No 3 for SoSSAATTBGbCb, £15.50

P 379 Debbie Porro - Three Reel Lassies for Sop/A S1/A S2/A ATBGbCb, £9.50
This arrangement was made for the Recorder Summer School, 2009. The sopranino and descant parts start with performers playing with trebles. The Treble 2/tenor part is easier and can be played by less experienced players. This applies to both versions.

P 380 Something Old, Something New: four pieces for easy recorder orchestra by Marg Hall, SATBGbCb, £9.50

P 381 William Walton, arr. Jane Minns: Henry V: an arrangement from Walton's film score: D1/G D2 Solo A1/sop A2 TTBBGbCb, with opt speaker, percussion, crumhorns/rackets, £14.50
"Henry V" was Walton's tenth and most celebrated film score, written in 1943 to boost morale in World War II, with Laurence Olivier at the helm, and dedicated to "the commandos and airborne troops of Great Britain".

P 383 Symphony No 4 by Ian Farquhar for SoSSAATTBBGbCb, £15.50

P 388 Cornish Dances 1 by Sir Malcolm Arnold arr by Denis Bloodworth for 10 SSAATTBBGbCb, £8.75

P 389 Cornish Dances No. 2 by Sir Malcolm Arnold arranged by Dennis Bloodworth for recorder orchestra, £9.00

P 390 Cornish Dances 3 by Sir Malcolm Arnold arr by Denis Bloodworth for SSAATTBBGbCb, tambourine ad lib, £8.75

P 391 Dennis Bloodworth - Three Swiss Miniatures 1. March for recorder orchestra SnoSSAATTBBGbCb £9.00

P 392 Dennis Bloodworth - Three Swiss Miniatures 2. Ländler for recorder orchestra SnoSSAATTBBGbCb £9.00

P 393 Dennis Bloodworth - Three Swiss Miniatures 3. Polka for recorder orchestra SnoSSAATTBBGbCb £9.00

P 399 Theodor Kullak - Grandmother Tells a Ghost Story arr. Denis Bloodworth for recorder orchestra SnoSSAATTBBGbCb £7.50

P 405 George Gershwin - Summertime from Porgy and Bess arr. by Alan Davis for solo descant recorder and SoSSAATTBGbCb, £8.50

Closely follows the original except for the transposition from b minor to d minor. The vocal line, played here by a solo descant, may be played exactly as written or with an element of rhythmic freedom and expressively nuanced intonation. The accompanying parts may be played by ten solo players or a larger group.

P 419 Nonet for Wind Instruments, Op. 79 by Franz Krommer arranged for 9 recorders by Joanna Brown S.A.A.T.T.B.B.Gb.Cb., £18.50
All four movements have been transcribed - a regular tour de force. Allegro, Menuetto, Andante-Allegretto, Allegro assai.

P 421 Summertime by George Gershwin, arr. Jane Minns for 8 SoSATTBBGb, £8.50

P 426 The Battle Suite by Jane Minns for SoSSAATTBGbCb, optional speaker, male and female voices and percussion, £12.50
A stirring evocation of the The Battle of Agincourt with quotations from Walton, Byrd, Paul Harvey and others.

P 430 Ian Farquhar - Symphony No 5 for recorder orchestra, SoSSAATTBBGbCb, £22.50

P 435 Surrey Leaves by Anne Martin, a fantasia for recorder orchestra, SoSSAATTB BGb, opt. Cb,  £13.50

P 436 Sinfonietta, Allegretto by Leos Janacek arr. by Laura Justice for AAATTTBBGbCb,  £8.50

P 437 Flow by Eileen Silcocks for SoSATTBGbCb, £13.50

P 438 Air and Dance  by Frederick Delius arr. by Anne Martin for SoSSAATTBBGbCb, £8.50

P 439 Caprice for recorder orchestra by Marg Hall, SAATTBGbCb, £10.75

P 440  Scottish Border Suite by Marg Hall for recorder sextet or orchestra, S,A/sop, TBGbCb, £8.50

P 444 Entry of the Gladiators by Julius Fucik arranged for recorder orchestra by Joanna Brown, Sno.SAATTBBGbCb, £11.50

P 448 Partita in C (from Partita in Bb) by Franz Krommer arr. by Joanna Brown for nine recorders, SAATTBBGbCb  £22.00

P 449  Parthia (Partita in F)  by Joseph Reicha arr. Joanna Brown for nine recorders, SAATTBBGbCb,  £22.00

P 453  Coelos Ascendit hodie by Joanna Brown for 8 SATB + SATB, £6.00
This 2 choir anthem is bright and lively. Words are underlaid giving extra performing possibilities.

P 459 March to the Podium by Ian Farquhar for recorder orchestra, £9.00
Imagine the problem if there were a dead heat between seven athletes of different nations. Whose National Anthem  should be played? Here is the answer.

P 460 Primal Search by Ian Farquhar for solo descant and 11 percussion instruments, £14.50
Bells and whistles and everything in between including maracas and washboard.

P 463 "Hoe Down" from "Rodeo" by Aaron Copland arr. Jane Minns for 10 players. Sno.DD.AA.TT.BB.Gb/Cb + Opt. Percussion (Woodblock) - £8.50
Challenging & exciting.

P 468 Lustspiel (Comic) Overture by Bela Keler arr. Joanna Brown for Sno.S.A.A.T.T.B.B.Gb.Cb, £13.50

P 472 Waltz in F by Brahms arr. Joanna Brown for Sno.S.A.A.T.T.B.B.Gb.Cb,  £5.50

P 475 Garbsen Jig by Eileen Silcocks for recorder orchestra, SATTBBGbCbCb £9.75
Garbsen is a town near Hanover, with a very lively recorder ensemble, conducted by Dietrich Schnabel. In 2008, they celebrated their 10th anniversary.

P 480 A Sea in the Pond by Matthias Maute for Recorder Orchestra, TBBBBGbGbCbCb, £13.50

P 479 Magnificat in G Op. 81 by Charles Villiers Stanford arr. Joanna Brown for S.S.A.T.B/.S.A.T.B.Gb.Cb,  £10.50
The voice parts  are choir 1 and the organ part has been arranged for the second choir.

P 489 Magnificat in C (from Magnificat in Bb) by Charles Villiers Stanford arr. Joanna Brown for S.A.T.B./S.A.T.B, £9.50
The voice parts  are choir 1 and the organ part has been arranged for the second choir.

P 492 Florentiner March by Julius Fučik arr. Joanna Brown for Sno.S.A.A.T.T.B.B.Gb.Cb, £13.50
This piece, like the "Entry of the Gladiators", was originally written for marching band and is every bit as enjoyable. There is plenty to keep everyone on their toes.

P 495 Octet - Partita (a la chasse) by Franz Krommer arr. Joanna Brown for 9 recorders, £18.00
This Octet-Partita has been arranged from the original wind octet in Eb major. It has been transposed to G major and an extra part added to accommodate the greater ranges of the instruments.It is suitable for recorder orchestra, ensemble or one-to-a-part.
There are 5 movements in all. This lovely work helps to increase two areas not too abundant in recorder arrangements - the music of the Classical period and music for nine players!

P 497 Take 8 for recorder orchestra by Marg Hall, SAATTBGbCb, £9.00
This is a light-hearted swing-style composition. Moderate technique required but a good sense of rhythm needed.

P 501 The Brington Crystal by Lyndon Hilling for recorder orchestra, 16 parts: SoSSAAAATTTBBBBGbCb, £18.00
Margaret Viscountess Althrop, wife of Charles Robert 6th Earl Spencer died in 1889 aged only 37. Her grieving husband had a Celtic cross set above her tomb in the graveyard at Great Brington and on the top he set a magnificent crystal prism which caught the rays of the sun and flashed them in a rainbow of colours across the valley to Althorp House. A powerful and moving piece during which there is a waltz reminding the Earl of happier times dancing with his beloved wife. Can be heard played on Youtube.

P 505 Symphony No. 6 (The Babylonian) by Ian Farquhar for recorder orchestra, SoSSAATTBBGbCb, £22.00
A musical depiction of the rise and fall of a great and wonderful empire: 1. The Tower of Babel; 2. The Hanging Gardens; 3. The Fiery Furnace; 4. The Writing on the Wall.

P 507 Celtic Suite by Marg Hall for recorder orchestra or octet - S A A T T B Gb Cb,  £8.50
A suite of original tunes inspired by the wealth of traditional material from Scotland and Ireland.

P 518 Dances from "Music for the Royal Fireworks" by Handel, arr. Helen Hooker for SATBGbCb, £9.50
There is some divisi in the descant and tenor parts. The pieces chosen for this set are Bourree, La Paix, La Rejouissance and Menuet.

P 519 Die Fledermaus Overture by Johann Strauss, arr. Joanna Brown for Sno.SAAATTBBGbCb, £18.00
Another epic from the pen of Joanna Brown.A wonderful arrangement of this popular overture.

P 520 Passacaglia by Eileen Silcocks, for Sno.SAATTBGbCb, £11.75
Written by Eileen for the Bristol SRP to celebrate its 75th Anniversary in 2012. A mesmerising piece which gives every part plenty to play.

P 521 Elegy by Alan Davis, for Sno.SSAATTBBGbCb, £13.00.
Written In Memoriam Denis Bamforth and Colin Martin who developed and nurtured the Recorder Orchestra in England.

P 525 Pie Jesu by Faure arr. Helen Hooker for SATBGbCb, £5.00
Recorder orchestras are spreading like wild fire and it is great to find new arrangements for more modest players utilising their big instruments.Helen has done justice to this beautiful piece with her arrangement.

P 526 A Purcell Suite arr. Helen Hooker for SATBGbCb, £9.50

P 528 Elegy and Minuet from “A Downland Suite” by John Ireland, edited and arranged by Anne Martin for 9 recorders, SSAATTBGbCb £12.50

P 534 Take O Take Those Lips Away by Robert Pearsall arranged by Helen Hooker for easy recorder orchestra, SATBGbCb, £4.50

P 535 Six Pieces from the Fitzwilliam Virginal Book arranged by Helen Hooker for Easy Recorder Orchestra, SATBGbCb, £8.50
6 all-time favourites taken from this mammoth collection of Renaissance keyboard pieces. Tower Hill, Fayne Would I Wed, Watkind Ale, Wolseys Wilde, The Fall of the Leafe, La Volta.

P 536 March: Knight Templar by George Allen arr. by Helen Hooker for recorder ensemble, Sno. S.A.T.B.Gb.Cb.SubCb, £10.00
A great arrangement of this well-known blockbuster. There is some divisi in the upper 4 parts. Sub contra is optional but gives a certain "oomph" to the performance.

P 547 Spanische Lustspiel Overture, Op. 136 by Béla Kéler arranged by Joanna Brown for recorder orchestra, Sno.SAATTBBGbCb, £15.50
This lively and energetic piece has plenty of melodic interest. It travels through 9 key changes which keeps everyone on their toes!

P 554 Französische Lustspiel-Ouvertüre Op. 111 by Béla Kéler arranged by Joanna Brown for 10 recorders, SnoSAATTBBGbCb, £18.50
This is the longest yet of Joanna Brown's Lustspiel Overtures. It is fun to play and will be an enjoyable concert item.

P 559 A Piece of Cheese by Elizabeth Alexander for recorder orchestra, SSAATTBGbCb, £12.75
Written for Moira Usher and the "Eros" recorder orchestra. Four types of cheese are depicted in the movement titles - Mature Cheddar, Cornish Brie, Blue-Veined Cheese, Stinking Bishop. Plenty here to get your teeth into!

P 567 Hillfoots Suite by Marg Hall for recorder orchestra or octet, SAATTBGbCb, £11.50
A three-movement piece written to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the Hillfoots SRP branch in Scotland. These pieces look fun to play, but beware the time changes and interesting rhythms! Setting Out; The View from the Top; Celebration Jig.

P 569 Symphony No 1 by Marg Hall for recorder orchestra, SoSAATTBBGbCb, £17.50
Written for Dietrich Schnabel, who conducted its premiere in Germany in March this year. Four movements: Allegro Moderato, Vivace, Larghetto, Allegro Giocoso.

P 571 Pavane pour une Infante Defuncte by Maurice Ravel arr. Helen-Jean Talbott for SATTTBBGbCb, £11.50

P 579 Mayday in Ickwell by Ian Farquhar for SoS(div)A(div)T(div)B(div)GbCb, £13.00

P 595 Symphony No. 3 by John Hawkes for orchestra. Si.S.S.A.A.T.T.B.B.Gb.Cb  £18.00
This looks an exciting piece with all the hallmarks of John with its changing time signature, interesting rhythm patterns,shifting moods and instruments often working in groups.

P 596 Tavernspite by Lyndon Hilling for recorder orchestra. Si.S.S.A.A.T.T.B.B.Gb.Cb  £6.00
A most enjoyable piece to play and also audience friendly. The phrase under the title reads " Watch the wall my darling while the gentlemen go by" from the Smugglers Song by Kipling. This will give you an idea of what the music is describing.

P 601 Concerto for Alto Recorder and Recorder Orchestra by John Hawkes, for solo treble and Sno.SSAATTBBGbCb, £22.50

P 606 Souvenir de Porto Rico by Gottschalk arranged by Helen-Jean Talbott for large ensemble  TTTBBBGbCb and SATTBBGbCb instrument changes, £13.00
Lots of Latin American rhythms and excitement.

P 611 Last Spring by Ian Farquhar, for 8 SSAATTBGbCb £7.50

P 618 March to the Scaffold by Hector Berlioz arr. Joanna Brown for Recorder Orchestra Sno.SSAATTBBGbCb, £15.00
This movement is from the Symphonie Fantastique composed in 1855 and inspired by th unrequited love he felt at that time for Harriet Smithson and faithfully arranged from the orchestral version by Joanna.

P 619 Dollar: A Symphonic Poem by Marg Hall. for Recorder Orchestra Sno.SSAATTBBGbCb, £16.50
Commissioned by Lynne Hope who lives in Dollar, a small town in Clackmannanshire

P 633 Elizabethan Reflections by Anne Marti for 11 SoSSAATTBBGbCb, £12.

P 642 arr. Marg Hall - The Rabbi’s Pupil - SSAATTBBGbGb £7.00
This Klezmer tune dates from about 1916 and is Marg's first Kezmer piece for orchestra. A lively piece both rhythm and semi-quaver-wise.

P 651 Julius Fucik arr Joanna Brown - Attila (Marche Hongroise) Op 211 - SoSAATTBBGbCb £15.00
Fucik's tuneful and direct style of writing transfers well and idiomatically to recorders. Joanna has retained the original keys of E minor and C minor. A good rousing start to any programme.

P 652 Bela Keler, arr Joanna Brown - Ungarische Concert-Overture - SoSAATTBBGbCb £18.00
A substantial piece of approximately nine minutes full of Hungarian rhythms and melodies.

P 655 Hebridean Suite by Brian Bonsor, arr. Christopher Burgess for SAATTBBGbCb, £12.00
Originally this set of 3 Scottish folk songs was arranged for recorder and piano by Brian Bonsor. Christopher Burgess has orchestrated the original piano part.

P 657 Lyndon Hilling - Tresham Follies for SoSSAATTBBGbCb, £14.00
Sir Thomas Tresham (1543-1605) built three eccentric, flamboyant and mysterious follies. The introductory linking passages represent Tresham himself. In youth, Tresham the visionary and Tresham as an old man. The piece runs continuously without a break but describes each of the follies.

P 664 “On the Rhine” - Waltzes Op. 83 by Bela Keler arranged for recorder orchestra by Joanna Brown for Sno.SAATTBBGbCb, £12.50
A patchwork quilt of melodies from the Rhineland.

P 668 Bartfai Emlek Csardas Op. 31 - Memories from Bardejov by Bela Keler arr. Joanna Brown for SoSAATTBBGbCb, £12.00
This piece was written in July 1858. Its melodies are based on typical folk songs of Hungary. In 1869 extracts taken directly from this composition were used by Brahms in his well-known Hungarian Dance No. 5.

P 670 Nechledil Marsch by Fran Lehar, arranged for recorder orchestra by Sue Handscombe, Sop. S.A.T.B.Gb.Cb
This rousing march comes from a very popular comic opera, Wiener Frauen, written in 1902. Quite short and not too demanding but but certainly upbeat.

P 671 The Marmalade Cat - for recorder big band by Guus Haverkate - 10 AAAATTTBB & double bass, £12.50
The double bass part could be played (in the right style!) by a contra with minimal adjustment.

P 674 Schönfeld Marsch by Karl Michael Ziehrer, arranged by Sue Handscombe for recorder orchestra, Sop.S.A.T.B.Gb.Cb. £6.50
If you want a rousing piece as your encore, Sue suggests this piece with the possibility of audience participation with hand clapping. Schönfeld was a Austrian military bandmaster. He worked with Lehar and members of the Strauss family. Band pieces such as this lend themselves very well to adaptation to recorders. Like the Nechledil, it is quite short and accessible to moderate players with enthusiasm!

P 675 Lyme Suite by Marg Hall for SnoSSAATTBBGtCt £24.00
There are four movements: Jiggy, Lazy, Swingy, Reel-y. The work was commissioned by Josee Beeson for one of her courses at Lyme Regis.

P 684 Bela Keler arr. Joanna Brown - An der Themse Strand (On the Bank of the Thames) for SnoSAATTBBGbCb £16.50
Written at the time Keler was in London organising popular concerts at the Opera House in Covent Garden. It is through composed and has contrasting sections featuring waltzes, a boating song and Rule Britannia

P 686 Nicholas Ansdell-Evans arr. Joanna Brown - Ground - Version 1 in D minor for AAAATTBGbCb £7.80
P 687 Nicholas Ansdell-Evans arr. Joanna Brown - Ground - Version 2 in A minor for AATTBBGbCbSubC in C £7.80
Ground was originally written for treble recorder and keyboard and is a wonderful piece. Joanna has transformed it into an equally great piece for recorder orchestra with the blessing of the composer.

P 712 The Grasshopper’s Dance by Ernest Bucalossi arranged by Sue Handscombe for recorder orchestra for Sop.SATBGbCb, £9.50

P 723 The Great Caravan for big band by Guus Haverkate, SAAAATTTTBBB double bass, £17.50

P 733 Midsummer Meadow Suite by Lyndon Hilling for SoAATTGbCb £14.00
This is a revised edition of the original Polyphonic publication which will still be available on demand. It completes the Northamptonshire Trilogy, the other two being P501 and P657.

P 734 Peanuts! by Moises Simons, arr. Jane Minns for SAATTBGbCb, £9.00
There’s more than one way to crack a Nut ... The Peanut Vendor (El Mansiero) in a variety of musical guises.

P 770 Picton by Lyndon Hilling for SnoS/SnoSAATTBBGbCb, £12.50
This charming work has three movements, each of which paints a picture: Picton Point, Crafty Woods, Picton Castle. This is a very welcome addition to the recorder orchestra repertoire, not too difficult and very enjoyable.

P 781 Suite Francaise by Francis Poulenc arr. Jane Minns for SoSAATTBGb, percussion (drum, cymbal, tambourine, tings), opt. Cb, £19.75
Seven movements featuring 16th-century dances written in neoclassical style, composed in 1935. Scored creatively for the full range of instruments.

P 799 Journey to Skye by Anne Martin for SnoSSAATTBBGbC, £12.50
This piece was commissioned for the SRP Festival 2023.

P 812 Three Sketches of Scotland by Marg Hall for Sno.SAATTBBGbCb, £12.50
Commissioned for the SRP Festival in Edinburgh 2023.

P 820 Gaucho-Corta-Jaca by Chiquinha Gonzaga arr. Joanna Brown for Sno.AATTBBGbCb, £10.00
This is a Brazilian Tango - an ideal encore piece full of spirit and joy.

P 821 O Abre Alas by Chiquinha Gonzaga arr. by Joanna Brown for SnoSSAATTBBGbCb, £14.50
Written in 1899 and was the first-ever carnival march, becoming a symbol of the Rio carnival and of Brazilian culture.

P 856 Symphony No. 40 in G Min K550 by Mozart, arr Joanna Brown for SSAAATTBBBGbCb, £15.50 
P 860 A Christmas Festival by Leroy Anderson, arr. Jane Minns for 8 Parts: G or S, S (with some divisi), A/S, TT, B, GB, CB, £14.50
10 well-known traditional carols including Jingle Bells for a festive overture: approximately 6 minutes duration.

P872 Sinfonia-Concertante, Opus 70, 1st Movement, by Franz Krommer (1759-1831), arr. for recorder orchestra by Joanna Brown, SopDDTrTrTTBBGBCB, £14.50


P 102 Suite by Tim Coker 3 recorders, harpsichord & viola da gamba £10.75

P 201 Colin Hand: Quartet for treble recorder or flute, violin, cello and piano, Op. 52, £10.50

P 250 Geoffrey Gordon - Stanza della Segnatura for two recorders (alto doubling soprano, and tenor), viola da gamba & harpsichord, £13.50
Based on the Raffaello frescoes in the Vatican, c.1508-12. 1. The Adoration; 2. Parnassus; 3, The Cardinal Virtues; 4. The School of Athens. A work for chamber forces consistent with the instruments of the era which nevertheless employs contemporary language, rhythm and sonority. Each movement features one of the instrumentalists as soloist.

P 531 Dr Dee his Magick Square by Michael Mullen for Tenor recorder, Bass viol and Harpsichord, £4.50
A welcome contemporary piece for groups playing Baroque repertoire

P 556 In the Margins by Paul Burnell for recorder, viol & harpsichord, £13.50
The second title in the commissioned works series of compositions from Andrew Collis "Contemporary Music for Recorder, Viol & Harpsichord". It is a suite in six movements. The subtitles of the movements refer to types of doodling: unconscious or unfocussed drawing.

P 572 In the Mind of a Butterfly: Trio by Andy Myers for 1 A, 7-string bass viol & harpsichord, £11.50
Another in the series of pieces commissioned by Andrew Collis for the Stanesby Players.

P 580 Organum & Alleluleia by Charlie Barber for tenor recorder, bass viol, harpsichord & string quartet, £18.00
Another in the commissioned series by Andrew Collis

P 603  Quanta by Freddie Meyers for treble recorder, bass viol and harpsichord, £9.75
This is the latest of a series of contemporary music for this combination of instruments written for Andrew Collis and his group.

P 699 Andy Meyers - Concertina for recorder & small orchestra for 1 S/So, flute 1&2, oboe, clarinet 1&2, bassoon 1&2, violin 1&2, viola, cello, bass £28.00

P 720 Branlen & Fagott by Susato arr. Susan Francis for SATBSATB+vn. vl, ch., £8.50


P 125 Four Rounds by Colin Hand, words by Donald Mottram up to 4 S/T, unison voice, keyboard, £3.50 comp.

p 152 The Blessed Virgin's Lullaby by Colin Hand for soprano solo or tenor recorder, 2-part (SA) Choir & pno, £4.75

P 157 Three Songs to Poems by John Fletcher - Colin Hand Voc, rec. A&T & pno, £9.75

P 163 Qui Sedes by J. S. Bach, arr. Usher, Sop. + SATB, £6.00

P 183 Tyrilay, Tyrilow - Colin Hand: 1 treble rec/flute/oboe, 3 SSA voices & pno, £6.00

P 187 Three Lieder - Colin Hand for sop voc or tenor recorder & piano, £5.50

P 188 Silver - a two-part choral song - Colin Hand for female SA voices, tenor rec & pno, £5.00

P 189 Hymn to Diana - a two-part choral song - Colin Hand for female SA voices, two treble recs & pno, £5.00

P 232 A Child is Born - Colin Hand for soprano & alto voice, treble recorder or flute and piano, £6.00

William Walton's Façade, arr. Jane Minns for recorders, voice and percussion
William Walton and Edith Sitwell composed this experimental collection in the 1920s - the performers are hidden from the audience, with voice and music having equal prominence. The words imitate the rhythm of the waltz, polka and foxtrot:

P 251 "Popular Song" arr. for A/SoTTBGb percussion (tambourine, cymbal, side drum, triangle, wood block) & male voice, £11.50
P 252 "Country Dance" arr. for AT/SBGb and female voice, £10.50
P 253 "Jodelling Song" arr. for So/ASATBGb, male and female voices, cymbal & triangle, £10.00
P 254 "Polka", arr. for SoSATBGb, male voice and side drum, £10.00

P 308 Three Bird Songs, Op. 259 - Colin Hand for soprano voice, recorder and keyboard, £6.00
Thomas Hardy's poems "I watched a Blackbird"; "The Darkling Thrush" and "Proud Songsters" set as songs in memory of Muriel Tillotson.

P 353 Two Songs to French Poems - Colin Hand for voice, descant or tenor recorder and piano, £4.00
1. "Le dimanche"; 2. "Le Moulin a vent", Words translated by the composer.

See also P 628-P 631


P 116 Baryton & Voice at the Vienna Hofkapelle: works by Draghi, Ariosti, Fux, ed. Carol A. Gartrell A & S voice, baryton, violins I & II, viola, violone, continuo, £11.50

P 100 Piano Trios by Mary Shur, £5.25

P 135 Three Schubert Songs - Die Forelle, Due bist die Ruh, Erlkonig (study sc) £5.25

 P 151 Barytons, Voice & Mandolins at the Vienna Hofkapelle by Francesco Bartolomeo Conti, ed. Carol A Gartrell: Aria: Adornato de tante faville (1710/24) & Dei colli nostri (1711/23), for soprano voice, two barytons, two mandolins and continuo £14.50

 P 217 Five "New" Sonatas - Domenico Scarlatti, ed. Richard Lester, for piano, £4.50

P 279 Five Portraits for the Virginals or Harpsichord by Colin Hand, £7.50
Elgar's Elation; Delius's Disappointment; Arnold's Aptitude; Rubbra's Ruminations; Jacob's (Pig)-Jig

P 342 Sonatella by Colin Hand for harpsichord or virginals, £5.00

Ross Winters Recorder Anthology Series:

Old favourites from Ross Winters newly published by Peacock Press, £4.75 each unless indicated; extra parts available at 40p per A4 sheet, 80p per A3 sheet

PRW 01 In an English Country Garden for SSATT

PRW 02 Shaker Melody for SSAT

PRW 03 The Skye Boat song & Scarborough Fair for SSAT & opt piano

PRW 04 Au Clair de la Lune for SSS, £3.50

PRW 05 Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen for SATB, £3.50

PRW 06 Tallis's Canon for SSAT, £3.50

PRW 07 10 Christmas Carols - Trad., arr. Winters, SATT/B (opt. pno), £5.50

PRW 08 Nimrod - Elgar, arr. Winters, SATTB (opt pno), £3.50

PRW 09 Four Madrigals by Campion & Jones, arr. Winters, SS/AA/T & SS/AAT, £3.75

PRW 10 The Entertainer by Scott Joplin, arr. Winters for SATB, £5.50

PRW 12 Twenty Studies for a Great Start for descant recorder, £4.50
A first book of studies for descant recorder written by one of the leading recorder teachers in the country. These studies will develop technique while enjoying the tunes.

PRW 13 Lucky Thirteen for descant recorder, £4.50
A second book of studies for descant recorder building on the technique absorbed in Book 1.

PRW 14 Sixteen for Success for treble recorder, £4.50
This study book is a much-needed addition to the treble repertoire and starts pre-Grade 1. Good technical practice wrapped up in good tunes - a treasure indeed!


From Richard Siegel

RSC 004 Le Coucou by Louis-Claude Daquin, arr. for treble recorder, bass & harpsichord, £5.50
This is an arrangement of the well-known keyboard piece by Daquin for treble recorder, bass and harpsichord. Although the harpsichord takes the biggest role, the overall effect is charming.
P-RSC 005 Sonata in Bb by Guiseppe Sammartini (figured bass realised by Richard Siegel) for flute, or treble recorder and harpsichord, £7.50
P-RSC 006 Marche des Marsellois et l’Air Ça-Ira by Claude-Bénigne Balbastre, arr. Siegel for recorder, violin & figured bass, £7.50
P-RSC 009 Trio in A minor TWV 42:a1 by G P Telemann arr. Siegel for Recorder, violin & figured bass, £9.00
P-RSC 017a Suite by Henry Purcell, arr. R. Siegel for treble instrument & keyboard, £6.50
P-RSC 023 Eccho Catch by William Herschel, arr. R. Siegel for 2 AA, contrabass & harpsichord, £6.50


Tim Cranmore: Obedience Training for Recorders - £13.00 [CRANMORE OTR]
Edgar Hunt: The Recorder and its Music - £14.45 [HUNT TRAM]
Douglas Macmillan: The Recorder in the Nineteenth Century - £16.00 [MACMILLAN]
Douglas Macmillan: The Small Flute Concerto in Early Eighteenth-Century London - £11.95 [P-Macmillan-SFC]
Anne Martin:
William Byrd: Consort Music - £27.50 [P-MARTIN]
Misc., ed. Gifford, Dolmetsch & Mezger: The Compleat Flute Master - £16.50 [FLUTE MASTER]
Robert Salkeld: Teach the Recorder - £12.95 [RSTR]
John Turner: - Composing for the Solo Recorder, £12.00 (TURNERCSR)
Kenneth Wollitz - The Recorder Book
- £22.00 [WOLLITZ]

Recorder MusicMail, Scout Bottom Farm, Mytholmroyd, West Yorkshire, HX7 5JS, U.K.
Tel +44 (0)1422 882751 Fax +44 (0)1422 886157 or e-mail
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