
December 1995, Volume 15 Number
- Recorder Rhythm
A "How-To" follow up article from Peter Bowman to
"Tonguing on the Recorder" (14/4). Focus on expression of
rhythm, teaching rhythm to young students and the role of
articulation. Diagrams and examples.
- The Birth of a Truly Contemporary [tenor]
Maarten Heider's tenor recorder has tuned harmonics
enabling solid low notes and nice high notes: a 3 octave
range.Van Hauwe says, '...he has created a professional,
superbly working instrument.' By Peter Bowman.
- The Recorder Music of Alan Bullard
John Turner with a catalogue, description and
- High Notes and Harmonics: a new Bell-key design?
Denis Thomas creates a new sliding bell key to create
harmonics for the treble recorder, improving on the
Dolmetsch version.
- Efforts to Modernize the Recorder
Recorder maker Friedrich von Huene of the New England
Early Music Shop on his efforts (and successes) in
"modernizing" the recorder to avoid being over-powered by
other instruments when playing chamber music.
- An interview with Ross Winter
Ross Winter in discussion with Andrew Mayes
- Respectable Groove: the making of an album
Barbara Law gives the inside story of the making of
Respectable Groove's debut CD.
All issues of Recorder Magazine
- reviews of recorder
sheet music, CDs and books,
- reviews of recent
recitals and courses,
- letters from
- numerous short
recorder-related items in Footjoint,
- news from SRP and
[Recorder Magazine
index] [Recorder
& Fortepiano]