Index to Recorder Magazines,
1993-2024 Any of these magazines may be ordered at £6.00 each including postage; alternatively we can supply photocopies of individual articles at £1.50 each. Pdfs of The Recorder Magazine indexes can be downloaded here - 1993-2005 2006-2008
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 - 2023 - 2024
2012 - 2011 - 2010 - 2009 - 2008 - 2007 - 2006 - 2005 - 2004 - 2003 - 2002 - 2001 - 2000 - 1999 - 1998 - 1997 - 1996 - 1995 - 1994 - 1993
Volume 44, 2024
Page numbering now restarts in each issue.
3D Printing a Recorder: a response: Tim Cranmore - 1/8
Baines, Emily: Herbert Murrill, composer and Bletchley Park codebreaker - 4/26
Bang, Jiyeon: Sarah Bronnert - 3/25
Bec, Liza: From Baroque to Cyborg: the roborecorder - 3/9
Beneath a Pale Moon: BLOCK4 - 3/15
BLOCK4: Beneath a Pale Moon - 3/15
Boeke, Kees & Jos Haring: The Music of Solage - 3/13
Borutzki, Simon with Jean Campbell: What makes a world class recorder orchestra? - 4/29
Bosgraaf, Erik – New Artistic Director for LIFEM: Barbara Law - 2/12
Bronnert, Sarah: Jiyeon Bang - 3/25
Brüggen, The Frans Project with Lucie Horsch: Barbara Law - 4/11
Burgess, Geoffrey: Editor to Editor, with Barbara Law - 3/5
Campbell, Jean with Simon Borutzki: What makes a world class recorder orchestra? - 4/29
Centrespread - 1/22, 2/22, 3/19, 4/24
Centrespread Composers: Raivis Misjuns, Matthew Mackerras, Nicholas Wynne, David Moses - 1/20, 2/20, 3/19, 4/24
Collis, Andrew: Signs of the Seasons – A Personal Journey - 4/18
Confirmation of the Bassanos’ maker’s mark: David Lasocki - 1/10
Continuo Award Winners - 4/9
Cranmore, Tim: 3D Printing a Recorder: a response - 1/8
Dove’s Guilty Secret, Jonathan: Fiona Hook - 2/17
Downes, Andrew - A New Concerto for Recorder by: Chris Orton and James Risdon - 1/17
Carsten Eckhert & Susanne Fröhlich: Music of the Future - 1/31
Editorials: Barbara Law - 1/5, 2/5, 4/5
Ensemble Hesperi explores Telemann’s Garden: Mary-Jannet Leith - 4/19
Études de concert – the journey continues: Brian A Inglis - 1/13
ERTA News: Chris Orton - 1/28, 2/28, 3/22, 4/32
Fardell, Heidi: Graft, galleries and genre busting - 1/29
Neuro-inclusive Music Teaching - 2/13
Fröhlich, Susanne & Carsten Eckhert: Music of the Future - 1/31
From Baroque to Cyborg: the roborecorder: Liza Bec - 3/9
Graft, galleries and genre busting: Heidi Fardell - 1/29
Graham, Michael: in conversation with Raivis Misjuns, Matthew Mackerras, Nicholas Wynne,
David Moses - 1/20, 2/20, 3/19, 4/22
Groenleer, Hester: The Orpheus of Amsterdam – Celebrating Sweelinck - 4/13
Haring, Jos & Kees Boeke: The Music of Solage - 3/13
Hook, Fiona: Jonathan Dove’s Guilty Secret - 2/17
Horsch, Lucie – The Frans Brüggen Project: Barbara Law - 4/11
Inglis, Brian A: Études de concert – the journey continues - 1/13
Lasocki, David: Confirmation of the Bassanos’ maker’s mark - 1/10
Law, Barbara: Editorials - 1/5, 2/5, 4/5
Erik Bosgraaf: New Artistic Director for LIFEM - 2/12
Editor to Editor with Geoffrey Burgess of ARS - 3/5
The Frans Brüggen Project with Lucie Horsch - 4/11
Leith, Mary-Jannet: Ensemble Hesperi explores Telemann’s Garden - 4/19
McCarroll, Meet Val – U3A Recorder Advisor - 3/17
Monaghan, Miriam: Sing Up – Play Recorder! - 2/30
Murrill, Herbert, composer and Bletchley Park codebreaker: Emily Baines - 4/26
Music of the Future: Carsten Eckhert & Susanne Fröhlich - 1/31
Myllylä, Juho: New Notes for the Recorder - 1/24
Neuro-inclusive Music Teaching: Heidi Fardel - 2/13
New Notes for the Recorder: Juho Myllylä - 1/24
New Music - 1/32, 2/38, 3/32, 4/41
New Recordings - 1/41, 1/43, 2/40, 3/36, 4/46
News in Brief - 1/6, 2/6, 3/7, 4/6
Orton, Chris: ERTA News - 1/28, 2/28, 3/22, 4/32
A New Concerto for Recorder by Andrew Downes (with James Risdon) - 1/17
Popien, Tabea: The Queen’s Masque, Metamorphoses of Power - 2/26
Queen’s Masque, The: Metamorphoses of Power: Tabea Popien - 2/26
Risdon, James: A New Concerto for Recorder by Andrew Downes (with Chris Orton) - 1/17
Rózsa, László: Shadows That in Darkness Dwell, a new album - 1/26
Sebastian Meyer Recorders: Daniel Swani - 2/24
Shadows That in Darkness Dwell, a new album: László Rózsa - 1/26
Signs of the Seasons – A Personal Journey: Andrew Collis - 4/18
Sing Up – Play Recorder! Miriam Monaghan - 2/30
Solage, The Music of: Kees Boeke & Jos Haring - 3/13
SRP News: Jean Campbell - 1/35, 2/32, 3/26, 4/35
Swani, Daniel: Sebastian Meyer Recorders - 2/24
Sweelinck, The Orpheus of Amsterdam – Celebrating: Hester Groenleer - 4/13
Tom Ridout’s UFO (Unidentified Folk Outfit) - 2/42
What makes a world class recorder orchestra? Simon Borutzki talks to Jean Campbell - 4/29
Young Players, News & Information for - 3/38
Volume 43, 2023
Page numbering now restarts in each issue.
3D Modelling and the RCM: Barbara Law - 4/10
Adams, Piers: Flight of the Eagle: Journeys in recorder design with Adriana Breukin - 1/10
Baratz, Lewis: “Sociable” Recorder Playing - 4/28
Bassano Ricercate (1585): Rodney Waterman - 1/40|
Between Air, Clay and Woods of Certain Flutes: Carmen Troncoso and Richard Kearns - 3/18|
Bland, Justin, Sounding the trumpet … and the recorder: Barbara Law - 3/16
Breukin, Adriana - Flight of the Eagle: Journeys in recorder design with: Piers Adams - 1/10
Centrespread - 1/22, 2/22, 3/22, 4/24
Centrespread Composers: Glen Shannon, Arbeau/Encina, Paul Smith, Rosemary Robinson - 1/19, 3/20, 4/22
Collis, Andrew: Preparing Colin Hand’s Music for Exams - 2/15
Debretzeni, Alma Nunez: Tel Aviv Recorder Festival 2022 (TARF) - 1/41
Diminutions: how to get started and progress: Lobke Sprenkeling - 2/17
Editorials: Barbara Law - 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5
Electronic Recorder, Introducing the: James Howard Young - 4/13
Ensemble Pampinea: Making Informed and Approachable Medieval Concerts - 1/17
ERTA News: Chris Orton- 1/24, 2/26, 3/8, 4/26
Evening with La Rêveuse and Sébastien Marq, An: Barbara Law - 4/16
Graham, Michael: in conversation with Glen Shannon, Paul Smith, Rosemary Robinson - 3/20, 4/22
Tomi Räisänen, Composer - 2/11
Hand, Colin, The Recorder Music of: Andrew Mayes - 2/14
Hashmi, Otto: Music for the End Times - 3/24
Hotteterre (1673-1763),The Preludes of Jacques-Martin: Lisete da Silva - 1/8
Jeffery, Sarah: in conversation with Althea Talbot-Howard- 3/14
Law, Barbara: Editorials - 1/5, 2/5, 3/5, 4/5
3D Modelling and the RCM - 4/10
An evening with La Rêveuse and Sébastien Marq - 4/16
Justin Bland: Sounding the trumpet … and the recorder - 3/16
Meet Max Volbers - 2/8
Anna Meredith’s Origami Songs - 2/24
Letter to the Editor: Anne Martin - 4/6
Lux Musicae: Mirjam-Luise Münzel - 4/43
Making Informed and Approachable Medieval Concerts: Ensemble Pampinea - 1/17
Martin, Anne: Letter to the Editor - 4/6
Mayes, Andrew: The Recorder Music of Colin Hand - 2/14
Meredith’s Origami Songs, Anna: Barbara Law - 2/24
Music for the End Times: Otto Hashmi - 3/24
Musical Wanderlust: A travel blog from Apollo’s Cabinet - 4/19
Münzel, Mirjam-Luise: Lux Musicae - 4/43
Nallen, Evelyn: in conversation with Tom Poster - 1/13
New Music - 1/32, 2/36, 3/34, 4/36
New Books - 1/36
New Recordings - 1/38, 2/40, 3/38, 4/41
News in Brief - 1/6, 2/6, 3/6, 4/7
Orton, Chris: ERTA News - 1/24, 2/26, 3/8, 4/26
Petersen, Pernille: Woodpeckers Recorder Quartet in Winter Wonderland - 1/15
Poster, Tom: in conversation with Evelyn Nallen - 1/13
Preparing Colin Hand’s Music for Exams: Andrew Collis - 2/15
Räisänen, Tomi, Composer: Michael Graham - 2/11
Silva, Lisete da: The Preludes of Jacques-Martin Hotteterre (1673-1763) - 1/8
“Sociable” Recorder Playing: Lewis Baratz - 4/28
Sprenkeling, Lobke: Diminutions - how to get started and progress - 2/17
SRP/Moeck Solo Recorder Competition - 3/26
SRP News: Jean Campbell - 1/26, 2/29, 3/28, 4/30
Talbot-Howard, Althea: in conversation with Sarah Jeffery - 3/14
Tel Aviv Recorder Festival 2022 (TARF): Alma Nunez Debretzeni - 1/41
Volbers, Max: Barbara Law- 2/8
Waterman, Rodney: Bassano Ricercate (1585) - 1/40
Woodpeckers Recorder Quartet in Winter Wonderland: Pernille Petersen - 1/15
Young, James Howard: Introducing the Electronic Recorder - 4/13
Young Players, News & Information for - 2/42, 3/40, 4/45
Volume 42, 2022
Adriana vanden Bergh: A Recorder Prodigy in the Dutch Golden Age: Thiemo Wind - 7
AESOP 2: Robin Haigh - 56
Alternative views from history: Tabea Debus - 14
Ball, Christopher, 1936-2022 - 73
Bedknobs, Broomsticks and Recorders ...? Daniel Swani - 151
Bennetts, Kathryn & Peter Bowman: Donald Bousted, 1957-2021 - 20
Bonet, Núria: Dentsivka – A Ukrainian Recorder - 51
Bousted, Donald, 1957-2021: Peter Bowman & Kathryn Bennetts - 20
Bowman, Peter & Kathryn Bennetts: Donald Bousted, 1957-2021- 20
Bruck, Drora: TARF – Tel Aviv International Recorder Competition - 100
Byrd, William, The consort music of: Anne Martin - 143
Centrespread - 18, 64, 112, 160
Centrespread Composers: Victor Eijkhout, James H Young; Devon Packer - 16, 61, 158
Collinson, Finn & Michelle Holloway: Folk, Wind and Fire - 95
Continuo Foundation Awards - 49
Debus, Tabea: Alternative views from history - 14
Dentsivka – A Ukrainian Recorder: Núria Bonet - 51
Editorials: Barbara Law - 5, 45, 91, 141
Electro-acoustic, conceptual and post-jazz: Dominik Strycharski - 132
ERTA News: Chris Orton - 59, 110
Exploring Origins: Lucie Horsch and Barbara Law - 98
Fardell, Heidi: Recorder in Education Conference - 130
Folk, Wind and Fire: Michelle Holloway and Finn Collinson - 95
Fröhlich, Susanne: Trickster Orchestra - 103
Graham, Michael: in conversation with Victor Eijkhout; James H Young; Devon Packer - 16, 61, 158
Book review - 180
Haigh, Robin: AESOP 2 - 56
Holloway, Michelle and Finn Collinson: Folk, Wind and Fire - 95
Horsch, Lucie, and Barbara Law: Exploring Origins - 98
Jonathan Dove’s Pied Piper - 82
Kemp, Jill: Recorder v Ukulele - 53
Lament by Ukrainian Composer Galina Grigorjeva - 47
Law, Barbara: Editorials - 5, 45, 91, 141
SRP/Moeck Competition – winning combinations - 11
Colin Touchin remembered - 166
& Lucie Horsch: Exploring Origins - 98
Leith, Mary-Jannet: A Celebration of Queen Charlotte in Music - 147
Letter to the Editor: Debbie Porro - 48
Mannouch, Esther: A welcome return to recorder playing - 57
Martin, Anne: The consort music of William Byrd - 143
Mayes, Andrew: Markus Zahnhausen, 1965-2022 - 114
Myllya, Juho: Adriana Breukink remembered - 164
New generation, new recorders: Tom de Vries - 149
New Music & Books - 29, 74, 123, 176
New Recordings - 33, 78, 128, 153
News in Brief - 6, 46, 94, 142
Notes on a page: Elspeth Robertson - 134
Obituaries - Emma Murphy: Philip Thorby - 162
- Adriana Breukink: Juho Myllya - 164
- Colin Touchin: Barbara Law- 166
- Markus Zahnhausen, 1965-2022: Andrew Mayes - 114
Olsen, Nicholas & László Rózsa: Summer – a new concerto - 107
Orton, Chris: ERTA News - 59, 110
Sören Sieg – ‘Tell Them I’ve Had A Wonderful Life’ - 105
Packer, Devon: Michael Graham - 158
Porro, Debbie: Letter to the Editor - 48
Queen Charlotte, A Celebration in Music: Mary-Jannet Leith - 147
Recorder v Ukulele: Jill Kemp - 53
Recorder in Education Conference: Heidi Fardell - 130
Robertson, Elspeth: Notes on a page - 134
Rózsa, László & Nicholas Olsen: Summer – a new concerto - 107
Scott, Daniel – Spotlight on - 83
Sieg, Sören – ‘Tell Them I’ve Had A Wonderful Life’: Chris Orton - 105
SRP/Moeck Competition – winning combinations: Barbara Law - 11
SRP News: Jean Campbell - 22, 66, 117, 169
Strycharski, Dominik: Electro-acoustic, conceptual and post-jazz - 132
Summer – a new concerto: Nicholas Olsen & László Rózsa - 107
TARF – Tel Aviv International Recorder Competition: Drora Bruck - 100
Thorby, Philip: Emma Murphy remembered - 162
Trickster Orchestra: Susanne Fröhlich - 103
Versatility of the solo recorder, The: David Canter - 81
Vries, Tom de: New generation, new recorders - 149
Welcome return to recorder playing, A: Esther Mannouch - 57
Wind, Thiemo: Adriana vanden Bergh – A Recorder Prodigy in the Dutch Golden Age - 7
Young Players, News & Information for - 85, 181
Volume 41, 2021
Allsop, Kate: On graduating and launching a career during a pandemic! - 178
Andriessen, Louis 1939 - 2021 - Obituary: Barbara Law, Lucie Horsch and Rachel Barnes - 112
Baines, Emily: Alan Davis - a tribute - 160
BBC Young Composer Rowena Jones: Mika Curson - 106
Blanusa, Marko & Olivia Petryszak: Gstaad Baroque Academy 2021 - 176
Bressan Consort, The: Tim Cranmore -151
Bronnert, Sarah: Jan Van Hoecke - 99
Centrespread - 20, 64, 110, 156
Centrespread Composers: (Marg Hall), Fulvio Caldini, Clive Lane, Melika Fitzhugh - 64, 109, 153
Centrespread Scores, Ongoing Call for: Michael Graham - 19
Coordination - of Air, Fingers and Articulation: Lobke Sprenkeling - 14
Cranmore, Tim: The Bressan Consort - 151
Curson, Mika: BBC Young Composer Rowena Jones - 106
Davis, Alan - a tribute: Emily Baines - 160
Editorials: Barbara Law - 5, 45, 93, 137
Erasmus Term, An: Olivia Petryszak - 86
Examinations for the 21st Century? The new ABRSM recorder syllabi: Chris Orton - 144
Frey, Sabina & Chris Orton: Remembering Vienna - the recorder music of Hans Gal - 11
Gal, Hans, The Recorder Music of (“Remembering Vienna”): Chris Orton and Sabrina Frey - 11
Graham, Michael: Interviews with Centrespread Composers - 64, 153
TRM Ongoing Call for Scores - 19
NCEM Young Composers Award 2021 - 102
Graduating and launching a career during a pandemic, On! Kate Allsop - 178
Gstaad Baroque Academy 2021: Olivia Petryszak & Marko Blanusa -176
Inglis, Brian A: Rehearing and rapprochement - Cadenzas for Heberle’s Cto in G major - 95
Jones, Rowena, BBC Young Composer: Mika Curson - 106
Klein, Annemarie: Introducing Marin Marais’s Pièces en Trio - 59
Knight, Annabel: Ross Winters - Obituary - 66
Law, Barbara: Editorials - 5, 45, 93, 137
Prescott, Tom – a fifty-year journey - 55
Dorothy Oberlinger - 139
Leipzig, 1723: Stefan Temmingh - 174
Leith, Mary-Jannet: Women in Early Music: Past and Present - 47
Löbner, Margaret: 35 years of the Recorder Centre in Bremen - 158
Magazine competition - 10, 49, 108
Make the recorder great again! Olivia Petryszak - 147
Marais, Marin - introducing his Pièces en Trio: Annemarie Klein - 59
NCEM Young Composers Award 2021: Michael Graham- 102
New Books and Essays - 37, 78, 126
New Music - 33, 74, 122, 169
New Recordings - 24, 81, 129, 172
News in Brief - 6, 46, 94, 138
Oberlinger, Dorothy: Barbara Law - 139
O’Brien, Emily: Temperament and the Harmonic Series - 50
Orton, Chris: Examinations for the 21st Century? The new ABRSM recorder syllabi - 144
Orton, Chris & Sabrina Frey: Remembering Vienna - the recorder music of Hans Gal - 11
Petryszak, Olivia: An Erasmus Term - 86
Make the recorder great again! - 147
Petryszak, Olivia & Marko Blanusa: Gstaad Baroque Academy 2021 - 176
Pieces of Light by Cheryl Frances-Hoad: Ian Wilson - 115
Prescott, Tom – a fifty-year journey: Barbara Law - 55
Ræhs, Martinus and the Flute Sonatas: Clara Guldberg Ravn - 17
Ravn, Clara Guldberg: Martinus Ræhs, and the Flute Sonatas - 17
Recorder Centre in Bremen, 35 years of the: Margaret Löbner - 158
Rehearing and rapprochement - Cadenzas for Heberle’s Cto in G major: Brian A Inglis - 95
Sprenkeling, Lobke: Coordination - of Air, Fingers and Articulation - 14
SRP News: Jean Campbell - 27, 68, 117, 163
SRP Moeck Competition 2021 - 116
Temmingh, Stefan: Leipzig, 1723 - 174
Temperament and the Harmonic Series: Emily O’Brien - 50
Van Hoecke, Jan: Sarah Bronnert - 99
Vivid Consort - Christine Gnigler, Sheng-Fang Chiu and Lorina Vallaster - 22
Wilson, Ian: Pieces of Light by Cheryl Frances-Hoad - 115
Winters, Ross 1951-2021- Obituary: Annabel Knight - 66
Women in Early Music: Past and Present: Mary-Jannet Leith - 47
Young Players, News & Information for - 39
Volume 40, 2020
Accompanying the Recorder: Lynn Arnold - 70
Albert, Imogen: University v Conservatoire - 130
Arnold, Lynn: Accompanying the Recorder - 70
Baines, Emily: The Ghost in the Machine - 12
Passaggi - App review - 84
Bannister, Emily: Gender Equality in Education vs. Professional Recorder Playing - 100
Barbour-Condini, Charlotte & Lucie Horsch in conversation - 9
BBC Young Composer Rowena Jones - 175
Centrespread - 20, 64, 112, 154
Centrespread Composers: Stephen Watkins, Brian Inglis, Liz Alexander, Michael Graham -
18, 62, 114,153
Collinson, Finn & Dawn Wakefield: Folk music in recorder teaching and learning - 109
Collis, Andrew: The Stanesby Players - 48
Commissioning New Music – Consider a Covid Commission! Michael Graham - 152
Composing for the Recorder: Dani Howard and Asha Parkinson - 59
Contemporary music, How to get started with: Patri Roa Johansen - 115
Editorials: Barbara Law - 5, 45, 93, 137
ERTA News - 7
ERTA Conference - 158
ERTA UK - teaching online: Chris Orton et al - 104
Focus on Folk Music in recorder teaching and learning: Dawn Wakefield & Finn Collinson - 109
Gender Equality in Education vs. Professional Recorder Playing: Emily Bannister - 100
Ghost in the Machine, The: Emily Baines - 12
Graham, Michael: The Recorder within the Symphony Orchestra - 61
Commissioning New Music – Consider a Covid Commission! - 152
Hamon, Pierre - The Breath of Old and New Worlds: Barbara Law - 53
Historically informed performance – a path to creativity or a straitjacket: Barbara Law - 17
Horsch, Lucie, and Charlotte Barbour-Condini in conversation - 9
Howard, Dani and Asha Parkinson: Composing for the Recorder - 59
Improve your recorder playing by singing: Emma Murphy - 36
Johansen, Patri Roa: How to get started with contemporary music - 115
Lacey, Genevieve - Recorder Queen: Evelyn Nallen - 173
Law, Barbara: Editorials - 5, 49, 93, 149
Parandrus - 14
Historically informed performance – a path to creativity or a straitjacket - 17
Pierre Hamon: The Breath of Old and New Worlds - 53
Francesco Li Virghi and the Rafi Consort - 55
Lee, Oonagh: A Recorder and Baroque Oboe Player’s Journey - 156
Li Virghi, Francesco and the Rafi Consort: Barbara Law - 55
Lockdown What I did in – New Digital Recital Series: Anna Stegmann - 126
London International Festival of Early Music: Rebecca Weber - 32
Mackerras, Jennifer: Pink Noise - 34
Recorders in Rock: Taylor Ross - 148
Mann, Terry: Recorder Renaissance - 150
Mayes, Andrew: Anthony Rowland-Jones obituary - 77
Miller, Dr Leanne: Play Smarter not Harder - 97
Multi-Track Recording, A Guide to: David Podeschi - 144
Murphy, Emma: Improve your recorder playing by singing - 36
Myllylä, Juho: Rethinking Recorder - 66
Being a “Young Artist” - 128
Nallen, Evelyn: Recorder Queen Genevieve Lacey - 173
New Music & Books - 27, 78, 82, 122, 165
New Recordings - 31, 79, 170
News in Brief and Magazine competition - 6, 46, 94, 138
NYRO - 164
Orchestral works for one man and a recorder! James Howard Young - 141
Orton, Chris et al: ERTA UK - teaching onlin- e 104
Parandrus: Barbara Law - 14
Parkinson, Asha & Dani Howard: Composing for the Recorder - 59
Parrilla, Vicente: Renaissance improvised counterpoint on the recorder- 49
Passaggi - App review: Emily Baines - 84
Pink Noise: Jennifer Mackerras - 34
Play Smarter not Harder: Dr Leanne Miller - 97
Podeschi, David: A Guide to Multi-Track Recording - 144
Practice routine, Tips for a successful: Grace Shih - 37
Recorder and Baroque Oboe Player’s Journey, A: Oonagh Lee - 156
Recorder Renaissance: Terry Mann - 150
Recorder within the Symphony Orchestra, The: Michael Graham - 61
Renaissance improvised counterpoint on the recorder: Vicente Parrilla - 49
Rethinking Recorder: Juho Myllylä - 66
Reviews: Festivals and Concerts - 86
Rowland-Jones, Anthony - Obituary: Andrew Mayes - 77
Shih, Grace: Tips for a successful practice routine - 37
SRP News - 22, 73, 118, 156
Stanesby Players, The: Andrew Collis - 48
Stegmann, Anna: What I did in lockdown – New Digital Recital Series: Fantasy & Design - 126
Taylor Ross - Recorders in Rock: Jennifer Mackerras - 148
University v Conservatoire: Imogen Albert - 130
Wakefield, Dawn & Finn Collinson: Folk music in recorder teaching and learning - 109
Weber, Rebecca: London International Festival of Early Music - 32
Young, James Howard: Orchestral works for one man and a recorder! - 141
“Young Artist”, Being a: Juho Myllylä - 128
Young Players, News & Information for - 38, 172
Volume 39, 2019
Allsop, Kate: Using the Recorder for Corporate Team Building - 19
Anne Boleyn Music Book, The: Iain Hall - 60
Apprentices, The: Josee Beeson, Helen Herbert & Lizzie Knatt - 168
Atkinson, Rose: Recorders Incorporated - 36
Ayerza, María Martínez & Dr Dina Titan: Ganassi’s Fontegara - 141
Baroque meets Nordic Folk Music: Kristine West - 146
Beeson, Josee with Helen Herbert & Lizzie Knatt: The Apprentices - 168
Beets, Tom: Between Hamburg and Kampala - Sören Sieg - 20
Graham Fitkin’s Recorder Concerto 127
Berchtold, Silvia: Ornamentation in Renaissance and Hindustan music - 97
Bergmann Fund, Walter: Moira Usher - 129
Centrespread - 22, 66, 110, 154
Collinson, Finn - BBC Young Folk Award finalist - 83
Collis, Andrew: Exeter Recorder Orchestra - 63
Competition Reports - 73, 125
Conducting Recorder Orchestras, On: Michael Graham - 38
Contemporary Recorder Catalogue, The - 74
Cranmore, Tim: The Medieval Recorder – taking it to extremes - 145
Creaner, Sophie: Month in the Life of a Woodwind Player - 171
Daly, Nancy: Recorder Marathon! - 167
Debus, Keeping up with Tabea: Barbara Law - 55
Dolmetsch, Jeanne-Marie 1942-2018- 26
Editorials: Barbara Law - 5, 49, 93 137
ERTA Conference - 124
Exeter Recorder Orchestra: Andrew Collis - 63
Fitkin’s Recorder Concerto, Graham: Barbara Law & Tom Beets - 127
Folk Music and Improvisation: Michelle Holloway - 150
Form, Michael: interviewed by Barbara Law - 104
Foulkes, Olwen: Indoor Fireworks - Music from the Drury Lane Theatre - 100
Ganassi’s Fontegara: Dr Dina Titan & María Martínez Ayerza - 141
Graham, Michael: On Conducting Recorder Orchestras - 38
SRP Composers Competition - 73
Greally, Kristina: “The red ladie and the beat box recorder” - 57
Hall, Iain: The Anne Boleyn Music Book - 60
Holloway, Michelle: Folk Music and Improvisation - 150
Improvisation, Jazz and the Recorder: Tom Ridout - 108
Indoor Fireworks - Music from the Drury Lane Theatre: Olwen Foulkes - 100
Jeffery, Sarah: Top Tips for Playing Paetzold Recorders - 59
Koschitzki, Daniel: My journey with SPARK – the Classical Band - 40
Kunath, Jo: Paetzold: Eco–friendly innovation - 14
Law, Barbara: Editorials - 5, 49, 93, 149
Love at first sound? - 24
Keeping up with Tabea Debus - 55
Interview with Michael Form - 104
Graham Fitkin’s Recorder Concerto - 127
Love at first sound? Barbara Law - 24
Loves of Pygmalion, The: Evelyn Nallen - 103
Mackerras, Jennifer: Simple tools to combat stage nerves - 53
Marvin, Bob 1941–2018: Tom Prescott - 11
Mashhouri, Yasaman – from East to West: Evelyn Nallen - 148
Mayes, Andrew: Layton Ring 1922 –2019 - 62
Medieval Recorder, The – taking it to extremes: Tim Cranmore - 145
Month in the Life of a Woodwind Player: Sophie Creaner - 171
Morgan, Fred – a legacy: Evelyn Nallen - 9
My journey with SPARK – the Classical Band: Daniel Koschitzki - 40
Nallen, Evelyn: Fred Morgan – a legacy - 9
The European Recorder Players Society 8th Biennale February 2019 - 81
The Loves of Pygmalion - 103
Yasaman Mashhouri – from East to West - 148
New Music & Books - 31, 75, 116, 157, 161
New Recordings - 35, 79, 120, 162
News in Brief and Magazine competition - 6, 50, 94, 138
OHMI Trust, The - music making for the physically disabled: Rachel Wolffsohn - 16
Open Recorder Days Amsterdam 2019 - 164
Ornamentation in Renaissance and Hindustan music: Silvia Berchtold - 97
Paetzold: Eco–friendly innovation: Jo Kunath - 14
Parks, Joe - Centrespread Composer - 152
Playing Paetzold Recorders, Top Tips for: Sarah Jeffery - 59
Prescott, Tom: Bob Marvin 1941–2018 - 11
Recorder Marathon! Nancy Daly - 167
Recorder orchestras celebrate - 123
Recorders Incorporated: Rose Atkinson - 36
“The red ladie and the beat box recorder”: Kristina Greally - 57
Ridout, Tom: Improvisation, Jazz and the Recorder - 108
Rootveld, Bobby - Centrespread Composer - 64
Sieg, Sören - Between Hamburg and Kampala: Tom Beets - 20
Simple tools to combat stage nerves: Jennifer Mackerras - 53
SRP News - 28, 68, 112, 156
SRP Festival - 69
SRP Composers Competition: Michael Graham - 73
Stockstadt Recorder Festival 2019 - 122
Titan, Dr Dina & María Martínez Ayerza: Ganassi’s Fontegara - 141
Usher, Moira: Walter Bergmann Fund - 129
Using the Recorder for Corporate Team Building: Kate Allsop - 19
West, Kristine: Baroque meets Nordic Folk Music - 146
Wolffsohn, Rachel: The OHMI Trust - music making for the physically disabled - 16
Young Players, News & Information for - 42, 85, 130, 172Volume 38, 2018
Afraid to Improvise? Rob de Bree - 59
Andriani, Tehilla Meller: Tui St. George Tucker - The Bullfinch Sonata - 122
Ayerza, María Martinez and Hester Groenleer: Consort Counsellors! - 66
Barbour-Condini, Charlotte: Happy Anniversary Music For a Bird! - 118
Birds and Chimes: Markus Zahnhausen - 124
Bowman, Peter: Why Play Modern Music? - 10
Brazil, 20 years teaching recorder in: Renata Pereira - 159
Bridging the Gap: Evelyn Nallen - 20
British Composer Award: Robin Haigh - 9
Career with the Recorder, A: Nancy Daly - 63
Centrespread - 24, 72, 120, 168
Challinger, Andrew - Centrespread Composer: Michael Graham - 119
Competition Reports - 40, 137, 182
Conservatoire professor & amateur recorder orchestra conductor: Ian Wilson - 161
Consort Counsellors! María Martinez Ayerza and Hester Groenleer - 66
Daly, Nancy: A Career with the Recorder - 63
de Bree, Rob: Afraid to Improvise?- 59
Debus, Tabea: Mixing Old and New - 14
Directed by Handel: Olwen Foulkes - 43
Does the recorder have a role to play in schools? Lydia Goswell - 155
Editorials: Barbara Law - 5, 53, 101, 149
Electronic contemporary music, How to perform: Julien Feltrin - 115
ERTA News - 26, 79
Feltrin, Julien: How to perform electronic contemporary music - 115
Fitkin, Graham - Centrespread Composer - 23
Foulkes, Olwen: Directed by Handel - 43
Fröhlich, Susanne: Repertoire for Helder Tenor - 109
Goswell, Lydia: Does the recorder have a role to play in schools? - 155
Graham, Michael: Andrew Challinger - Centrespread Composer - 119
Groenleer, Hester & María Martinez Ayerza: Consort Counsellors! - 66
Groenleer, Hester & Barbara Law: Teaching Young Talented Students -152
Guilty as charged? Barbara Law - 13
Haigh, Robin: British Composer Award - 9
Hall, Marg - Centrespread Composer - 70
Happy Anniversary Music For a Bird! Charlotte Barbour-Condini - 118
Holloway, Michelle: A Recorder-tastic Life! - 182
Introducing recorders into schools as a non specialist: Stu Miller - 164
Jeffrey, Sarah: The Recorder, Youtube and Me - 64
Keiskamma Academy of Music: Chris Orton - 17
Lahham, Fatima: Rhetoric or Retrochic - 57
Law, Barbara: Editorials - 5, 53, 101, 149
Guilty as charged? - 13
Spotlight on three thriving amateur ensembles - 18
Law, Barbara & Hester Groenleer: Teaching Young Talented Students - 152
Leith, Mary-Jannet: The Pheasants Eye - 91
Martin, Nigel: Sheffield Music Hub - 157
Miller, Stu: Introducing recorders into schools as a non specialist - 164
Mixing Old and New: Tabea Debus - 14
Nallen, Evelyn: Bridging the Gap - 20
New Music & Books - 32, 80, 83,131, 174
New Recordings - 38, 84, 135, 179, 181
News in Brief and Magazine competition - 6, 54, 99, 150
Orton, Chris: Keiskamma Academy of Music - 17
Pereira, Renata: 20 years teaching recorder in Brazil - 159
Pheasants Eye, The: Mary-Jannet Leith - 91
Recitals, festivals and courses - 39, 42, 87, 92, 134, 178, 184, 185
Recorder, Youtube and Me, The: Sarah Jeffrey - 64
Recorder-tastic Life! A: Michelle Holloway - 182
Repertoire for Helder Tenor: Susanne Fröhlich - 109
Rhetoric or Retrochic: Fatima Lahham - 57
Sheffield Music Hub: Nigel Martin - 157
Spotlight on three thriving amateur ensembles: Barbara Law - 18
SRP News - 28, 74, 125, 170
Studying at Conservatoire - 138
Teaching Young Talented Students: Barbara Law & Hester Groenleer - 152
Tui St. George Tucker - The Bullfinch Sonata: Tehilla Meller Andriani - 122
Why Play Modern Music?: Peter Bowman - 10
Wilson, Ian: Conservatoire professor & amateur recorder orchestra conductor - 161
Woodpeckers Recorder Quartet - 163
Young Players, News & Information for - 45, 93, 142, 189
Zahnhausen, Markus: Birds and Chimes - 124Volume 37, 2017
Alternative Fingerings, What’s the Point of? Peter Bowman - 12
Are you being rhetorical (enough)? Judy Tarling - 4
Authenticity and Preparing for Performance: Peter Bowman -147
Bellugi, David: Obituary - 96
Bickley, Tom: Flanders Recorder Quartet - the end of “a beautiful chapter” - 44
Bowman, Peter: What’s the Point of Alternative Fingerings? - 12
Towards a Musical Breath - 50
The Language of Music and the Role of the Tongue - 89
Authenticity and Preparing for Performance - 147
Centrespread - 18, 58, 102, 149
Checklist of Courses - 30, 70, 119, 146
Clarke, Isobel: Jonathan Dove– a new President for the SRP - 71
Competition - 14, 53, 107, 134
Competition Reports - 167
Concerto for the 21st Century, A – why bother? Barbara Law - 92
Deuchar, Grace Scott: Tom Ridout – jazz recorder player - 135
Dove, Jonathan – a new President for the SRP: Isobel Clarke - 71
Editorials and Centrespread Introductions: Laura Justice - 3, 43
Editorial and Centrespread Introductions: Andrew Mayes - 83
Editorial: Barbara Law -131
ERTA News - 37, 77, 125, 153
Flanders Recorder Quartet - the end of “a beautiful chapter”: Tom Bickley - 44
Flautadors Recorder Quartet, The: Andrew Mayes - 94
Footjoint - 26, 64, 114
Hand, Colin, The Late Recorder Works of: Andrew Mayes - 84
Justice, Laura: Editorials and Centrespread Introductions - 3, 43
Langdon, Sarah: Laura Schmid - a profile and review - 7
Language of Music, The, and the Role of the Tongue: Peter Bowman - 89
Law, Barbara: A Concerto for the 21st Century - why bother? - 92
Editorial - 131
New Generation – exciting young ensembles - 138
The Rise of the Recorder Orchestra - 142
Letters - 28
Listings - 29, 69, 116, 136
Mayes, Andrew: Editorial and Centrespread Introduction - 83
The Late Recorder Works of Colin Hand - 84
The Flautadors Recorder Quartet - 94
New Generation – exciting young ensembles: Barbara Law - 138
New Music - 16, 54, 108, 158
New Recordings & DVD - 56, 109, 163, 165, 171
News in Brief - 133
Obituaries: David Bellugi - 96
Eileen Silcocks - 97
Theo Wyatt - 107, 157
Recitals and courses - 24, 60, 111, 144, 166
Renaissance Unbarred Music, An Introduction to: Moira Usher - 140
Ridout, Tom – jazz recorder player: Grace Scott Deuchar - 135
Rise of the Recorder Orchestra, The: Barbara Law - 142
Schmid, Laura - a profile and review: Sarah Langdon - 7
Silcocks, Eileen: obituary and tributes - 97
SRP Secretaries - 32, 72, 120, 138
SRP News - 33, 73, 121, 154
Tarling, Judy: Are you being rhetorical (enough)? - 4
Towards a Musical Breath: Peter Bowman - 50
Usher, Moira: An Introduction to Renaissance Unbarred Music - 140
Wyatt, Theo: obituary and tribute - 107, 157
Young Players, News & Information for - 172Volume 36, 2016
Art of Breathing, The: Helen Hooker - 116
Articulation – the voice of the recorder: Helen Hooker 52
Bloodworth, Denis: Obituaries – inc. by Dick Little and Anne Martin - 12, 54, 55
Book Reviews - 18, 65, 119
Braun, Gerhard: Obituary – Peter Bowman - 55
Burchette, Ursula: Bridging the Gap - Symbiosis of Early & Contemporary Music in the Recorder Compositions of Hans-Martin Linde, Part 3 = 42
Centrespread - 20, 60, 92, 126
Centre Spread Goodbye: Steve Marshall - 121
Checklist of Courses - 31, 69, 103, 137
Competition - 23, 51, 82, 115
Editorials and Centrespread Introductions: Laura Justice - 3, 41, 79, 113
ERTA News - 27, 75, 117, 143
Footjoint - 24, 68, 100, 134
Hooker, Helen: Towards a Beautiful Tone - 13
Articulation – the voice of the recorder - 52
Wiggle those fingers! - 84
The Art of Breathing - 116
Invention of the Recorder, The: Anthony Rowland-Jones - 80
Invention of the Recorder, The - Postscript: Anthony Rowland-Jones - 114
Justice, Laura: Editorials and Centrespread Introductions - 3, 41, 79, 113
Wild Men! Piers Adams and David Wright - 50
Kluver, Jean: Muriel’s Legacy- 14
Letters - 26, 91, 133
Linde, Hans-Martin, Symbiosis of Early & Contemporary Music in the Recorder Compositions of (“Bridging the Gap”), Part 3: Ursula Burchette - 42
Listings - 29, 67, 102, 136
Marshall, Steve: Centre Spread Goodbye - 121
Moeck/SRP Recorder Competition Final: Dick Pyper - 4
Muriel’s Legacy: Jean Kluver - 14
Murphy, Emma: Sohana Research Fund - 8
New Music - 16, 58, 94, 128
New Recordings - 17, 62, 98, 136
New Repertoire for Recorder Quartet and Harpsichord, A: Moira Usher - 88
Obituaries: Denis Bloodworth - 12, 54
Friedrich von Huene - 54
Gerhard Braun - 55
Pyper, Dick: Moeck/SRP Recorder Competition Final - 4
Recitals and courses - 18, 66, 99, 131
Rowland-Jones, Anthony: The Invention of the Recorder - 80
The Invention of the Recorder - Postscript - 114
Sohana Research Fund: Emma Murphy - 8
SRP Secretaries - 32, 70, 104, 138
SRP News - 33, 71, 105, 139
Towards a Beautiful Tone: Helen Hooker - 13
Turner, John: The Well-Tempered Woodwind, The - Friedrich von Huene, a fitting tribute - 119
Usher, Moira: A New Repertoire for Recorder Quartet and Harpsichord - 88
von Huene, Friedrich: Obituary – Richard Wood - 54
Well-Tempered Woodwind, The - Friedrich von Huene, a fitting tribute: John Turner - 119
Wiggle those fingers! Helen Hooker - 84
Wild Men! Piers Adams and David Wright: Laura Justice- 50
Volume 35, 2015
Alternative to Grade Exams, An: Richard Capon - 52
ARO and Making Music’s “Adopt a Composer” Scheme: Caroline Jones - 91
B-Five Recorder Consort, a Profile of – “In Search of Dowland”: Andrew Mayes - 42
Back to Basics: inspired to learn a very different approach to recorder teaching: Alyson Elliman - 130
BAG, Eighty Years of: Alison Cannon - 4
Birmingham Internatonal Recorder Festival: Andrew Mayes, Daniel Swani, Richard Isom - 7
Book Review: Through the Rear Window by Theo Wyatt: John Turner - 136
Bronnert, Sarah: Moeck/SRP Recorder Recorder Players Competition Finalists - 93
Burchette, Ursula: Bridging the Gap - Symbiosis of Early & Contemporary Music in the Recorder Compositions of Hans-Martin Linde, Part 1- 94
Bridging the Gap - Symbiosis of Early & Contemporary Music in the Recorder Compositions of Hans-Martin Linde, Part 2 - 124
Cannon, Alison: Eighty Years of BAG - 4
Capon, Richard: An Alternative to Grade Exams - 52
Centrespread - 20, 58, 94, 140
Checklist of Courses - 33, 71, 111, 153
Competition - 11, 66, 88, 161
Concerto for the 21st Century, A: Evelyn Nallen - 89
Editorials and Centrespread Introductions: Laura Justice - 3, 41, 79, 123
Electric Recorder, The: Evelyn Nallen - 17
Elliman, Alyson: Back to Basics: inspired to learn a very different approach to recorder teaching - 130
ERTA News - 41, 79, 117, 159
Footjoint and Listings - 28, 68, 107, 148
Form, Michael: interviewed by Francisco Rosado - 46
“If sorrow the Tyrant”: Douglas MacMillan - 51
Irish Recorder & Viol Course, The: Philip Thorby - 13
Isom, Richard: Birmingham Internatonal Recorder Festival - 7
Jones, Caroline: ARO and Making Music’s “Adopt a Composer” Scheme - 91
Justice, Laura: Editorials and Centrespread Introductions - 3, 41, 79, 123
Letters - 66, 106, 152
Linde, Hans-Martin, Symbiosis of Early & Contemporary Music in the Recorder
Compositions of (“Bridging the Gap”), Part 1: Ursula Burchette - 94
Linde, Hans-Martin, Symbiosis of Early & Contemporary Music in the Recorder
Compositions of (“Bridging the Gap”), Part 2: Ursula Burchette - 124
MacMillan, Douglas: “If sorrow the Tyrant” - 51
Mayes, Andrew et al: Birmingham International Recorder Festival - 7
Mayes, Andrew: “In Search of Dowland”: a Profile of B-Five Recorder Consort - 42
Moeck/SRP Recorder Recorder Players Competition Finalists: Sarah Bronnert - 93
Nallen, Evelyn: A Concerto for the 21st Century - 89
The Electric Recorder - 17
New Music - 22, 54, 98, 132
New Recordings - 24, 55, 102, 136
Obituaries: Joel Newman - 19
Francisco Rosado - 149
Recitals, courses, festivals and competitions - 24, 60, 103, 138
Rosado, Francisco: Interview with Michael Form - 46
Rosado, Francisco: Obituary - 149
SRP Secretaries and News - 34, 72, 112, 156
Swani, Daniel: Birmingham International Recorder Festival - 7
Thorby, Philip: The Irish Recorder & Viol Course - 13Volume 34, 2014
Argillite recorder (And something from Canada): Rachel Smith - 9
BLOCK4 interview - 55
Bowman, Peter: Michael Vetter - Obituary - 71
Burbidge, Ruth & Sue Hanson: Carl (Dudley) - Obituary - 97
Canberra, From Small Beginnings in: Elizabeth Wright - 57
Centrespread - 20, 62, 98, 134
Checklist of Courses - 35, 73, 111, 149
Clark, Paul - Obituary: Alan Davis - 31
Competition - 29, 60, 93, 124
Cranmore, Tim, Recorder Making Course with: Caroline Jones - 130
Davis, Alan: Obituary – Paul Clark - 31
Dodgson, Stephen - Obituary - 31
Editorials and Centrespread Introductions: Laura Justice - 3, 45, 83, 121
Elody, Discovering the: Steve Marshall and Helen Hooker - 84
Enßle, Anne-Suse: Dick Pyper - 89
ERTA News - 41, 79, 116, 154
Footjoint - 30, 70, 108, 146
Gordon, Edgar - Obituary - 31
Groom, Cat: Interview with Sophie Westbrooke and Barbara Law (“A Rising Star”) - 122
Hanson, Carl (Dudley) - Obituary: Sue Hanson & Ruth Burbidge - 97
Hanson, Sue & Ruth Burbidge: Carl (Dudley) - Obituary - 97
Hooker, Helen and Steve Marshall: Discovering the Elody - 84
Jones, Caroline: Recorder Making Course with Tim Cranmore - 130
Justice, Laura: Editorials and Centrespread Introductions - 3, 45, 83, 121
Landon, Sarah: Moeck/SRP Recorder Playing Competition - 11
Laurin, Dan & Friedrich von Huene: Frans Brüggen - Obituary - 133
Letters - 31, 71, 115, 154
Listings -33, 72, 110, 148
Lost Gems (Wilfred Josephs, Herbert Murrill, Peter Pope, Matyas Seiber): John Turner - 94
MacMillan, Douglas: What’s in a Name – The Recorder? - 51
Marshall, Steve and Helen Hooker: Discovering the Elody - 84
Moeck/SRP Recorder Playing Competition: Sarah Landon - 11
New Music - 19, 64, 100, 136
New Recordings - 24, 67, 102, 140
Ngai, Steven S.: Three-Dimensional Printing for the Construction of Large Recorders - 46
Norwegian Blokkfløyter, The: Benjamin Rose - 4
Obituaries: Paul Clark – Alan Davis 31
Edgar Gordon - 31
Stephen Dodgson - 31
Michael Vetter – Peter Bowman - 71
Antony Hopkins – John Turner 96
Carl (Dudley) Hanson – Sue Hanson & Ruth Burbidge - 97
John Sothcott – Roger Sothcott - 132
Frans Brüggen – Dan Laurin & Friedrich von Huene - 133
Pyper, Dick: Anne-Suse Enßle 89
Recitals, courses, festivals and competitions - 25, 68, 104, 141
Recorder, The - What’s in a Name? Douglas MacMillan - 51
Recorder-like Instruments (“When is a recorder not a recorder?”): Anthony Rowland-Jones - 125
Recorder Making Course with Tim Cranmore: Caroline Jones - 130
Rose, Benjamin: The Norwegian Blokkfløyter - 4
Rowland-Jones, Anthony: When is a recorder not a recorder? - 125
Royal Academy of Music, My Time at the: Pamela Thorby - 15
Smith, Rachel: And something from Canada (Argillite recorder) - 9
Sothcott, John - Obituary: Roger Sothcott - 132
SRP Secretaries and News - 36, 74, 112, 150
Thorby, Pamela: My Time at the Royal Academy of Music -15
Three-Dimensional Printing for the Construction of Large Recorders: Steven S. Ngai - 46
Turner, John: Lost Gems (Wilfred Josephs, Herbert Murrill, Peter Pope, Matyas Seiber) - 94
Antony Hopkins - Obituary - 96
Vetter, Michael - Obituary: Peter Bowman - 71
von Huene, Friedrich & Dan Laurin: Frans Brüggen - Obituary - 133
Westbrooke, Sophie and Barbara Law (“A Rising Star”): Cat Groom - 122
Wright, Elizabeth: From Small Beginnings in Canberra - 57
Volume 33, 2013
Banchetto Musicale! Alison Tollick- 88
Birmingham Conservatoire Recorder Department (SYWB a professional recorder player?): Annabel Knight - 51
Blockbusters - 67, 135
Brant, Lauren: Recorder Celebration - The Dulwich Hamlet Recorder Festival - 48
Britten, Benjamin (1913-1976) - 142
Brothwell, Jack: So, You Are Thinking Of Going Electric? - 133
Burgess, Anthony - The Man and his Music: John Turner, David Wordsworth - 128
Centrespread - 20, 64, 104, 144
Checklist of Courses - 33, 77, 119, 159
Competition - 19, 67, 107, 153
Composer-Publishers, The Lives of: Steve Marshall - 54
Daley, Nancy: Who teaches the teachers? (Suzuki method) - 136
Dodgson, Stephen, Appreciation of a prolific composer: John Turner - 97
Dulwich Hamlet Recorder Festival (Recorder Celebration): Lauren Brant - 48
Editorials and Centrespread Introductions: Laura Justice - 3, 47, 87, 127
Electric, So, You Are Thinking Of Going ... : Jack Brothwell - 133
Epps, Jan: reducing the stretch on a tenor recorder (The Key) - 94
ERTA News - 40, 83, 124, 164
Footjoint - 32, 72, 118, 156
Genie’s Lamp on Tour: Jay Mathews - 138
James, Sarah: Recorder Playing in the Community- 95
Justice, Laura: Editorials and Centrespread Introductions - 3, 47, 87, 127
Key, The – Musicians and Irlen Syndrome: Moira Usher - 14
Key, The – To reducing the stretch on a tenor recorder: Jan Epps - 94
Knight, Annabel: Birmingham Conservatoire Recorder Department (SYWB a professional recorder player?) - 51
Letters - 31, 75, 115, 154
Listings - 30, 74, 118, 158
Marshall, Steve: Writing Music for “Forgotten” Groups - 13
The Lives of Composer-Publishers - 54
Writing Music for “Forgotten” Groups – Competition Result - 132
Mathews, Jay: Genie’s Lamp on Tour - 138
Mayes, Andrew: Rubbra’s Passacaglia sopra ‘Plusieurs Regrets’ –the composer’s MS score - 4
Moeck/Society of Recorder Players Solo Recorder Playing Competition: Dick Pyper - 91
Musicians and Irlen Syndrome (The Key): Moira Usher - 14
Nallen, Evelyn: Recorder Consort Commissions Update - 57
New Music - 16, 67, 102, 143
New Recordings - 22, 68, 107, 149
Obituaries: Albert Edward Lockwood - 140
Paul Clark – Theo Wyatt - 141
Parrott, Ian, Appreciation of a prolific composer: John Turner 97
Pyper, Dick: Moeck/Society of Recorder Players Solo Recorder Playing Competition - 91
Recitals, courses, festivals and competitions - 24, 70, 108, 151
Recorder Consort Commissions Update: Evelyn Nallen - 57
Recorder Playing in the Community: Sarah James - 95
Reducing the stretch on a tenor recorder (The Key): Jan Epps - 94
Rosado, Francisco: An Interview with Seldon Sene - 9
Rubbra’s Passacaglia sopra ‘Plusieurs Regrets’ : Andrew Mayes - 4
Seldom Sene, Interview with:Francisco Rosado - 9
SRP Secretaries and News - 34, 78, 120, 160
Suzuki method (Who teaches the teachers?): Nancy: Daley - 136
Tollick, Alison: Banchetto Musicale! - 88
Turner, John: An appreciation of two prolific composers - Ian Parrott & Stephen Dodgson- 97
Anthony Burgess: The Man and his Music -128
Usher, Moira: Musicians and Irlen Syndrome (The Key) - 14
Wordsworth, David: Anthony Burgess, The Man and his Music- 128
Writing Music for “Forgotten” Groups: Steve Marshall - 13
Writing Music for “Forgotten” Groups – the Competition Result: Steve Marshall - 132
Barbour-Contini, Charlotte: interviewed by Catherine Groom - 93
Bass Recorder, The – a continuo instrument? Douglas MacMillan - 134
Bellugi, David: Moeck SRP Recorder Playing Competition, 2011 (Recorder Player’s Wimbledon) - 4
Bennetts, Kathryn: Recorders in Education over the Past 75 Years - 55
Birch, Jackey: Kingswood Recorders, 1982-2012 (“Half a Diamond Jubilee”) - 101
Bolivian Beats – a musical journey: Lauren Brant - 88
Brant, Lauren: Bolivian Beats – a musical journey - 88
Bravo Bonsor! a tribute to a great musician: Helen Hooker - 131
Centrespread - 22, 64, 104, 144
Checklist of Courses - 36, 76, 118, 158
Collis, Andrew: SRP’S Walter Bergmann Fund - 53
Cracknell, Ben: NYRO Reminiscences - 51
Dolmetsch Centenary Weekend: Clare Murphy - 13
Editorials and Centrespread Introductions: Laura Justice - 3, 47, 87, 127
Erika Beckett Composition Competition: Jean Riordan - 14
ERTA News - 43, 84, 124, 164
Flanders Recorder Quartet: Silver Jubilee Interview - 128
Folk-Recorders Fusion in Lechlade: Steve Marshall - 95
Footjoint - 34, 62, 102, 140
Groom, Catherine: interview with Charlotte:Barbour-Contini - 93
Hooker, Helen: Bravo Bonsor! a tribute to a great musician - 131
Justice, Laura: Editorials and Centrespread Introductions - 3, 47, 87, 127
Key, The – Discovering Suzuki, a response to Chris Orton: Heather Moger - 16
Key, The – What do you mean, I’m playing flat? Oonagh Lee - 137
Kingswood Recorders, 1982-2012 (“Half a Diamond Jubilee”): Jackey Birch - 101
Lee, Oonagh: The Key – What do you mean, I’m playing flat? - 137
Letters - 32, 75
Listings - 33, 74, 123, 139
MacMillan, Douglas: The Bass Recorder – a continuo instrument? - 134
Marshall, Steve: Recorder Researches within a Music MA - 8
Recorder Playing in the U3A - 9
SRP: subjects repeatedly discussed (“Old Chestnuts”) - 48
Folk-Recorders Fusion in Lechlade - 95
Moeck SRP Recorder Playing Competition, 2011: David Bellugi - 4
Moger, Heather: The Key - Discovering Suzuki, a response to Chris Orton - 16
Murphy, Clare: Dolmetsch Centenary Weekend - 13
Musical Director? Who Needs a: Moira Usher - 61
New Music - 20, 66, 106, 142
New Recordings 2 - 4, 68, 117
NYRO Reminiscences: Emily-May Roebuck & Ben Cracknell - 51
Obituaries: Robert Salkeld: Theo Wyatt - 19
Robert Salkeld: John Turner - 97
Recitals, courses, festivals and competitions - 24, 69, 112, 147
Recorder Researches within a Music MA: Steve Marshall 8
Recorder Magazine: Clips from the Past - 59
Recorders in Education over the Past 75 Years: Kathryn Bennetts - 55
Riordan, Jean: Erika Beckett Composition Competition - 14
Roebuck, Emily-May: NYRO Reminiscences - 51
Salkeld, Robert, Memories of: Theo Wyatt - 19
Salkeld, Robert, Life of: John Turner - 97
SRP Secretaries and News - 37, 77, 119, 159
SRP: subjects repeatedly discussed (“Old Chestnuts”): Steve Marshall - 48
SRP’S Walter Bergmann Fund: Andrew Collis - 53
Turner, John: Life of Robert Salkeld - 97
U3A, Recorder playing in the: Steve Marshall - 9
Usher, Moira: Who Needs a:Musical Director? - 61
Wyatt, Theo: Memories of Robert Salkeld - 19
Baines, Emily: Review of Blaise Hall's "Silent Practice" (The Key) - 7
Barra , Seamas de: Douglas Gunn - A Profile - 89
Beare, Helen: Kidzone and the Descant Recorder - An adventure in Kenya - 128
Bellier, Muriel: Meeting the Dolmetsch family - 46
Blockbusters: Tim Cranmore - 116
Bonsor, Brian - Obituary: Stephen J. Bonsor, Anne Martin and Derrick Smith - 50
Bruggen, Daniel: interviewed by Consortium5 - 4
Burgess, Chris: The Recorder Music of Alan Davis (part 1) - 84
Carey, James - Obituary: Andrew Short - 98
Centrespreads - 18, 58, 102, 146
Charles, Dianne: NYRO - The first 10 years - 54
Checklists of Courses - 30, 74, 118, 158
Consortium5: interview with Daniel Bruggen - 4
Cranmore, Tim: Blockbusters - 116
Davis, Alan, The Recorder Music of (part 1): Chris Burgess - 84
Dolmetsch's (Carl) annotated performing material, Use of the lip key in: Andrew Mayes- 40
Dolmetsch family, Meeting the: Muriel Bellier - 46
Editorials and Centrespread Introductions: Laura Justice - 3, 39, 83, 127
ERTA News - 36, 80, 124, 166
Footjoint - 34, 70, 100, 154
Groom, Catherine: Peter Holtslag and "The Three BressansÄô - 133
Grylls, Richard G.: Antony Hopkins at 90- 95
Gunn, Douglas - A Profile: Seamas de Barra - 89
Hall, Blaise: The Key - Silent Practice with a review by Emily Baines - 7
Holtslag, Peter and "The Three Bressans": Catherine Groom - 133
Hopkins, Antony at 90: Richard G. Grylls with a postscript by John Turner - 95
Hunter, Madeline Mix (1944-2011): Obituary - 16
Justice, Laura: Editorials and Centrespread Introductions - 3, 39, 83, 127
Key, The - 7, 45, 93
Key, The - can you feel it? (Dalcroze Eurhythmics and Kodaly Approach): Chris Orton - 93
Kidzone and the Descant Recorder - An adventure in Kenya: Helen Beare - 128
Letters - 114, 157
Lip key, The - use of in Carl Dolmetsch's annotated performing material, Investigating indications for: Andrew Mayes - 40
Listings - 78, 123, 155
Mayes, Andrew: Investigating indications for use of the lip key in Carl Dolmetsch's annotated performing material - 40
Nallen, Evelyn - in search of a new sound for recorder orchestras : Tamara Novis - 56
New Music - 20, 62, 104, 136
New Recordings - 24, 64, 108,140
News from around the World - 10
Novis, Tamara: Zero Gravity - Evelyn Nallen in search of a new sound for recorder orchestras - 56
NYRO: The first 10 years: Dianne Charles - 54
Oberlinger, Dorothee: interviewed by Francisco Rosado - 12
Obituaries: Madeline Mix Hunter (1944 - 2011) : Jeremy and Ruth Burbidge - 16
Bonsor, Brian: Stephen J. Bonsor, Anne Martin and Derrick Smith - 50
James Carey : Andrew Short - 98
Orton, Chris: The Key - can you feel it? (Dalcroze Eurhythmics and Kodaly Approach) - 93
Recitals, courses, festivals and competitions - 25, 67, 110, 143
Robertson-Wade, Jacqui: Warwickshire Early Music Academy - 60
Rosado, Francisco: interview with Dorothee Oberlinger - 12
SRP Secretaries and News - 31, 75, 119, 159
Turner, John: Antony Hopkins at 90 (postscript) - 95
Upper register, Enlightenment in the (from "The Bell Key"): Daniel Waitzman- 45
Waitzman, Daniel: Enlightenment in the upper register (from "The Bell Key") - 45
Warwickshire Early Music Academy: Jacqui Robertson-Wade - 60
Zero Gravity: Evelyn Nallen in search of a new sound for recorder orchestras: Tamara Novis - 56
Vol. 30, 2010
Alternative Recorder, The: Douglas MacMillan - 13
Authenticity, Thoughts on: Alan Davis - 76
Bellugi, David & Jones, Caroline: Moeck/SRP Solo Recorder Playing Competition 2009 - 9
Bosgraaf, Erik, Interview with: Claudine Nightingale - 43
Bowman, Peter: ERTA News - 36, 72, 107, 146
Centrespreads - 18, 54, 90, 128
Checklists of Courses - 32, 66, 102, 142
Davis, Alan: Authenticity, Thoughts on - 76
Dinn Freda (1910-1990) - A Centenary Appreciation: Kenneth Shenton - 81
'Easy Recorder Orchestra' - How is it doing? Steve Marshall - 40
Editorials and Centrespread Introductions: Helen Shabetai - 3, 39, 75, 111
ERTA News: Peter Bowman - 36, 72, 107, 146
Footjoint - 7, 46, 93, 141
Hope, Peter - The Recorder Music of: John Turner - 115
& Bellugi, David: Moeck/SRP Solo Recorder Playing Competition 2009 - 9
Letters - 139
Listings - 8, 53, 101, 139
Lully, Thank you, M. (Part 2): Anthony Rowland-Jones - 4
MacMillan, Douglas: The Alternative Recorder - 13
Recorder Reflections - 112Marshall, Steve: How is the 'Easy Recorder Orchestra' doing? - 40
Martin, Elaine & Parry, Glynne: The Peregrine Recorder Orchestra in its 25th Anniversary Year - 51
Moeck, Dr Hermann - Obituary: Richard Wood - 80
Moeck, Dr Hermann - Memories of: Anthony Rowland-Jones - 125
Moeck/SRP Solo Recorder Playing Competition 2009: David Bellugi, Caroline Jones - 9
Moger, Heather: Surprised by Suzuki - 21
New Books - 25
New Music - 26, 61, 92, 126
New Recordings - 28, 60, 86, 34
Nightingale, Claudine: Interview with Erik Bosgraaf - 43
O'Malley, Patrick: Tutoring by Skype ("A Room with a View") - 49
Obituary - Dr Hermann Moeck: Richard Wood - 80
Orton, Chris: Interview with Pernille Petersen - 84
Parry, Glynne & Martin, Elaine: The Peregrine Recorder Orchestra in its 25th Anniversary Year - 51
Peregrine Recorder Orchestra in its 25th Anniversary Year, The: Elaine Martin & Glynne Parry - 51
Petersen, Pernille - Interview with: Chris Orton - 84
Porro, Debbie: The Whitstable Recorder Ensemble - 123
Recitals, courses, festivals and competitions - 28, 56, 95, 132
Recorder Reflections: Douglas MacMillan - 112
Rowland-Jones, Anthony: Thank you, M. Lully (Part 2) - 4
Memories of Dr Hermann Moeck - 125Shabetai, Helen: Editorials and Centrespread Introductions - 3, 39, 75, 111
Shenton, Kenneth: Freda Dinn (1910-1990) - A Centenary Appreciation - 81
SRP Secretaries and News - 33, 67, 103, 142
Suzuki, Surprised by: Heather Moger - 21
Turner, John: The Recorder Music of Peter Hope - 115
Tutoring by Skype ("A Room with a View"): Patrick O'Malley - 49
Whitstable Recorder Ensemble, The: Debbie Porro - 123
Wood, Richard: Obituary - Dr Hermann Moeck: 80
Vol. 29, 2009
Adams, Piers: interviewed by Nik Tarasov - 9
Ayre, Alex - A Prolific Arranger: Ruth Kay - 69
Ayre, Alex, Tributes to -128
Bowman, Peter: A Question of Building a Library 4 - 14
Breathing: Valerie Flook - 4
Building a Library 4, A Question of : Peter Bowman - 14
Centrespreads - 20, 60, 104, 144
Checklists of Courses - 35, 79, 119, 158
Consortium5: interviewed by Alan Davis -17
Davis, Alan: Interview with Consortium5 -17
Dodgson, Stephen, at 85: John Turner - 49
Editorials and Centrespread Introductions: Helen Shabetai - 3, 43, 87, 127
ERTA News - 40, 84, 124, 164
Elizabeth Project, The: Annabel Knight - 65
Farquhar, Ian: Basic Orchestration for Large Recorder Groups - 100
Flook, Valerie: Breathing- 4
Footjoint & Listings - 34, 78, 117, 155
Imagem da Melancolia, A (The Image of Melancholy): interviewed by Francisco Rosado - 133
Johnson, David &endash; Obituary: John Turner - 88
Kay, Ruth: Alex Ayre &endash; A Prolific Arranger - 69
Knight, Annabel: The Elizabeth Project - 65
Letters - 33, 77, 116, 157
Lully, Thank you, M. (Part 1): Anthony Rowland-Jones - 137
Nallen, Evelyn: Recorder Consort Commissions - an exciting New SRP Project -138
New Books -102
New Instruments - 107, 147
New Music - 25, 72, 103, 140
New Recordings - 27, 146
Obituaries: David Johnson - John Turner - 88
Alex Ayre -128Orchestration for Large Recorder Groups, Basic: Ian Farquhar - 100
Playfords, The (Oranges & Lemons): Fiona Smith - 70
Recitals, courses, festivals and competitions - 28, 75, 108, 147
Recorder Consort Commissions &endash; an exciting New SRP Project: Evelyn Nallen -138
Recorders in the repertoire of the court of Anhalt-Zerbst: Nigel Springthorpe - 90
Risdon, James: Time Out of Mind (Memorising Music) - 44
Rosado, Francisco: interview with A Imagem da Melancolia (The Image of Melancholy) - 133
Rowland-Jones, Anthony: Thank you, M. Lully (Part 1) - 137
Shabetai, Helen: Editorials and Centrespread Introductions - 3, 43, 87, 127
Smith, Fiona: Oranges & Lemons - The Playfords - 70
Springthorpe, Nigel: Recorders in the repertoire of the court of Anhalt-Zerbst - 90
SRP Secretaries and News - 36, 80, 120, 160
SRP Training Workshops: Moira Usher - 24
Staeps, Hans Ulrich (1909-1988), a centenary evaluation: Ross Winters -129
Tarasov, Nik: Interview with Piers Adams - 9
Time Out of Mind (Memorising Music): James Risdon - 44
Turner, John: Stephen Dodgson at 85 - 49
David Johnson: Obituary - 88Usher, Moira: SRP Training Workshops - 24
Winters, Ross: Hans Ulrich Staeps (1909-1988) - a centenary evaluation - 129
Volume 28, 2008
Blood, Brian: Arnold Dolmetsch at 150 (with Anthony Purnell) -121
Bowman, Peter: A Question of ... Practice - 14
A Question of ... Building a Library 1 - Reference Books - 52A Question of ... Building a Library 2 - Solo Repertoire - 89
A Question of ... Building a Library 3 - Duets - 123
Building a Library 1, 2 and 3, A Question of: Peter Bowman - 52, 89, 123
Chamber Recorder Orchestra (A New Arrival): Steve Marshall - 4
Checklists of Courses - 31, 68, 103, 143
Collis, Andrew: interview with Chris Orton - 81
Dolmetsch at 150, Arnold: Anthony Purnell and Brian Blood - 121
Editorials: Helen Shabetai - 3, 39, 75, 111
Easy Recorder Orchestra: Steve Marshall - 118
ERTA News - 36, 72, 108, 148
Fede, Innocenzo ("Advocating Innocenzo") - Anthony Rowland-Jones - 116
Footjoint and Listings - 30, 66, 102, 142
Forbes, David: The Recorder and Music Medals - 55
Greenwich Early Music Festival 2007 & Moeck/SRP Solo Recorder Playing Festival - 16
Hooker, Helen: The Recorder Summer School at Sixty - 127
Jalowiecka, Danielle: The Sydney Conservatorium of Music (Memoirs of a Sheila) - 12
Knight, Annabel: Thoughts on Being a Recorder Player - 87
Letters - 29, 65, 101, 131
Manduell, Sir John, The Recorder Music of: John Turner - 6
Marshall, Steve: Chamber Recorder Orchestra (A New Arrival) - 4
Recorder Chamber Orchestra - A Solid Start - 56Easy Recorder Orchestra - 118
Mellers, Wilfrid - Obituary: John Turner - 76
Music Medals, The Recorder and: David Forbes - 55
The National Youth Recorder Orchestra - The First Five Years: Colin Touchin - 43
New Music - 23, 58, 92, 132
New Recordings - 25, 135
Obituaries - Wilfrid Mellers: John Turner - 76
Orton, Chris: interviewed by Andrew Collis - 81
The Postmodern Recorder: Anthony Purnell - 40
Practice , A Question of: Peter Bowman -14
Purnell, Anthony: The Postmodern Recorder 40
Arnold Dolmetsch at 150 (with Brian Blood) 121Pyper, Dick: Maurice Steger - interview and discography - 49
interview with Pamela Thorby - 112Recitals, Courses, Festivals and Competitions - 25, 61, 96, 136
Recorder Chamber Orchestra - A Solid Start: Steve Marshall - 56
Recorder Player, Thoughts on Being a: Annabel Knight - 87
Recorder Revolution Conference Reports (Brighton Early Music Festival) - 20
Recorder Summer School at Sixty, The: Helen Hooker - 127
Rowland-Jones, Anthony: A Right Royal Recorder Orchestra (The Royal Wind Music) - 78
Boston Early Music Festival -132Innocenzo Fede ("Advocating Innocenzo") - 116
The Royal Wind Music (A Right Royal Recorder Orchestra): Anthony Rowland-Jones - 78
Shabetai, Helen: Editorials - 3, 39, 75, 111
Spence, Justine: interviewed by Steve Marshall - 61
SRP Secretaries and News - 32, 67, 69, 104, 144
Steger, Maurice - interview and discography: Dick Pyper - 49
The Sydney Conservatorium of Music (Memoirs of a Sheila): Danielle Jalowiecka -12
Taiwan, The Recorder in: Yayi Wang - 83
Thorby, Pamela: interviewed by Dick Pyper - 112
Touchin, Colin: The National Youth Recorder Orchestra - The First Five Years - 43
Turner, John: The Recorder Music of Sir John Manduell - 6
Mellers, Wilfrid - Obituary - 76Wang, Yayi: The Recorder in Taiwan - 83
Volume 27, 2007
Volume 27, 2007
Amsterdam Loeki Stardust Quartet, Interview with: Francisco Rosado - 5
Bach and the Recorder, Part 1: Nik Tarasov - 12
Part 2: Nik Tarasov - 54Beckett, John - Obituary: Theo Wyatt & John Sothcott - 124
Boosey, Katriina: A Day in the Life of a Recorder Player - 93
Boston Early Music Festival: Anthony Rowland-Jones - 132
Bowman, Peter: A Question of ... Repertoire - 6
A Question of ... Wood - 138Checklists of Courses - 38, 79, 115, 151
Editorials: Helen Shabetai - 3, 47, 87, 123
ERTA News - 44, 84, 120, 156
Farquhar, Ian: The Recorder Orchestra - 64
Flautando Köln, Interview with: Francisco Rosado - 20
Flute & 4th Flute, On Playing the 3rd (Recorders in a' and b' flat): Dale Higbee - 91
Footjoint - 33, 77, 114, 150
Forbes, Janet: B is for Blokfluit... (The Royal Conservatoire, The Hague) - 95
Galbraith, Jillian: The Musical Shoremaster - David Allan 1760 - 88
Ganassi and Aristoxenus (Good Advice from an Unexpected Source): Anthony Rowland-Jones - 66
Greenwich Early Music Festival, A Weekend Spent at the: Claudine Nightingale - 8
Higbee, Dale: On Playing the 3rd Flute & 4th Flute (Recorders in a' and b' flat) - 91
James, Mabel & Judith Railton: Obituary - a tribute to Colin Martin - 48
Johns, Paul: Theo Wyatt, An Appreciation - 4
Letters - 36, 77, 113, 149
MacMillan, Douglas: The Recorder 1800-1905 - 126
Marshall, Steve: Practical Tips for Mere Mortals, Part 5 - 22
Interview with Justine Spence - 61Martin, Anne: A Profile of Dick Pyper - 50
Martin, Colin - a tribute: Mabel James & Judith Railton - 48
The Musical Shoremaster - David Allan 1760: Jillian Galbraith - 88
New Books & Instruments - 27, 71, 97, 142
New Music - 24, 69, 100, 140
New Recordings - 26, 67, 102, 143
Nightingale, Claudine: A Weekend Spent at the Greenwich Early Music Festival - 8
Obituaries: a tribute to Colin Martin - Mabel James & Judith Railton - 48
John Beckett - Theo Wyatt & John Sothcott - 124Piers Adams Recorder Roadshow: Ruth Tamburro - 51
Practical Tips for Mere Mortals, Part 5: Steve Marshall - 22
Pyper, A Profile of: Anne Martin - 50
Recitals, Courses, Festivals and Competitions - 28, 73, 103, 144
Recorder 1800-1905, The: Douglas MacMillan - 126
Recorder Orchestra, The: Ian Farquhar - 64
Recorder Player, A Day in the Life of a: Katriina Boosey - 93
Repertoire, A Question of: Peter Bowman - 6
Robinson, Andrew: Sardelli's book on Vivaldi's Music for flute & recorder - 97
Rosado, Francisco: Interview with Flautando Köln - 20
Interview with Amsterdam Loeki Stardust Quartet - 135Rowland-Jones, Anthony: Good Advice from an Unexpected Source (Ganassi & Aristoxenus) - 66
Boston Early Music Festival - 132Royal Conservatoire, The Hague (B is for Blokfluit... ): Janet Forbes - 95
Sardelli's book on Vivaldi's Music for flute & recorder: Andrew Robinson - 97
Shabetai, Helen: Editorials - 3, 47, 87, 123
Spence, Justine: interviewed by Steve Marshall - 61
SRP News and Secretaries - 40, 80, 116, 152
Tamburro, Ruth: Piers Adams Recorder Roadshow - 51
Tarasov, Nik: Bach and the Recorder, Part 1 - 12
Bach and the Recorder, Part 2 - 54Wood, A Question of ... : Peter Bowman - 138
Wyatt, Theo, An Appreciation: Paul Johns - 4
Volume 26, 2006
Argent, Mark: Parnassian Ensemble's CD, "Noble Entertainment" - 118
Arnold, Sir Malcolm, and the Recorder: John Turner - 116
Bamforth, Dennis: Obituary - 4
Blockflötenzentrum Bremen, "The A to Z of Recorders": Margret Loebner - 94
Bowman, Peter: A Question of ... Oil - 57
A Question of ... Copyright - 92
A Question of ... High F sharp - 113
Cannell, Laura: New Music and New Venues for the Recorder - 16
Checklists of Courses - 35, 75, 106, 147
Cooke, Arnold and the Recorder: John Turner - 9
Copyright, A Question of: Peter Bowman - 92
Cork Joints, Problems with: Alec V Loretto - 91
'Division Flute, The' Part One (1706): Emma Murphy - 60
Editorials: Helen Shabetai - 3, 43, 83, 115
ERTA News - 40, 80, 111, 152
Flanders Recorder Quartet, Interview with the: Francisco Rosado - 13
Footjoint - 34, 73, 104, 146
Hand, Colin: Philip Rodgers, memories of a consummate artist - 96
Henry, Jean: Obituary - 7
High F sharp, A Question of ... : Peter Bowman - 113
Hunt, Edgar - Tributes and Memories: edited by Andrew Mayes - 44
Letters - 72, 145
Loebner, Margret: A to Z of Recorders - The Blockflötenzentrum Bremen - 94
Loretto, Alec V: Problems with Cork Joints - 91
Mayes, Andrew (ed): Edgar Hunt - Tributes and Memories - 44
McTaggart, Monica: 'Dido's got the Blues': interview with Evelyn Nallen - 64
Moeck Ehlert recorders reviewed: Anthony Rowland-Jones - 51
Munrow, David, 1942-1976: Richard Wood - 84
Murphy, Emma: The Division Flute' Part One (1706) - 60
Nallen, Evelyn, Interview with: 'Dido's got the Blues': Monica McTaggart - 64
National Youth Recorder Orchestra Celebrates Five Years: Colin Touchin & Naomi Winterburn - 122
New Music - 25, 66, 97, 132
New Recordings - 27, 67, 98, 136
New Music and New Venues for the Recorder: Laura Cannell - 16
Obituaries: Dennis Bamforth - 4
Jean Henry - 7
Edgar Hunt - 44
Oil, A Question of ... : Peter Bowman - 57
Ormerod, Janice: The S.R.C. Lives! - 87
Parnassian Ensemble's CD, "Noble Entertainment": Mark Argent - 118
Recitals, Courses, Festivals and Competitions - 29, 69, 99, 136
Rodgers, Philip, memoirs of a consummate artist: Colin Hand - 96
Rosado, Francisco: Interview with the Flanders Recorder Quartet - 13
Rowland-Jones, Anthony: Moeck Ehlert recorders reviewed - 51
Rowland-Jones on his 80th Birthday, Anthony: John Turner - 19
Shabetai, Helen: Editorials - 3, 43, 83, 115
Springthorpe, Nigel: The New Trinity-Guildhall Examination Board - 128
S.R.C. Lives! The: Janice Ormerod - 87
SRP News - 37, 77, 107, 149
SRP Secretaries - 36, 76, 108, 148
Touchin, Colin & Naomi Winterburn: The National Youth Recorder Orchestra Celebrates Five Years - 122
Trinity-Guildhall Examination Board, The New: Nigel Springthorpe - 128
Turner John: Arnold Cooke and the Recorder - 9
Anthony Rowland-Jones on his 80th Birthday - 19Sir Malcolm Arnold and the Recorder - 116
Wood, Richard: David Munrow 1942-1976 - 84
Ayre, Alex: A fresh look at Wilbye's Six Part Fantasia - 50
Ball, Christopher, The Recorder Music of, Part 1: John Turner - 43
Ball, Christopher, The Recorder Music of, Part 2: John Turner - 77
Barrell, Bernard: Obituary - 40
Bolton, Philippe: XVIIth Century Recorder Fingerings (Ganassi or pre-baroque?) - 7
Bousted, Donald: Next Step Quarter-Tone Resources (Melody) - 88
BRISK Recorder Quartet: interviewed by Francisco Rosado - 92
Charpentier's Messe de Minuit pour Noél, Some observations on the 'flute' parts: Andrew Mayes - 121
Checklists of Courses - 29, 67, 108, 143
Daly, Nancy: Suzuki Recorder, Why I have become a Suzuki Method recorder teacher - 116
Editorials: Andrew Mayes - 3, 39,75
Editorial: Helen Shabetai - 115
ERTA News - 36, 72, 112, 148
Footjoint 28, 66, 106, 142
Glanville Hicks's Sonatina, A Neglected Gem in the Recorder Repertoire: Dale Higbee - 119
Higbee, Dale: Glanville Hicks's Sonatina, A Neglected Gem in the Recorder Repertoire - 119
Impact of Music on our Feelings, The - Part 3: Daphne Medley - 4
Letters to the Editor - 26, 65, 107, 133
Marshall, Nicholas, on his new Recorder Sonata: interviewed by Anthony Rowland-Jones - 125
Marshall, Steve: Practical Tips for Mere Mortals, Part 2 - 16
Practical Tips for Mere Mortals, Part 3 - 51Practical Tips for Mere Mortals, Part 4 - 86
Mayes, Andrew: Editorials - 3, 39,75
Charpentier's Messe de Minuit pour Noél, Some observations on the 'flute' parts - 121Medley, Daphne: The Impact of Music on our Feelings, Part 3 - 4
New Books - 62
New Music - 18, 54, 94, 126
New Recordings - 19, 59, 97
Newton, Betty: Obituary - 41
Next Step Quarter-Tone Resources (Melody): Donald Bousted - 88
Obituaries: Bernard Barrell - 40
Betty Newton - 41Ena Pick - 76
Parry's Nightingale, John: John Turner - 13
Pick, Ena: Obituary - 76
Practical Tips for Mere Mortals, Part 2: Steve Marshall - 16
Part 3: Steve Marshall - 51Part 4: Steve Marshall - 86
Recitals, Courses and Festivals - 20, 63, 98, 130
Red Priest Tour - 141
Rosado, Francisco: interview with BRISK Recorder Quartet - 92
Rowland-Jones, Anthony: interview with Nicholas Marshall on his new Recorder Sonata - 125
XVIIth Century Recorder Fingerings (Ganassi or pre-baroque?): Philippe Bolton - 7
Shabetai, Helen: Editorial - 115
SRP News - 32, 69, 110, 145
SRP Secretaries - 30, 68, 109, 144
Suzuki Recorder, Why I have become a Suzuki Method recorder teacher: Nancy Daly - 116
Turner, John: John Parry's Nightingale - 13
The Recorder Music of Christopher Ball, Part 1 - 43The Recorder Music of Christopher Ball, Part 2 - 77
Wilbye's Six Part Fantasia, A fresh look at: Alex Ayre - 50
Volume 24, 2004
Bach - the problems he gives Recorder Players: Alec Loretto - 14
Bach and Telemann Transpositions: Edgar Gordon - 91
Bamforth, Dennis: interviewed about the Recorder Orchestra by Janice Ormerod - 47
Bonsor, Brian: "No contra, please" - 46
Bussotti's "RARA", Sylvano - a 'forgotten' work of substance: Peter G R Wells - 50
Checklists of Courses - 35, 71, 107, 142
Collis, Andrew: The Moeck/SRP Solo Recorder Competition 2003 & Interview with the Winner - 27
Contra in F, A Novel Compact - Denis Thomas - 120
Contrabass ("No contra, please"): Brian Bonsor - 46
Davis, Alan: interview with Jan Kvapil - 128
Dellow, Ron: Obituary - 80
Dickeson, Brenda: The One-handed Recorder - 82
Editorials: Andrew Mayes - 3, 43, 79, 115
ERTA News - 40, 76, 112, 148
Families of Recorders in the late 17th& 18th centuries, Part 2: Andrew Robinson - 5
Footjoint - 30, 68, 104, 141
Gordon, Edgar: Bach and Telemann Transpositions - 91
Haston, Douglas &endash; an appreciation - 4
Impact of Music on our Feelings, The - Part 1: Daphne Medley - 87
Part 2 - 116Kvapil, Jan: interviewed by Alan Davis - 128
Letters to the Editor - 28, 67, 102, 140
Loretto, Alec: The Problems Bach Gives Recorder Players - 14
Marshall, Steve: Practical Tips for Mere Mortals - 127
Mayes, Andrew: Editorials -3, 43, 79, 115
Medley, Daphne: The Impact of Music on our Feelings, Part 1- 87
Part 2 - 116Moeck/SRP Solo Recorder Competition 2003, The: Andrew Collis - 27
New Books - 22, 57, 90,
New Music - 16, 56, 86, 126
New Recordings - 19, 60, 94, 130
Obituaries: Douglas Haston - 4
Ron Dellow - 80One-handed Recorder, The - Brenda Dickeson - 82
Opsahl, Alexandra: interviewed by Andrew Collis - 27
Ormerod, Janice: interview with Dennis Bamforth about the Recorder Orchestra - 47
Practical Tips for Mere Mortals: Steve Marshall - 127
Price, Victoria Nair: Teaching the Recorder in India - 124
"RARA" of Sylvano Bussotti - a 'forgotten' work of substance: Peter G R Wells - 50
Recitals, Courses and Festivals - 23, 62, 96, 134
Recorder Orchestra, The: Dennis Bamforth interviewed about, by Janice Ormerod - 47
Recorder Technique &endash; Anthony Rowland-Jones: 1. The Recorder Orchestra - 11
2 &endash; Solos - 44Robinson, Andrew: Families of Recorders in the late 17th & 18th centuries, 2 -5
Rowland-Jones, Anthony: Recorder Technique 1. The Recorder Orchestra - 11
2. Solos - 44SRP News - 36, 70, 108, 144
SRP Secretaries - 34, 68, 106, 143
Teaching the Recorder in India: Victoria Nair Price - 124
Thomas, Denis: A Novel Compact Contra in F - 120
Wells, Peter G R: Sylvano Bussotti's "RARA" - a 'forgotten' work of substance - 50
Volume 23, 2003
Birmingham Conservatoire, The Recorder at: Ross Winters - 76
Bousted, Donald: interview with Philippe Renard - 80
Carrilho, Antonio: interviewed by Francisco Rosado - 118
Checklists of Courses - 34, 66, 103, 143
Clarke, Zana: interviewed by Andrew Mayes - 11
Double Chamfers: Alec Loretto - 50
Editorials: Andrew Mayes - 3, 39, 75, 111
ERTA News - 36, 72, 108, 148
Families of Recorders in the late 17th and 18th centuries, Part 1: Andrew Robinson - 113
Flexibility, Multi-instrumentation and Transposition in Baroque Music: Andrew Robinson - 46
Footjoint - 26, 64, 100, 141
Forty Years of The Recorder Magazine: Madeline Seviour - 4
Gordon, Edgar: Playing the Recorder in Tune - 6
Kinsell, David: Obituary - 112
Letters to the Editor - 25, 62, 98, 140
Loretto, Alec: Double Chamfers - 50
"A Rose by Any Other Name" - Recorder Magazine's different titles - 78Mayes, Andrew: Editorials - 3, 39, 75, 111
"Horns of Elfland" - Markus Zahnhausen - 8Interview with Zana Clarke - 11
NYRO 2003 - 122
Moore, Timothy: Obituary - 40
New Books - 22, 57, 90,
New Music - 14, 52, 86, 126
New Recordings - 19, 57, 91, 130
New Zealand Society of Recorder Players 50th Birthday Celebrations - 84
NYRO 2003: Andrew Mayes - 122
Obituaries: Timothy Moore - 40
Ray Selden - 43David Kinsell - 112
Playing the Recorder in Tune: Edgar Gordon - 6
Recitals, Courses and Festivals - 23, 59, 94, 134
Recorder in Portugal Today, The: Francisco Rosado - 44
Recorder Magazine's different titles - "A Rose by Any Other Name": Alec Loretto - 78
Renard, Philippe: interviewed by Donald Bousted - 80
Robinson, Andrew: Flexibility, Multi-instrumentation and Transposition in Baroque Music - 46
Families of Recorders in the late 17th and 18th centuries, Part 1 - 113Rosado, Francisco: The Recorder in Portugal Today - 44
Interview with Antonio Carrilho - 118Seviour, Madeline: Forty Years of The Recorder Magazine - 4
Selden, Ray: Obituary - 43
SRP News - 31, 69, 105, 145
SRP Secretaries - 30, 68, 104, 144
Winters, Ross: The Recorder at Birmingham Conservatoire - 76
Zahnhausen's "Horns of Elfland", Markus: Andrew Mayes - 8
Volume 22, 2002
Adams, Piers: interviewed by Andrew Mayes - 147
American Reflects, An (Recorder playing in Britain): Nancy Hathaway - 6
American Recorder Player's Odyssey in Britten, An (Noye's Fludde): Nancy Hathaway - 145
Beechey, Gwilym: Thomas Morley and the Recorder - 3
Borenstein, Laura: "In his own image" - Nimrod Borenstein's Days of Creation - 139
Bousted, Donald: Musical Elements Coming Together - 9
Tuning In: Intonation in Performance - 58Microtonality, the Recorder and the Quarter-Tone Recorder Manual - 99
More Microtonality ATS:ZNS - 136
Britton, Thomas - The Coalman Reveal'd: Anthony Rowland-Jones - 142
Checklists of Courses - 37, 80, 129, 167
Coalman Reveal'd, The - Thomas Britton: Anthony Rowland-Jones - 142
Concise Guide to Recorder Iconography, A: Anthony Rowland-Jones - 47
Corbishley, Roy: Obituary - 170
Crossley-Holland, Peter: Sounds from the Wood - 53
Dear Doctor - 123
Editorials: Andrew Mayes - 2, 46, 91, 135
ERTA News - 43, 86, 131, 171
Final Thoughts on the "Missing Bars" Canon in Purcell's "3 Parts Upon a Ground": Layton Ring - 103
Footjoint - 33, 78, 122, 164
Hathaway, Nancy: An American Reflects (Recorder playing in Britain) - 6
An American Recorder Player's Odyssey in Britten (Noye's Fludde) - 145Hindemith Trio, The - Seventy Years On: Alec Loretto - 104
Holmes, Lydia: Obituary - 170
"In his own image" Nimrod Borenstein's Days of Creation: Laura Borenstein - 139
Letters to the Editor - 32, 76,120, 166
Loretto, Alec: The Hindemith Trio - Seventy Years On - 104
Mayes, Andrew: Editorials - 2, 46, 91, 135
Interview with Piers Adams - 147Microtonality, the Recorder and the Quarter-Tone Recorder Manual: Donald Bousted - 99
More Microtonality ATS:ZNS: Donald Bousted - 136
Morley, Thomas, and the Recorder: Gwilym Beechey - 3
Musical Elements Coming Together: Bousted, Donald - 9
New Books - 71, 111
New Music - 18, 64, 106, 150
New Recordings - 23, 72, 115, 159
Noye's Fludde - An American Recorder Player's Odyssey in Britten: Nancy Hathaway - 145
Obituaries: Roy Corbishley - 170
Lydia Holmes - 170Purcell's "3 Parts Upon a Ground", Final Thoughts on the "Missing Bars" Canon in: Layton Ring - 103
Recitals, Courses and Festivals - 26, 74, 112, 160
Recorder and Marriage, The - Part 2: Anthony Rowland-Jones - 92
Recorder Iconography, A Concise Guide to: Anthony Rowland-Jones - 47
Ring, Layton: Final Thoughts on the "Missing Bars" Canon in Purcell's "3 Parts Upon a Ground" - 103
Robinson, Andrew: Vivaldi - A New Piece For Flautino - 13
Rowland-Jones, Anthony: A Concise Guide to Recorder Iconography - 47
The Recorder and Marriage, Part 2 - 92The Coalman reveal'd: Thomas Britton - 142
Sounds from the Wood: Peter Crossley-Holland - 53
SRP News - 39, 82, 125, 168
SRP Secretaries - 38, 81, 124, 168 (update)
Thorby, Pamela: interviewed - 63
Tuning In - Intonation in Performance: Donald Bousted - 58
Vivaldi - A New Piece For Flautino: Andrew Robinson - 13
Volume 21, 2001
(labelled "21a" on Contents page)
Block, Robert: Obituary - 47
Bonsor, Brian: I've got no music! - 99
Bousted, Donald: The Recorder - a vehicle for thoughts about life, the universe, etc. - 100
An Instrument for the 21st Century? - 141Breukink, Adriana & the Dreamflute Recorder: interviewed by Andrew Mayes - 12
Checklists of Courses - 37, 83, 125, 170
Crossley-Holland, Peter: Obituary - 91
Editorials: Andrew Mayes - 2, 46, 90, 134
England, Bill: Obituary - 93
ERTA News - 43, 88, 130, 175
Fingering for expressive purposes in the music of the baroque- "Giving the Fingers II": Peter Wells - 8
Footjoint - 35, 81, 122, 168
I've Got No Music! Brian Bonsor - 99
Ingram, Arthur: Obituary - 48
Instrument for the 21st Century? An - Donald Bousted - 141
Lander, Nicholas: Let's Stick to Recorders! Anthony Rowland-Jones - 53
Larter, Jack: Obituary - 92
Letters to the Editor - 33, 78,120, 166
Loretto, Alec V.:Kees Otten - A Dutch Recorder Pioneer - 3
Those Two Purcell Missing Bars - 49Purcell Finale - 97
Noise, Windways and Chamfers - 138
Mayes, Andrew: Editorials - 2, 46, 89, 134
Interview with Adriana Breukink - 12Myers, Arnold: A Renaissance Recorder in Edinburgh - 94
New Books - 25, 70, 115, 160
New Music - 15, 62, 105, 148
New Recordings - 26, 71, 111, 156
Noise, Windways and Chamfers: Alec Loretto - 138
Robert Block - 47Peter Crossley-Holland - 91
Bill England - 93
Arthur Ingram - 48
Jack Larter - 92
William Pearson - 48
Julian Rhodes - 47
Otten, Kees - A Dutch Recorder Pioneer: Alec V. Loretto - 3
Pearson, William: Obituary - 48
Plastic Bass, Further Modifications to a: Denis Thomas - 135
Practise Practice, A Basic Guide of how to: Ian Thompson - 6
Purcell Missing Bars, Those Two: Alec V. Loretto - 49
Purcell Finale: Alec V Loretto - 97
Real Thing? The - music intended for recorders: Madeline Seviour - 59
Recitals, Courses and Festivals - 28, 74, 116, 161
Recorder, The - a vehicle for thoughts about life, the universe, etc.: Donald Bousted - 100
Renaissance Recorder in Edinburgh, A: Arnold Myers - 94
Rhodes, Julian: Obituary - 47
Rowland-Jones, Anthony - "Let's Stick to Recorders!": Nicholas Lander - 53
Seviour, Madeline: The Real Thing? Music intended for recorders - 59
SRP News - 40, 85, 127, + sep leaflet
SRP Secretaries - 38, 84, 126, 171
Thomas, Denis: Further Modifications to a Plastic Bass - 135
Thompson, Ian: A Basic Guide of how to Practise Practice - 6
Unnatural Descant, The: Theo Wyatt - 146
Wells, Peter: Giving the Fingers II: Fingering for expressive purposes in the music of the baroque - 8
Wyatt, Theo: The Unnatural Descant - 146
Volume 20, 2000
Issues 3 & 4 incorrectly labelled "21" on Contents page)
And oft when on my couch I lie ...: Alec V. Loretto - 8
Block, Removing the Recorder's, and replacing it: Alec V. Loretto - 56
Bowman, Peter: The Electro-acoustic Recorder - 103
Checklists of Courses - 37, 81, 125, 169
DIY Square C Bass Recorder, A: Denis Thomas - 5
"Domestic" publishers of recorder music in the UK: John Suddaby - 140
Editorials: Andrew Mayes - 2, 46, 90, 134
Electro-acoustic Recorder, The: Peter Bowman - 103
ERTA News - 43, 87, 129, 175
Footjoint - 35, 79, 123, 165
Harvey, Richard: interviewed by Andrew Mayes - 91
Jacob's "Trifles", Gordon: Andrew Mayes - 136
Kenworthy, Ken: Obituary - 49
Krainis, Bernard: Obituary - 135
Lander, Nicholas: interviewed by Andrew Mayes - 50
Letters to the Editor - 33, 77, 120, 164
LaNoue Davenport, Jack: Obituary - 47
Loman, Pia: interviewed by Andrew Mayes - 14
Loretto, Alec V: And oft when on my couch I lie ...: - 8
Removing the recorder's block and replacing it - 56Mayes, Andrew: Editorials - 2, 46, 90, 134
Moeck/SRP Solo Recorder Playing Competition 1999 & Interview with Pia Loman - 14Interview with Nicholas Lander - 50
Interview with Richard Harvey - 91
Gordon Jacob's "Trifles" - 136
Mellers, Wilfrid - the Recorder Music of, a catalogue and description: John Turner - 93
Moeck/SRP Solo Recorder Playing Competition 1999 & Interview with Pia Loman: Andrew Mayes - 14
New Books & Journals - 27, 74
New Music - 17, 65, 105, 145
New Recordings - 23, 70, 110, 155
Notation of Contemporary Recorder Music, Conventions in the : Peter Wells - 59
Jack LaNoue Davenport - 47Ken Kenworthy - 49
Bernard Krainis - 135
Thomas Pitfield -3
Pitfield, Thomas: Obituary - 3
Quantz dediddled: Anthony Rowland-Jones - 54
Recitals, Courses and Festivals - 28, 74, 112, 156
Rowland-Jones, Anthony: Postscript - the Shepherds' gifts and marriage - 11
Quantz dediddled - 54"Seven at a Blow" - 141
"Seven at a Blow": Anthony Rowland-Jones - 141
SRP News - 39, 83, 127, 172
SRP Secretaries - 38, 82, 126, 170
Shepherds' gifts and marriage, The - Postscript: A.Rowland-Jones - 11
Suddaby, John: "Domestic" publishers of recorder music in the UK- 140
Thomas, Denis: A DIY Square C Bass Recorder - 5
Turner, John: The Recorder Music of Wilfrid Mellers, a catalogue and description - 93
Wells, Peter: Conventions in the Notation of Contemporary Recorder Music - 59
Volume 19, 1999
Affect and the Recorder - a rhetorical question?: Peter G. R. Wells - 83
Alexandra, Kate: The Dolmetsch Gold Series Recorder for One-Handed Players - 127
Bousted, Donald: interview with Walter van Hauwe - 16
Bowman, Peter: interview with Daniel Brüggen - 74, 161
Brüggen, Daniel: interviewed by Peter Bowman - 74, 161
Carmichael, Craig: Dynamics - and Tremolo, Too! - 131
Catajo and Ganassi - an Italian Castle and a Flauto Dolce: Alec V. Loretto - 43
Checklists of Courses - 33, 67, 111, 155
Davies, Malcolm: The Recorder Music of Gaston Saux - 87
Dolmetsch Gold Series Recorder for One-Handed Players, The: Kate Alexandra - 127
Dynamics - and Tremolo, Too! Craig Carmichael - 131
Editorials: Andrew Mayes - 1, 42, 78, 122
ERTA News - 38, 74, 117, 160
Footjoint - 29, 62, 108, 153
Harmonics and Fingering: Denis Thomas - 48
Hauwe, Walter van: interviewed by Donald Bousted - 16
Huene, Friedrich von: interviewed by Andrew Mayes - 88
In Nomine, The: Anne Martin - 45
Joubert, John: The Recorder Music of, a Catalogue and Description: John Turner - 8
Letters to the Editor - 27, 60, 105, 150
Loretto, Alec V.: Catajo and Ganassi - an Italian Castle and a Flauto Dolce - 43
Martin, Anne: The In Nomine - 45
Mayes, Andrew: Editorials - 1, 42, 78, 121
Interview with Friedrich von Huene - 88Morgan, Fred: Obituary and tributes - 79
Nativity Shepherds' Gifts, The: Anthony Rowland-Jones - 125
New Books and Journals - 55, 142
New Music - 19, 51, 95, 135, 141
New Recordings - 23, 55, 99, 140
Obituaries: Fred Morgan - 79
John Mansfield Thomson - 122Toby Robertson - 123
Recitals, Courses and Festivals - 25, 57, 102, 143
Recorder and Marriage, The: Anthony Rowland-Jones - 3
Robertson, Toby: Obituary - 123
Rowland-Jones, Anthony: The Recorder and Marriage - 3
The Nativity Shepherds' Gifts - 125Saux, Gaston, The Recorder Music of: Malcolm Davies - 87
SRP News - 35, 70, 114, 157
SRP Secretaries - 34, 69, 113, 156
Thomas, Denis:Harmonics and Fingering: - 48
Thomson, John Mansfield: Obituary - 122
Turner, John: The Recorder Music of John Joubert, a Catalogue & Description - 8
van Hauwe, Walter: interviewed by Donald Bousted - 16
von Huene, Friedrich: interviewed by Andrew Mayes - 88
Wells, Peter G. R.: Affect and the Recorder - a Rhetorical Question? - 83
Volume 18, 1998
Baker, Anne: The Oxford Contemporary Music Workshops - 4
Bonsor, Brian: "50 Glorious Years!" - a brief history of the Recorder in Education Summer School - 50
Boulton, Philippe: The Electroacoustic Recorder - 6
Bousted, Donald: 2nd International Blockflute and Electronics Festival - 130
The Malle Symen Quartet - 139Bradbury, Louise and Annabel Knight: interviewed by Andrew Mayes - 18
Bradbury, Louise and Annabel Knight: interview with Andrew Mayes - 56
Can Schools Do Without Recorders? Marlene Hobsbawm - 87
Checklists of Courses - 36, 77, 114, 161
Collis, Andrew: Interview with Robert Ehrlich - "Our Man in Leipzig" - 55
Conducting for Beginners: Roy Corbishley - 90
Corbishley, Roy: Conducting for Beginners - 90
Dopadlik, Adam: Interview with Carl Hanson - 94
Editorials: Andrew Mayes - 2, 46, 86, 126
Ehrlich, Robert - Our Man in Leipzig: interviewed by Andrew Collis - 55
Electroacoustic Recorder, The: Philippe Boulton - 6
ERTA News - 42, 82, 120, 167
Footjoint - 33, 74, 111, 158
Frideswide Consort, The: interviewed by Andrew Mayes - 135
Hajncl, Jeanette: Don't Panic! Why recorder players do not need to Take a Breath - 10
Hanson, Carl: interviewed by Adam Dopadlik - 94
Hobsbawm, Marlene: Can Schools Do Without Recorders? - 87
Jesus Christ and the Recorder: Anthony Rowland-Jones - 127
Knight, Annabel and Louise Bradbury: interviewed by Andrew Mayes - 18
Knight, Annabel and Louise Bradbury: Interview with Andrew Mayes - 56
Letters to the Editor - 32, 71, 109, 155
Loretto, Alec V: Make your Own Medieval Treble Recorder in F - 8
Recorder Woods - Do They Influence the Sound? - 48Some Basic Recorder Design Problems - 91
Lysons, Keith: Mutiny! - 93
Make your Own Medieval Treble Recorder in F: AlecV. Loretto - 8
Malle Symen Quartet, The: interviewed by Donald Bousted - 139
Mayes, Andrew: interviewed by Annabel Knight and Louise Bradbury - 56
Mayes, Andrew: Editorials - 2, 46, 86, 126
Interview with Annabel Knight and Louise Bradbury - 18Interview with the Frideswide consort - 135
McCabe, John, The Recorder Music of - a catalogue and description: John Turner - 12
Modernising a Plastic Bass: Denis Thomas - 133
Mutiny! (Playing days): Keith Lysons - 93
New Books and Journals - 28, 65, 150
New Music - 21, 59, 97, 141
New Recordings - 26, 67, 103, 148
Oxford Contemporary Music Workshops, The: Anne Baker - 4
Recitals, Courses and Festivals - 29, 68, 104, 150
Recorder in Education Summer School, A brief history of the: "50 Glorious Years!" Brian Bonsor - 50
Recorder Woods - Do They Influence the Sound? Alec V. Loretto - 48
Rowland-Jones, Anthony: Jesus Christ and the Recorder - 127
Second International Blockflute and Electronics Festival: Donald Bousted - 130
Some Basic Recorder Design Problems: Alec V. Loretto - 91
SRP News - 38, 79, 117, 164
SRP Secretaries - 37, 78, 116, 163
Take a Breath, Why recorder players do not need to: (Don't Panic!) - Jeanette Hajncl - 10
Thomas, Denis: Modernising a Plastic Bass - 133
Turner, John: The Recorder Music of John McCabe, a catalogue and description - 12
Volume 17, 1997
Alexander Technique, The: Vicki Boeckman - 136
Boeckman, Vicki: The Alexander Technique - 136
Bowman, Peter: Test Pad: Dynamics, an unrealistic expectation or ...? (Part 2) - 9
Use of the music of Jacob van Eyck as technical exercises - 54, 99Music examination syllabuses - 140
Charlton, Andrew: Obituary - 86
Checklists of Courses - 38, 78, 120, 163
Davies, Alan: interview with Jan Kvapil - 142
Dolmetsch, Carl Frédéric: Obituary - 131
Dynamics, an unrealistic expectation or ...? (Part 2) (Test Pad): Peter Bowman - 9
Editorials: Andrew Mayes - 2, 46, 86, 130
ERTA News - 43, 83, 125, 167
Footjoint - 34, 73, 118, 158
Gilbert, Anthony: The Recorder Music of, a catalogue and description: John Turner - 93
Hardwick, Linda: Why play the recorder? - 56, 135
Iconography of Two (or Three) Recorders, The: Anthony Rowland-Jones - 12, 48, 88
Kvapil, Jan: interviewed by Alan Davies - 142
Lander, Nicholas S: Music from Another Sphere - The Recorder in Cyberspace - 58
Letters to the Editor - 31, 69, 114, 155
Loretto, Alec V. & Paul Madgwick: Recorder Patents, Some thoughts on - 3
Madgwick, Paul & Alec V. Loretto: Recorder Patents, Some thoughts on - 3
Mayes, Andrew: Editorials - 2, 46, 86, 130
McGillivray, Rosemary: Obituary - 46
Music examination syllabuses (Test Pad): Peter Bowman - 140
Music from Another Sphere - The Recorder in Cyberspace: Nicholas S. Lander - 58
New Books and Journals - 26, 113
New Music - 18, 62, 103, 113, 145
New Recordings - 28, 66, 112, 149
Obituaries: Andrew Charlton - 86
Carl Frédéric Dolmetsch - 131Rosemary McGillivray - 46
Joseph Saxby - 133
Robert Spencer - 134
Marjorie Wright - 46
Quiet High Notes: Andrew Robinson - 139
Recitals, Courses and Festivals - 24, 67, 108, 151
Recorder Patents, Some thoughts on: Paul Madgwick & Alec V. Loretto - 3
Robinson, Andrew: Quiet High Notes - 139
Rowland-Jones, Anthony: The Iconography of Two (or Three) Recorders - 12, 48, 88
Saxby, Joseph: Obituary - 133
Spencer, Robert: Obituary - 134
SRP News - 39, 79, 121, 164
SRP Secretaries - 42, 82, 124
Turner, John: The Recorder Music of Anthony Gilbert - a catalogue and description - 93
Use of the music of Jacob van Eyck as technical exercises (Test Pad): Peter Bowman - 54, 99
Why play the recorder? Linda Hardwick - 56, 135
Wright, Marjorie: Obituary - 46
Volume 16, 1996
Ayre, Alex: Some thoughts on Arranging Renaissance Music for Recorders - 127
Ball, Christopher: interviewed by Marijke Miles - 58
Ball, Christopher: interview with Trio Tararela - 96
Ball, Michael, The Recorder Music of - a catalogue and description: John Turner - 83
Bowman, Peter: Test Pad - a new series exploring the examination syllabuses - 49, 90
Dynamics, an unrealistic expectation or ...? (Test Pad) - 133Checklists of Courses - 33, 72, 116, 158
Cranmore, Tim: interviewed by Andrew Mayes - 4
Crossley-Holland, Peter: John Turner - 43
Davis, Alan: Purcell and the Recorder - 9
Der Fluyten Lust-hot , Why the duets from ... are not by Jacob van Eyck: Thiemo Wind - 44
Dewey, Monica: Obituary - 42
Dolmetsch, Carl: The Recorder in Evolution - 55
Dynamics, an unrealistic expectation or ...? (Test Pad) - Peter Bowman - 133
Editorials: Andrew Mayes - 2, 42, 82, 126
ERTA News - 39, 77, 122, 163
Examination syllabuses - a new series exploring the (Test Pad): Peter Bowman - 49, 90
Footjoint - 30, 70, 114, 153
How Accurate Need Facts Be? Alec V. Loretto - 135
Letters to the Editor - 28, 68, 112, 151
Loretto, Alec V.: Make Your Own Recorder in C at a-440Hz - 92
Tuning your Square Medieval Recorder - 130How Accurate Need Facts Be? - 135
Mayes, Andrew: Editorials - 2, 42, 82, 126
Interview with Tim Cranmore - 4Medley, Daphne: Recorders and Reeds: 4 foot and 8 foot Pitch - 16
Miles, Marijke: interview with Christopher Ball - 58
Munrow, David, A Personal Memoir of (Pills to Purge Melancholy): John Turner - 52
New Books & Periodicals - 25, 26, 66, 109
New Music - 21, 60, 65, 67, 98, 110, 139, 150
New Recordings - 23, 64, 102, 145
Obituaries: Joyce O'Riordan - 2
Sylvie Raynaud-Zurfluh - 3Angela Petley - 42
Monica Dewey - 42
O'Riordan, Joyce: Obituary 2
Petley, Angela: Obituary - 42
Purcell and the Recorder: Alan Davis - 9
Raynaud-Zurfluh, Sylvie: Obituary - 3
Recitals, Courses, Festivals and Competitions -19, 24, 26, 63, 64, 67, 101, 103, 144, 147
Recorder in C at a-440Hz, Make Your Own: Alec V. Loretto - 92
Recorder in Evolution, The: Carl Dolmetsch - 55
Recorders and Reeds: 4 foot and 8 foot Pitch: Daphne Medley - 16
Renaissance Music for Recorders, Arranging (Some thoughts on): Alex Ayre - 127
Robinson, Andrew: Teaching Beginners (Taping over the thumb-hole) - 57
SRP News - 35, 73, 117, 159
SRP Secretaries - 38, 67, 120, 162
Teaching Beginners (Taping over the thumb-hole): Andrew Robinson - 57
Trio Tararela: interviewed by Christopher Ball - 96
Tuning your Square Medieval Recorder: Alec V. Loretto - 130
Turner, John: Peter Crossley-Holland - 43
David Munrow, A Personal Memoir of (Pills to Purge Melancholy) - 52The Recorder Music of Michael Ball, a catalogue and description - 83
Wind, Thiemo: Why the duets from Der Fluyten Lust-hot are not by Jacob van Eyck - 44
Volume 15, 1995
Baroque dances, A rough guide to playing - "Swinging Dances": Malcolm Davies - 7, 54
Breathing, Art of: Peter Bowman - 51
Bennetts, Kathryn & Peter Bowman: interviewed by Andrew Mayes - 42
Bowman, Peter & Kathryn Bennetts: interviewed by Andrew Mayes - 42
Bowman, Peter: The Art of Breathing - 51
The use of non-standard or alternative fingerings - 84Recorder Rhythm - 124
The birth of a truly contemporary recorder (Maarten Helder) - 126
Bullard, Alan: the Recorder Music of, a catalogue and description: John Turner - 128
Checklists of Courses - 31, 71, 111, 155
Crispin, Brian: Obituary - 83
Davies, Malcolm: Swinging Dances: a rough guide to playing Baroque dances:
Part 1: the tempo - 7Part 2: a practical guide - 54
Davis, Alan: Playing without Notes - 89
Dear Doctor (Recorder Advice) - 108
Drake, Kathleen: Obituary - 39
Editorials: Andrew Mayes - 2, 38, 82, 122
ERTA News - 77, 117, 161
Fingerings, The use of non-standard or alternative: Peter Bowman - 84
Footjoint - 29, 69, 109, 149
"Happy Birthday, whenever that may be" - further thoughts on Mr Loretto's article: Hilary Meadows - 87
(Helder, Maarten) - the birth of a truly contemporary recorder: Peter Bowman - 126
High Notes & Harmonics: a new Bell-key design? Denis Thomas - 133
Highcock, Robert & Peter Robertson: The Recorder Works of Daryl Runswick - 13
Huene, Friedrich von: Efforts to Modernize the Recorder - 135
Jacobs, Manuel: Obituary - 39
Leg Technique: Andrew Robinson - 10
Letters to the Editor - 28, 40, 104, 153
Loretto, Alec: Don't Judge a Book by its Cover and Don't Judge Recorder Bores by Outside Shapes! - 11
Mayes, Andrew: Editorials - 2, 38, 82, 122
Interview with Markus Zahnhausen - 3Interview with Peter Bowman & Kathryn Bennetts - 42
Interview with Ross Winters - 139
Meadows, Hilary: "Happy Birthday, whenever that may be" - further thoughts on Mr Loretto's article - 87
Modernize the Recorder, Efforts to: Friedrich von Huene - 135
Nallen, Evelyn: The Present State of the Recorder in England - 9
New Books & Periodicals - 25, 102
New Music - 15, 60, 93, 98
New Recordings - 26, 66, 97, 142, 146
Obituaries: Kathleen Drake - 39
Manuel Jacobs - 39Brian Crispin - 83
Edith Yates - 123
Partial Venting, A Short History of: Anthony Rowland-Jones - 48
Perfect Unison: Theo Wyatt - 46
Playing without Notes: Alan Davis - 89
Present State of the Recorder in England, The: Evelyn Nallen - 9
Recitals, Courses, Festivals and Competitions - 21, 27, 64, 98, 144, 148
Recorder Bores by Outside Shapes! Don't Judge (Don't Judge a Book by its Cover and): Alec Loretto - 11
Recorder Rhythm: Peter Bowman - 124
Robertson, Peter & Robert Highcock: The Recorder Works of Daryl Runswick - 13
Robinson, Andrew: Leg Technique - 10
Risky Top A: a straightforward solution - 92Rowland-Jones, Anthony: A Short History of Partial Venting - 48
Runswick, Daryl - The Recorder Works of: Robert Highcock & Peter Robertson - 13
SRP News - 33, 73, 113, 157
SRP Secretaries - 36, 76, 116, 160
Thomas, Denis: High Notes & Harmonics: a new Bell-key design? - 133
Top A, Risky - a straightforward solution: Andrew Robinson - 92
Turner, John: The Recorder Music of Alan Bullard, a catalogue and description - 128
von Huene, Friedrich: Efforts to Modernize the Recorder - 135
Winters, Ross: interviewed by Andrew Mayes - 138
Wyatt, Theo: Perfect Unison - 46
Yates, Edith: Obituary - 123
Zahnhausen, Markus: interviewed by Andrew Mayes - 3
Volume 14, 1994
Adams, Piers: interviewed by Andrew Mayes - 116
Askey, Jonathan: interviewed by Andrew Mayes - 122
Bamforth, Dennis A: The Recorder Orchestra 2 - the Music - 41
Bloodworth, Denis: The Lockwood Great Bass Recorder - 13
Body & Hand Positions when playing the recorder: Peter Bowman - 43
Bowman, Peter: Producing a sound on the recorder - 8
Body & Hand Positions when playing the recorder - 43Fingerings and Finger Movements - 81
Tonguing on the Recorder - 119
Checklists of Courses - 30, 66, 106, 147
Davies, Malcolm: Recorder or Wreck? (Choosing good recorders) - 6
Interview with Guido Klemisch 48Dear Doctor (Recorder Advice) - 24, 61, 142
DIY Publishing: Theo Wyatt - 46
Editorials: Andrew Mayes - 3, 38, 74, 114
ERTA UK Conference: Andrew Mayes - 87
Fingerings and Finger Movements: Peter Bowman - 81
Footjoint - 28, 64, 104, 145
Gilbert, Anthony: "Igorochki" - an innovative concerto: Geoffrey Thomason - 10
Hauwe, Walter van: interviewed by Lorraine Latin - 4
Holland, Leslie: Obituary - 3
Holtslag, Professor Peter: The Present State of the Recorder in England - 79
"Igorochki" by Anthony Gilbert: an innovative concerto: Geoffrey Thomason - 10
Klemisch, Guido: interviewed by Malcolm Davies - 48
Latin, Lorraine: Interview with Walter van Hauwe - 4
Laurin, Dan: interviewed by Andrew Mayes - 89
Letters to the Editor - 25, 62, 101, 143
Lockwood Great Bass Recorder, The: Denis Bloodworth - 13
Loretto, Alec V: Happy Birthday, whenever that may be! (Problems in dating the Recorder Revival - 145
Martin, Anne: The Recorder and the National Curriculum - 39
Sir Michael Tippett - a brief biography - 126Mayes, Andrew: Editorials - 3, 38, 74, 114
ERTA UK Conference - 87Interview with Dan Laurin - 89
Interview with Piers Adams - 116
Interview with Jonathan Askey - 122
New Books, Periodicals & Software - 23, 141
New Music - 16, 22, 51, 91, 129
New Recordings - 20, 59, 99, 139
Obituaries: Leslie Holland - 3
Prabhu Singh - 3Ormerod, Janice: The Stockport Recorder College - 85
Performing Right Society, The - "Music by the Square Metre": Theo Wyatt - 124
Producing a Sound on the Recorder: Peter Bowman - 8
Recitals, Courses, Festivals and Competitions - 14, 20, 52, 58, 95, 132, 152
Recorder and the National Curriculum, The: Anne Martin - 39
Recorder in England, The Present State of the: Professor Peter Holtslag - 79
Recorder or Wreck? (Choosing good recorders): Malcolm Davis - 6
Recorder Orchestra 2, The - the Music: Dennis A Bamforth - 41
Recorder Revival, Problems in dating the - "Happy Birthday, whenever that may be!" : Alec V Loretto- 145
Renaissance Recorders - the Pictorial Evidence: Anthony Rowland-Jones - 76
Rowland-Jones, Anthony: Renaissance Recorders - the Pictorial Evidence - 76
Singh, Prabhu: Obituary - 3
SRP News - 33, 69, 108, 149
SRP Secretaries - 36, 72, 112, (151)
Stockport Recorder College, The: Janice Ormerod - 85
Thomason, Geoffrey: "Igorochki" by Anthony Gilbert: an innovative concerto - 10
Tippett, Sir Michael - a brief biography: Anne Martin - 126
Tonguing on the Recorder: Peter Bowman - 119
van Hauwe, Walter: interviewed by Lorraine Latin - 4
Wyatt, Theo: DIY Publishing - 46
Music by the Square Metre: the Performing Right Society - 124
Volume 13, 1993
Bamforth, Dennis A.: The Recorder Orchestra 1: the history - 50
Bennetts, Kathryn: International Recorder Symposum Utrecht ("Recorder in 17th C") - 84
Boston Early Music Festival and Exhibition: Edgar Hunt - 35
Bowman, Peter: ERTA established in the UK - 31
Byrd, William - for the 450th anniversary of his birth (some thoughts on a familiar 3-part consort):
Anthony Rowland-Jones- 52Checklists of Courses - 55, 91
Christmas Music reviewed (Some Easy Christmas Fare): Paul Clark - 33
Clark, Brian: Johann Friedrich Fasch - 64
Clark, Paul: Christmas Music reviewed (Some Easy Christmas Fare) - 33
Davies, Malcolm: The Marks & Rules for Gracing - easy Baroque Ornamentation from English sources - 39, 69
Dear Doctor (Recorder Advice) - 89
Editorials: Andrew Mayes - 30, 63
ERTA established in the UK: Peter Bowman - 31
Fasch, Johann Friedrich: Brian Clark - 64
Flageolet, The Early: Charles Wells - 72
Gracing, The Marks & Rules for - easy Baroque Ornamentation from English sources: Malcolm Davies - 39, 69
Higson, Kathleen: Obituary - 63-
Hunt, Edgar: Boston Early Music Festival and Exhibition 35
International Recorder Symposum Utrecht ("Recorder in 17th C"): Kathryn Bennetts - 84
Letters to the Editor - 44, 87
Mayes, Andrew: Editorials - 30, 63
Interview with the Palladian Ensemble ("Grounds for Appeal") - 42New Books, Periodicals & Software - 83
New Music - 33, 47, 80, 81
New Recordings - 49, 81
Obituaries: Kathleen Higson - 63
Palladian Ensemble, The ("Grounds for Appeal"): interviewed by Andrew Mayes - 42
Playing in Bifocals ("Through a Glass Darkly"): Theo Wyatt - 67
Recitals, Courses, Festivals and Competitions - 35, 48, 75
Recorder Orchestra 1, The - the history: Dennis A. Bamforth - 50
Rowland-Jones, Anthony: William Byrd - for the 450th anniversary of his birth (some thoughts on a familiar
3-part consort) - 52
SRP News - 57, 93
SRP Secretaries - 60, 95
Wells, Charles: The Early Flageolet - 72
Wyatt, Theo: Through a Glass Darkly (playing in bifocals) - 67
We do not have issues for sale before this date, but see our News page for CD-roms of back issues 1963-1974.